Difference between revisions of "Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)"

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''Taken from the US manual.''
''Taken from the US manual.''
==Production credits==
*'''{{rolloverText|原作・オリジナルデザイン|Original work / Original Design}}:''' Clamp
**'''{{rolloverText|獅堂 光|Hikaru Shido}}:''' {{rolloverText|椎名 へきる|Hekiru Shiina}}
**'''{{rolloverText|龍咲 海|Umi Ryuzaki}}:''' {{rolloverText|吉田 古奈美|Konami Yoshida}}
**'''{{rolloverText|鳳凰寺 風|Fu Hooji}}:''' {{rolloverText|笠原 弘子|Hiroko Kasahara}}
**'''エメロード:''' {{rolloverText|緒方 恵美|Emi Ogata}}
**'''クレフ:''' {{rolloverText|佐々木 望|Nozomi Sasaki}}
**'''モコナ:''' {{rolloverText|白鳥 由里|Yuri Shiratori}}
**'''フェリオ:''' {{rolloverText|山崎 たくみ|Takumi Yamazaki}}
**'''プレセア:''' {{rolloverText|篠原 恵美|Emi Shinohara}}
**'''ラファーガ:''' {{rolloverText|岸野 幸正|Yukimasa Kishino}}
**'''セレス:''' {{rolloverText|玄田 哲章|Tessho Genda}}
**'''ザガート:''' {{rolloverText|小杉 十太郎|Jyurota Kosugi}}
**'''イノーバ:''' {{rolloverText|置鮎 龍太郎|Ryotaro Okiayu}}
**'''アルシオーネ:''' {{rolloverText|天野 由梨|Yuri Amano}}
**'''カルディナ:''' {{rolloverText|永島 由子|Yoshiko Nagashima}}
**'''アスコット:''' {{rolloverText|高山 みなみ|Minami Takayama}}
**'''ルキノ:''' {{rolloverText|秋野 羊介|Yousuke Akino}}
**'''カルタス:''' {{rolloverText|速水 奨|Sho Hayami}}
**'''セラ:''' {{rolloverText|こおろぎ さとみ|Satomi Korogi}}
**'''アベユール:''' {{rolloverText|梅津 秀行|Hideyuki Umedu}}
**'''アルティナ:''' {{rolloverText|皆口 裕子|Yuko Minaguchi}}
**'''ネロ:''' {{rolloverText|山田 恭子|Kyoko Yamada}}
*'''{{rolloverText|ディレクター|Director}}:''' [[Rieko Kodama|小玉 理恵子]]
*'''{{rolloverText|ゲームデザイン&シナリオ|Game Design & Scenario}}:''' [[Akinori Nishiyama|西山 彰則]]
*'''{{rolloverText|システム仕様|System Arrangement}}:''' {{rolloverText|荷村 知宏|Tomohiro Nimura}}, [[Akihiko Mukaiyama|向山 彰彦]]
*'''{{rolloverText|マップ&エネミー仕様|Map & Enemy Arrangement}}:''' [[Tadashi Kuroi|黒井 忠司]], [[Haruyuki Hashimoto|橋本 晴宰]]
*'''{{rolloverText|プランニングアシスタント|Planning Assistant}}:''' [[Toru Ohara|大原 徹]], [[Takehiro Kaminagayoshi|上永吉 岳宏]], [[Yasunori Nishikawa|西山 泰典]], [[Shiro Mukaide|向手 史朗]]
*'''{{rolloverText|アートディレクター|Art Director}}:''' [[Yasushi Yamaguchi|山口 恭史]]
*'''{{rolloverText|キャラクター制作|Character}}:''' [[Mitsuyasu Nakasaki|中崎 光康]], [[Ayumu Nishino|西野 歩]], [[Yaeko Okadaya|岡田谷 弥栄子]], [[Kazuyoshi Tsugawa|津川 一吉]]
*'''{{rolloverText|バストアップキャラクター制作|B‑Up Character Production}}:''' [[Mayumi Horisawa|堀澤 真弓]], [[Sanae Tatsuo|辰尾 早苗]], [[Kazuki Hosokawa|細川 一毅]], [[Harumi Masuda|増田 春美]]
*'''{{rolloverText|エネミー制作|Enemy Production}}:''' [[Tsukasa Mori|森 司]], [[Masami Hayashi|林 雅美]], [[Tetsuya Iwasaki|岩崎 哲也]]
*'''{{rolloverText|フィールドマップ制作|Field Map}}:''' [[Chie Yoshida|吉田 千恵]], [[Hiroshi Nakatani|中谷 洋]], [[Masako Okuda|奥田 昌子]], [[Yuuta Inohara|猪原 裕太]], [[Tsuyoshi Okahisa|岡久 剛志]], [[Daisuke Sato|佐藤 大輔]], [[Hisato Fukumoto|福本 久人]], [[Ryo Kudou|工藤 稜]], [[Motomu Hayashi|林 求]], [[Masumi Uchida|内田 真澄]], [[Jun Matsuo|松尾 純]], [[Jina Ishiwatari|石渡 爾奈]]
*'''{{rolloverText|特殊映像デザイン|Special Image Design}}:''' [[Tomohiro Yamamoto|山本 友浩]]
*'''{{rolloverText|チーフプログラマー|Chief Programmer}}:''' [[Michiharu Nakamura|中村 通晴]]
*'''{{rolloverText|マッププログラム|Map Program}}:''' [[Tetsuichiro Hirose|広瀬 哲一郎]], [[Daisuke Yamamoto|山本 大輔]]
*'''{{rolloverText|ウインドウデザイン|Window Design}}:''' [[Masatoshi Shibata|柴田 昌寿]]
*'''{{rolloverText|メッセージプログラム|Message Program}}:''' [[Toru Nakamura|中村 徹]]
*'''{{rolloverText|エネミープログラム|Enemy Program}}:''' [[Kazuyuki Mukaida|向井田 和幸]], [[Shin Futakawame|二川目 真]], {{rolloverText|矢島 利明|Toshiaki Yajima}}
*'''{{rolloverText|イベントプログラム|Event Program}}:''' [[Yoshiaki Endo|円藤 義秋]], [[Takayuki Iida|飯田 貴行]], [[Fuyuhiko Fujimoto|藤本 冬彦]], [[Shigeharu Yoshikawa|吉川 成晴]], [[Tsutomu Matsuo|松尾 力]], [[Atsutomo Nakagawa|中川 敦友]]
*'''{{rolloverText|テクニカルアドバイザー|Technical Adviser}}:''' [[Yutaka Uemura|上村 裕]]
*'''{{rolloverText|サウンドディレクター|Sound Director}}:''' [[Yukifumi Makino|牧野 幸文]]
*'''{{rolloverText|ゲームBGM&SE|Game BGM & SE}}:''' [[Yayoi Wachi|和智 弥生]], [[Seirou Okamoto|岡元 清郎]]
*'''{{rolloverText|作曲・編曲|Compose / Arrange}}:''' [[Hayato Matsuo|松尾 早人]], InVision Interactive
{{creditsheader|'''{{rolloverText|アニメーションスタッフ|Animation Staff}}'''}}
*'''{{rolloverText|監修|Director}}:''' {{rolloverText|平野 俊弘|Toshihiro Hirano}}
*'''{{rolloverText|演出|Director}}:''' {{rolloverText|元永 慶太郎|Keitaro Motonaga}}
*'''{{rolloverText|キャラクターデザイン|Character Design}}:''' {{rolloverText|石田 敦子|Atuko Ishida}}
*'''{{rolloverText|モンスターメカデザイン|Monster Mechanic Design}}:''' {{rolloverText|山根 理宏|Toshihiro Yamane}}
*'''{{rolloverText|作画監督|Chief Animator}}:''' {{rolloverText|長野 伸明|Nobuaki Nagano}}
*'''{{rolloverText|美術監督|Visual Director}}:''' {{rolloverText|石垣 努|Tsutomu Ishigaki}}
*'''{{rolloverText|撮影監督|Photography Director}}:''' {{rolloverText|長谷川 肇|Hajime Hasegawa}}
*'''{{rolloverText|編集|Editor}}:''' {{rolloverText|岡安 肇|Hajime Okayasu}}
*'''{{rolloverText|色彩設計|Color Design}}:''' {{rolloverText|平山 礼子|Reiko Hirayama}}
*'''{{rolloverText|企画開発|Produced by}}:''' {{rolloverText|野田 直彦|Naohiko Noda}}
*'''{{rolloverText|企画協力|Produce Co-operate}}:''' {{rolloverText|宮川 明子|Akiko Miyagawa}}
*'''{{rolloverText|プロデューサー|Producer}}:''' {{rolloverText|石田 幹宏|Mikihiro Ishida}}
*'''{{rolloverText|アシスタントプロデューサー|Assistant Producer}}:''' {{rolloverText|水沼 健二|Kenji Mizunuma}}
*'''{{rolloverText|制作担当|Production Staff}}:''' {{rolloverText|伊藤 隆|Takashi Itou}}
*'''{{rolloverText|制作進行|Production Assistant}}:''' {{rolloverText|後藤 洋輝|Hiroteru Goto}}
*'''{{rolloverText|制作協力|Production Assistant}}:''' {{rolloverText|(株)スタジオ テイク・オフ|Studio Take‑Off Co.}}
*'''{{rolloverText|原画|Key animation}}:''' {{rolloverText|スタジオテイク・オフ|Studio Take‑Off Co.}}
*'''{{rolloverText|動画|Animation}}:''' {{rolloverText|ミゾ企画|Mizo Kikaku}}, {{rolloverText|中村プロダクション|Nakamura Production}}, {{rolloverText|関崎 高明|Takaaki Sekizaki}}, {{rolloverText|鈴木 敦詞|Atsushi Suzuki}}, {{rolloverText|江野沢 袖美|Sodemi Enozawa}}
*'''{{rolloverText|仕上|Coloring}}:''' {{rolloverText|ミゾ企画|Mizo Kikaku}}, {{rolloverText|中村 倫明|Tsuneaki Nakano}}, {{rolloverText|富田 恭子|Kyoko Tomita}}
*'''{{rolloverText|色指定|Coloring}}:''' {{rolloverText|清水 千世子|Chiyoko Shimizu}}
*'''{{rolloverText|特殊効果|Special Effect}}:''' {{rolloverText|林 好美|Yoshimi Hayashi}}
*'''{{rolloverText|背景|Backgrounds}}:''' {{rolloverText|石垣プロダクション|Ishigaki Production}}, {{rolloverText|渋谷 幸弘|Yukihiro Shibuya}}, {{rolloverText|光元 博行|Hiroyuki Mitsumoto}}, {{rolloverText|長谷川 弘行|Hiroyuki Hasegawa}}, {{rolloverText|中庄司 悦子|Etsuko Nakashoji}}, {{rolloverText|木村 結子|Yuuko Kimura}}
*'''{{rolloverText|撮影|Photography}}:''' {{rolloverText|スタジオ・キャパーン|Studio Cavern}}, {{rolloverText|今泉 秀樹|Hideki Imaizumi}}, {{rolloverText|小瀬 敬子|Keiko Oze}}, {{rolloverText|高橋 一純|Kazuyoshi Takahashi}}, {{rolloverText|田子 弘士|Hiroshi Tago}}
*'''{{rolloverText|編集|Editor}}:''' {{rolloverText|岡安 編集|Okayasu Edition}}
*'''{{rolloverText|演出|Director}}:''' {{rolloverText|大張 正己|Masami Obari}}
*'''{{rolloverText|作画監督|Chief Animator}}:''' {{rolloverText|石田 敦子|Atuko Ishida}}
*'''{{rolloverText|作画|Animation}}:''' {{rolloverText|中澤 一登|Kazuto Nakazawa}}, {{rolloverText|山根 理宏|Toshihiro Yamane}}, {{rolloverText|中山 岳洋|Takehiro Nakayama}}, {{rolloverText|石原 興一|Kouichi Ishihara}}, {{rolloverText|鈴木 卓也|Takuya Suzuki}}, {{rolloverText|鈴木 竜也|Tatsuya Suzuki}}, {{rolloverText|植田 洋一|Youichi Ueda}}, {{rolloverText|反田 真二|Shinji Handa}}, {{rolloverText|鍋島 修|Osamu Nabeshima}}
*'''{{rolloverText|CG協力|CG Co-operate}}:''' Kodak
*'''{{rolloverText|タイトル・リスワーク|Title Reswork}}:''' {{rolloverText|マキプロ|Maki Production}}
*'''{{rolloverText|オープニングテーマ|Opening Theme}}:''' {{rolloverText|「ゆずれない願い」|"Yuzurenai Negai"}} ({{rolloverText|ポリドール|Polydor}})
**'''{{rolloverText|歌|Vocal}}:''' {{rolloverText|田村 直美|Naomi Tamura}}
**'''{{rolloverText|作詞|Lyrics}}:''' {{rolloverText|田村 直美|Naomi Tamura}}
**'''{{rolloverText|作曲|Compose}}:''' {{rolloverText|田村 直美|Naomi Tamura}}, {{rolloverText|石川 寛門|}}
**'''{{rolloverText|編曲|Arrange}}:''' {{rolloverText|慶羽 仁|}}, {{rolloverText|井上 龍仁|}}
*'''{{rolloverText|線画アニメーション|Line Animation}}'''
*'''{{rolloverText|作画監督|Chief Animator}}:''' {{rolloverText|平山 円|}}
*'''{{rolloverText|作画|Animation}}:''' {{rolloverText|スタジオテイク・オフ|Studio Take‑Off Co.}}
*'''{{rolloverText|アニメーション制作|Animation Product}}:''' {{rolloverText|東京ムービー新社|Tokyo Movie Shinsya}}
*'''{{rolloverText|音響監督|Sound Direction & Compose}}:''' {{rolloverText|浦上 靖夫|Yasuo Uragami}}, {{rolloverText|小林 克良|Katsuyoshi Kobayashi}}
*'''{{rolloverText|整音|Voicing}}:''' {{rolloverText|大城 久典|Hisanori Oshiro}}
*'''{{rolloverText|効果|Effects}}:''' {{rolloverText|アニメ・サウンド・プロダクション|AnimeSound Production}}, {{rolloverText|佐々木 純一|Junichi Sasaki}}
*'''{{rolloverText|録音スタジオ|Recording Studio}}:''' {{rolloverText|APUスタジオ|APU Studio}}
*'''{{rolloverText|音響制作|Sound}}:''' {{rolloverText|オーディオ・プランニング・ユー|AudioPlannin You}}
*'''Special Thanks:''' {{rolloverText|講談社|Kodansha}}, 入江 祥雄, 山之内 秀樹, 塚越 敏, 山谷 奈久留, [[Tomoaki Ogawa|小川 智章]], [[Yasushi Nagumo|南雲 靖士]], [[Miki Morimoto|森本 三樹]], 田中 祐也, [[Yukiko Yahagi|矢作 由紀子]], [[Hiroyuki Mitsui|三井 弘幸]], 猪腰 聡, [[Yosuke Okunari|奥成 洋輔]], [[Yuji Naka|中 裕司]], [[Hidetoshi Takeshita|竹下 英敏]], [[Eiji Horita|堀田 榮治]], [[Takuya Matsumoto|松本 卓也]]
*'''Very Special Thanks To:''' {{rolloverText|株式会社講談社|Kodansha}}, 讀賣テレビ放送株式会社, 株式会社電通, {{rolloverText|株式会社東京ムービー新社|Tokyo Movie Shinsya}}
*'''{{rolloverText|プロデューサー|Producer}}:''' [[Tatsuo Yamada|山田 辰夫]], [[Makoto Oshitani|押谷 眞]]
*'''{{rolloverText|エグゼクティブプロデューサー|Executive Producer}}:''' [[Mamoru Shigeta|重田 守]]
*'''{{rolloverText|制作|Produce}}:''' {{rolloverText|[[Sega|(株)セガ・エンタープライズ]]|Sega Enterprises Ltd.}}
|source=In-game credits (JP)
==Magazine articles==
==Magazine articles==

Revision as of 04:12, 11 February 2018



Magic Knight Rayearth
System(s): Sega Saturn
Publisher: Sega (JP), Working Designs (US)
Licensor: Clamp, Kodansha, Yomiuri TV, Dentsu, TMS
Sound driver: SCSP (1 track)
Genre: RPG

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Saturn
¥4,8004,800 GS-9058
Sega Saturn
(Shokai Gentei W Premium)
¥4,8004,800 GS-9018
Sega Saturn

Magic Knight Rayearth, known in Japan as Mahou Kishi Rayearth (魔法騎士 レイアース), is an RPG for the Sega Saturn based upon the CLAMP anime series of the same name. It was originally developed by Sega for Japanese audiences in 1995, however was translated and brought to North America nearly three years by Working Designs as one of the last Saturn games to be released in that region. Magic Knight Rayearth has never been released in Europe.

A soundtrack album was released at the same time as the game, titled Sega Saturn Magic Knight Rayearth Original Soundtrack.


The world of Cefiro was at peace due to the divine protection of Princess Emerald, protecting the denizens of the land. One day, her personal guardian Zagat had turned rogue and betrayed the princess, imprisoning her in a fortress of solitude, thus causing havoc throughout Cefiro. Legends spoke of three warriors summoned from another world who would inherit their powers from ancient "Machines" and combine their strength to liberate the land from evil.

The princess then summoned three Japanese schoolgirls who happened to come together by a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They're immediately transported to the land of Cefiro and are shortly thereafter sent on a quest to free the princess and save the land of Cefiro from Zagat and his forces.


Players take control of three characters with three unique weapons and magical abilities, as well as personality traits that becomes apparent as the story unfolds. The gameplay is similar to The Legend of Zelda in an action/RPG hybrid featuring towns, non-player characters to interact with, puzzles and dungeons to explore. Characters can be switched at any time and have their own health and magic gauges. If all three characters lose their health, the player must restart from where they entered the area.


Most items can be collected from either downed enemies or from chests hidden in each area.

  • Gem Stone: The currency of Cefiro that can be traded for other items in shops found in towns.
  • Heart Ball: Recovers health (HP) for the currently selected character.
  • Magic Ball: Recovers magic (MP) for the currently selected character.
  • Heart Jewel: Raises maximum HP by one point.
  • Magic Jewel: Raises maximum MP by one point.
  • Health Potion: Recovers HP for all characters. Any character who has no HP left automatically become revived. Can be held onto then used from the Item menu screen.
  • Magic Potion: Recovers MP for all characters. Can be held onto then used from the Item menu screen.
  • Rainbow Amulet: Amulets come in seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. When all groups of each color is collected, the player unlocks a unique reward.


Working Designs Translation Notes

Magic Knight Rayearth is based on a Japanese anime series that was enormously popular. When we first heard about the game WAY back in 1995, we were seriously interested in doing the US version. Once we SAW the game, that was it, we had to do it. We were warned that a hard disk crash had wiped out some data after the Japanese version was finished, but we were confident the data could be rebuilt.

Fast forward almost 30 months. It took us the bulk of this time to overcome problems with approval for the English version's names (Which are very close to the tralsliterated Japanese names in most cases), data that was missing from the hard disk crash, and various programming and version problems that became apparent in the course of conversion. For these and other reasons, this has been, without a doubt or question, the most grueling conversion we have ever attempted. But, it's done, and your extreme patience as a Saturn owner has been rewarded now that you have it in your possession. So then, let's talk about what was done for the US version.

One of the first areas that we targeted to fix was the save system. The original Japanese version only allowed three saves. Because the game is stuffed with tons of awesome animation, we thought it would be cool to allow a lot of saves so a player could save near favorite events and access them quickly. Therefore, the US version will allow saves up to the capacity of the built-in RAM or the External RAM cartridge, whichever the player chooses.

Another important change we made was in the area of slowdown. Polizu initially had a large degree of slowdown due to the large number of sprites being used and animated. By doing a sprite consolidation and reduction, we were able to improve this area and a number of others so that the slowdown is much less noticeable, if at all, with no perceptible change to the look and feel of the town. One area we weren't able to fix was in Rosen. Due to the multilevel structure of the town, we were unable to achieve much of an improvement under the current system. Forgive us, we tried.

When testing the game initially, we found that a large number of players found it very annoying that many, many people in towns talked to you. It slowed down the flow of the game. So, we just kept the Prologue audio up to Precia's mansion, then left in only in-game speech during key events. We used the CD space reclaimed to add a "audible diary" feature where each diary entry can be read out loud by the person who wrote it at the press of a button. This was much cooler because it became an optional feature that extended the game, instead of a mandatory one that slowed it down. The diary entries are also penned in the girl's own handwriting, instead of a standard font.

The Japanese game also featured a quest for Rainbow amulets. If the player got them all, they unlocked a music test called "Mokona's home." In the US version, we added our traditional outtakes mode as another option that opens once all the amulets are retrieved. This is the first time we've given players absolute control over the outtakes play order, since ANY character's outtake file can be played on demand. Outtakes are one of our most popular "extras." We hope you like the special way we've implemented it in this game.

Finally, the original Japanese logo had three gems morphing into the red lettering of the Japanese logo. Initially, we made a logo that allowed us to copy the look and feel of the Japanese logo sequence of the opening animation. However, we were made aware of a logo created for the English Rayearth, so the opening animation was changed again to allow for the new logo's use. Unfortunately, due to the design of the logo, we couldn't incorporate the morph like the original Japanese opening. We were also not able to obtain the rights to the original opening song, so we made one that retained the "feel" of the original, but was completely new.

Chances are, this is the last SEGA Saturn game to be released in the US. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your long and continued support. We'll keep doing great RPG's as long as you keep buying them. Remember, we're nothing without you.

Taken from the US manual.

Production credits

  • 監修: 平野 俊弘
  • 演出: 元永 慶太郎
  • キャラクターデザイン: 石田 敦子
  • モンスターメカデザイン: 山根 理宏
  • 作画監督: 長野 伸明
  • 美術監督: 石垣 努
  • 撮影監督: 長谷川 肇
  • 編集: 岡安 肇
  • 色彩設計: 平山 礼子
  • 企画開発: 野田 直彦
  • 企画協力: 宮川 明子
  • プロデューサー: 石田 幹宏
  • アシスタントプロデューサー: 水沼 健二
  • 制作担当: 伊藤 隆
  • 制作進行: 後藤 洋輝
  • 制作協力: (株)スタジオ テイク・オフ
  • 原画: スタジオテイク・オフ
  • 動画: ミゾ企画, 中村プロダクション, 関崎 高明, 鈴木 敦詞, 江野沢 袖美
  • 仕上: ミゾ企画, 中村 倫明, 富田 恭子
  • 色指定: 清水 千世子
  • 特殊効果: 林 好美
  • 背景: 石垣プロダクション, 渋谷 幸弘, 光元 博行, 長谷川 弘行, 中庄司 悦子, 木村 結子
  • 撮影: スタジオ・キャパーン, 今泉 秀樹, 小瀬 敬子, 高橋 一純, 田子 弘士
  • 編集: 岡安 編集
  • オープニング制作
  • 演出: 大張 正己
  • 作画監督: 石田 敦子
  • 作画: 中澤 一登, 山根 理宏, 中山 岳洋, 石原 興一, 鈴木 卓也, 鈴木 竜也, 植田 洋一, 反田 真二, 鍋島 修
  • CG協力: Kodak
  • タイトル・リスワーク: マキプロ
  • オープニングテーマ: 「ゆずれない願い」 (ポリドール)
    • : 田村 直美
    • 作詞: 田村 直美
    • 作曲: 田村 直美, 石川 寛門
    • 編曲: 慶羽 仁, 井上 龍仁
  • 線画アニメーション
  • 作画監督: 平山 円
  • 作画: スタジオテイク・オフ
  • アニメーション制作: 東京ムービー新社
  • 音響監督: 浦上 靖夫, 小林 克良
  • 整音: 大城 久典
  • 効果: アニメ・サウンド・プロダクション, 佐々木 純一
  • 録音スタジオ: APUスタジオ
  • 音響制作: オーディオ・プランニング・ユー
  • Special Thanks: 講談社, 入江 祥雄, 山之内 秀樹, 塚越 敏, 山谷 奈久留, 小川 智章, 南雲 靖士, 森本 三樹, 田中 祐也, 矢作 由紀子, 三井 弘幸, 猪腰 聡, 奥成 洋輔, 中 裕司, 竹下 英敏, 堀田 榮治, 松本 卓也
  • Very Special Thanks To: 株式会社講談社, 讀賣テレビ放送株式会社, 株式会社電通, 株式会社東京ムービー新社
  • プロデューサー: 山田 辰夫, 押谷 眞
  • エグゼクティブプロデューサー: 重田 守
  • 制作: (株)セガ・エンタープライズ
In-game credits (JP)

Magazine articles

Main article: Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

[[File:No resultsLogo-pdf.svg|120x120px|link=Template:Fullurl:File:]]
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP)
[[File:No resultsLogo-pdf.svg]]

Physical scans

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
94 №47, p126/127
93 №85, p120
83 №1995-09, p167[1]
91 №, p9[2]
70 №68
Sega Saturn
Based on
5 reviews
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Ação Games (BR)
Consoles + (FR) NTSC-J
Consoles + (FR) NTSC-U
Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
GameFan (US) NTSC-J
Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
Joypad (FR) NTSC-J
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn
Based on
10 reviews

Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)

Saturn, US
MKR Saturn US Box Back.jpgMKR Saturn US Box Front.jpg
Mkr sat us manual.pdf
Mkr fuuDisc.png
Fuu Disc Variation
Saturn, JP
Mkr sat jp backcover.jpgMkr sat jp frontcover.jpg
RayearthSS Saturn JP Disc.jpg
Saturn, JP (Genteiban)
RayearthSS Saturn JP Box Back Genteiban.jpgRayearthSS Saturn JP Box Spine Genteiban.jpgRayearthSS Saturn JP Box Front Genteiban.jpg
RayearthSS Saturn JP Disc Genteiban.jpg
RayearthSS Saturn JP JC Back Genteiban.jpgRayearthSS Saturn JP JC Front Genteiban.jpg
Jewel Case

Technical information

Save data

Magic Knight Rayearth makes use of the Saturn's internal battery back-up as well as the Saturn Backup Memory to save progress. In the Japanese version, you can save up to three slots on either internal memory. In the US version, Working Designs added three more save slots and the ability to save with the Back-Up Ram Cart. In addition, the US version creates one more save fine if the game is completed to allow players to listen to audio outtakes.

Magic Knight Rayearth Save Data
Name Comment File Size

External links


Games in the Magic Knight Rayearth Series
Sega Game Gear
Mahou Kishi Rayearth (1994) | Mahou Kishi Rayearth 2: Making of Magic Knight (1995)
Sega Pico
Mahou Kishi Rayearth: Magic Knight Tanjou (1995)
Sega Saturn
Magic Knight Rayearth (1995)
Mahou Kishi Rayearth Chara Pen (1995)
Magic Knight Rayearth related media
Sega Saturn Mahou Kishi Rayearth Original Soundtrack (1995)
Magic Knight Rayearth Visual Guide Book (1995)