Master System Girl

From Sega Retro

Master System Girl
Manufacturer: Tectoy
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Master System

The Tectoy Master System Girl is a special Sega Master System released by Sega's Brazilian distributor, Tectoy. It is largely the same as the Tectoy Master System Super Compact but uses pink plastic, and was marketed towards a female audience.

Like the Master System Super Compact it is smaller than a regular Master System, never left Brazil and was designed to be portable. It can be powered by batteries but requires a TV for use.

Two versions of the Master System Girl were released. The first contained Mônica no Castelo do Dragão as a built-in game, while the second had both Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate and Sonic the Hedgehog as built-in games.

Physical Scans

Sega Master System
Topics Sega Master System | Technical Specifications (Hardware Comparison) | History | Boot ROM | Magazine articles | Promotional material | Merchandise
Hardware Asia | North America | Western Europe | Eastern Europe | South America | Australasia | Africa

Sega Mark III | Sega Game Box 9 | Master System Girl | Master System Super Compact | Kiosk | Sega System E

Add-ons Demo Unit II | Telecon Pack | FM Sound Unit | 3-D Glasses
Controllers SJ-152 | Control Pad | 3-D Glasses | Control Stick | Handle Controller | Light Phaser | Paddle Control | Rapid Fire Unit | Sports Pad | SG Commander
Misc. Hardware Action Replay | Card Catcher | Action Case | Freedom Connection | Playkit
Unreleased Floppy Disk Drive
Consoles-on-a-chip Arcade Gamer Portable | TF-DVD560 | DVD Karaoke Game DVT-G100 | Fun Play 20-in-1 | Handheld Electronic Games | Master System 3 Collection | Master System 3 | Master System Evolution | Master System Handy | PlayPal Plug & Play | Poga