Control Pad (Saturn)

From Sega Retro

Sega Saturn joypad MK-80100
Sega Saturn joypad MK-80116

Sega Saturn's Digital Gamepad (in contrast to the Saturn Analog Gamepad) has 8 buttons — that's 6 action buttons and 2 shift (left and right) buttons. Plus, it's ergonomically correct: The advantage is at your fingertips with easy eight-button play for killer combo moves.

Differences in Control Pads

Sega manufactured two different standard control pads for the US and UK markets.

The first of these pads (MK-80100) were packaged with the older model Saturns (those with oval buttons). The controllers were larger, had a different button design and featured sunken L & R buttons.

The second ones (MK-80116) were packaged with newer model Saturns (with round buttons), and more in line with the Japanese controllers.

Most people who have used both controllers prefer the durability and feel of the newer, "Japanese-style" model.

Surprisingly, there were also two different Japanese control pads, although its harder to tell the difference compared to the US models.

There were two primary versions of the Japanese controller. They look the same (not talking about the early crap US controller). They are also all numbered HSS-0101. However, internally they are completely different. Saturn controllers have a "plus-sign" shaped piece of plastic inside the controller under the D-pad. The pad is raised above this and that's what gives the pad the "rocker" feel as opposed to the mushy feel of a Nintendo 64 or PlayStation controller.

  1. First version. Easily breakable within hours of play. This plastic piece *is* plastic, and has ridges in it in such a way that it adds to its fragility. This version has a tan circuit board, and the primary chip on it is a regular "through-hole" IC with the markings sanded off. The board doesn't even say "Sega" on it, if I didn't know better I'd think it was a counterfeit (since one came with the system and the other was a separate controller it's near impossible, besides it still has the official plug that says Sega on it etc.).
  2. Second version. Durable. Plastic piece is now nylon, and no longer has ridges. Circuit board is now green, says "Sega" on it, and uses surface mount chip. With some minor changes all controllers were still like this until the end.

The gray Japanese controllers that Toys R Us sold were the second version, so it must have been changed relatively quickly. The switches for L/R are different on the two versions too, as they were softer on the first version. Parts between the two versions for the most part are not interchangeable, most of the plastic parts have been altered in one (non-obvious) way or another.


Physical Scans

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