Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen (幽☆遊☆白書 魔強統一戦) is a 1994 fighting game for the Sega Mega Drive by Treasure made with the Yuu Yuu Hakusho license — the second such game, after Nextech's adventure game Yuu Yuu Hakusho Gaiden. Interestingly, Tec Toy published the game in Brazil as Yuyu Hakusho: Sunset Fighters, however the game has not been released elsewhere outside of Japan. The Japanese Mega Drive Mini's English option localizes the title as Yu Yu Hakusho: Battle to Unite the Demon Plane.
Various gameplay elements were also used in Bleach: The Blade of Fate and Bleach: Dark Souls.
Yusuke Urameshi and his friends are invited to a tournament by Makyou Toitsusen, a mysterious martial arts society. In this tournament they are gonna face again some demons who fought them in the past, and decide who are the strongest.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen is a four-player fighting game with two fighting planes (similar to the likes of Fatal Fury). Like most fighting games it features an energy bar (reiryoku (霊力) in this case), which is used by special attacks.
attack and
blocks, with various combos along the way; holding
recharges spiritual power.
slides back,
slides forward and
) changes the fighting plane.
There are three game modes:
- Kachinukisen (勝ち抜き戦) / Eliminatória: Single player mode, on which you fight against all the eleven characters (including a clone of yours) in one-on-one combats, using a character of choice.
- Renshuu Shiai (練習 試合) / Treinamento: This mode has four options:
- Batoru Roiyaru (バトルロイヤル): Single fight for up to four players, each one plays on their own.
- Taggumatchi (タッグマッチ): Also a single fight for up to four players, who can team up as they wish.
- Tore-ningu (トレーニング) / Treinamento: Practice fight with no time, spiritual power or life limit. START ends it.
- Taisenseiseki (対戦成績) / Pontuação: Shows the rankings of Battle Royal and Tag Match.
- トーナメント / Competição: On this mode players can choose to fight in pairs or individually. Up to four players can play, one at a time, if they choose "1Pトーナメント"; choosing "タッグトーナメント" allows players to fight in pairs, against opponents also in pairs.
Yusuke (幽助) / Urai
He is Genkai's disciple and the captain of "Team Urameshi".
Move list
Reigan (霊丸)
  / holding last button charges up,   auto-charges up and is fired with /
Long-range energy projectile. Charge can be cancelled/stored.
Reigan (霊丸)
  / midair
Yusuke fires a small energy projectile, then leaps backwards midair. It cannot be charged.
Shottogan (ショットガン)
Multiple quick, short-range energy punches. (3 hits)
Hyaku Retsuken (百裂拳)
Punches rapidly.
Special technique: Reikou Rasshu (霊光ラッシュ)
Desperation move; Yusuke dashes across the screen and performs multiple punches and kicks, followed by a full-powered Reigan. (8 hits)
Kuwabara (桑原) / Kuwaha
His techniques are
Move list
Reiken (霊剣)
Short-range slash with energy sword.
Reiken Tsuki (霊剣突き)
Charges forward and stabs with energy sword.
Jigen Tou (次元刀)
  / /
Long-range slash with energy sword. Has a defined range and does not connect with opponent in between. (3 hits)
Rei Shuriken (霊手裏剣)
Long-range projectile, fires three small energy blades in a spread-shot manner. (3 hits)
Special technique: Reiken Ranbu (霊剣乱舞)
Desperation move; Kuwabara performs multiple short-range slashes with energy sword. (11 hits)
Kurama (蔵馬)
His techniques are
Move list
Bara Kyoku Benjin (薔薇棘鞭刃)
Short-range vine whip. (2 hits)
Bara Nage (薔薇投げ)
Long-range rose projectile.
Fuuka Enbujin (風華円舞陣)
Spins while surrounded by a swirl of rose petals. (2 hits)
Makai Shokubutsu Shoukan (魔界植物召喚)
  / /
Summons a large plant beneath opponent's feet, if in range. (2 hits)
Special technique: Yoko Henka (妖狐変化)
Desperation move; Kurama transforms into his demon form, charges toward opponent and attacks with vines. (8 hits)
Hiei (飛影)
His techniques are
Move list
Iai-giri (居合切り)
  / , then / while above the opponent
Performs a hand-plant on opponent's head, then slashes with sword. (2 hits)
Jyaou Ensatuken (邪王炎殺剣)
Short-range slash with black flames. (2 hits)
Zanzou (残像)
Performs a teleporting dash through opponent. Causes no damage.
Rengokusyou (煉獄焦)
 } / also work midair
Four consecutive punches with black flames. Dashes forward when used on ground. (4 hits)
Special technique: Jyaou Ensatu Kokuryuha (邪王炎殺黒龍波)
    / , can be controlled with the D-pad
Desperation move; Hiei summons a dragon made of black flames. Can be fully controlled. Can be used to attack opponent, or be used on self to increase speed and strength.
Genkai (幻海) / Genkay
Genkai is a martial arts' expert and legendary reiki (霊気) master, who is Yusuke's master and member of the "Team Urameshi". She was part of "Team Toguro" and girlfriend of the younger of the Toguro brothers in the past, before he become a demon.
Move list
Reigan (霊丸)
  / holding last button charges up,   , auto-charges up and is fired with /
Long-range energy projectile. Charge can be cancelled/stored.
Reikoudan (霊光弾)
Short-range assault with multiple energy projectiles. (6 hits)
Reikou Appa (霊光アッパー)
Short-range dashing uppercut. (4 hits)
Hyaku Retsuken (百裂拳)
Punches rapidly.
Special technique: Reikou Randa (霊光乱打)
Desperation move; Genkai dashes across the screen and performs multiple punches and kicks, followed by an uppercut. (13 hits)
Chu (酎) / Shaku
Chu is a tall man specialist in suiken (酔拳) and the captain of "Team Rokuyukai".
Move list
Rensui Youkidan (練酔妖気弾)
  / holding last button charges up,   , auto-charges up and is fired with /
Long-range energy projectile. Charge can be cancelled/stored.
Syoruda- Takkuru (ショルダータックル)
Charges forward with a shoulder tackle. Causes a knockback effect against opponent.
Hyakuretu Suiken (百裂酔拳)
Punches rapidly.
Sapuraizu Kikku (サプライズキック)
  / midair
Performs a diving kick.
Mawarikomi (まわりこみ)
Swerves behind opponent. Causes no damage.
Special technique: Suifuu Renkyaku (酔風連脚)
Desperation move; Chu performs multiple spinning kicks into the air, followed by a headbutt, lands onto the ground, then performs an uppercut as the opponent falls above him. (6 hits)
Jin (陣)
Jin is a demon who uses the power of the wind and captain of the "Team Shadow Channelers".
Move list
Bakufuu Shouheki (爆風障壁)
Jin spins into a tornado. (4 hits)
Shura Senpuuken (修羅旋風拳)
  work midair
Jin spins his arm into a tornado and punches with it. Causes a knockback effect against opponent.
Daburu Senpuuken (ダブル旋風拳)
  work midair
Jin spins both his arms into tornadoes and punches with them. Causes a knockback effect against opponent. (2 hits)
Kuchuu Fuyuu (空中浮遊)
 / / midair
Dashes midair. Multiple uses essentially allows Jin to fly.
Special technique: Idou Bakufuu Shouheki (移動爆風障壁)
  + , to stop spinning
Desperation move; Jin spins into a tornado, which can be freely controlled left and right. Not stopping in time causes him to get dizzy.
Toguro (older) (戸愚呂 兄) / Toguro
His techniques are
Move list
Chichu Syokusyu (地中触手)
Toguro plants his hand into the ground and extends it underneath opponent. Its distance depends on which button is pressed.
Yubibari (指針)
Toguro extends his index finger into a needle.
Ken Henge (剣変化)
Toguro transforms his body into a sword and flies forward. Can be angled up or down.
Dami- (ダミー)
  / /
Toguro "clones" himself, sinking into the ground and reappearing somewhere else.
Zenhoukou Syokusyu (全方向触手)
Several fleshy spikes erupt from Toguro's body. Hits forward and behind.
Special technique: Ranpuuken (乱風剣)
    , can be stopped with
Desperation move; Toguro transforms his body into a sword and spins. Can be freely controlled left and right.
Toguro (younger) (戸愚吕 弟) / Toguri
His techniques are
Move list
Dasshu Panchi (ダッシュパンチ)
Charges forward and punches. Causes a knockback effect against opponent.
Dasshu Appa (ダッシュアッパー)
Charges forward and performs an uppercut.
Shidan (指弾)
Fires multiple invisible mid-range projectiles from finger. (4 hits)
Souwan Goushou (双腕剛掌)
  / midair
Performs a double axe handle, clutching his hands together above his head and hammering them down.
Katsu (喝)
Toguro shouts and puffs out his chest. Causes a knockback effect against opponent, and can also be used to block projectiles.
Special technique: 100% Chuu no 100%(100%中の100%)
Desperation move; Toguro transforms into his full power state and charges forward into opponent. (5 hits)
Itsuki (樹) / Jyu
Itsuki is a demon who can travel across dimensions (who also controls a being living between them) and member of the "Team Sensui Seven".
Move list
Saido Steppu Kikku (サイドステップキック)
Performs a flying jump kick. Causes a knockback effect against opponent.
Yaminade Syoukan (闇撫召喚)
  / / , cancels it
Summons a pair of floating arms, which can be freely controlled. They can be used to punch the opponent and/or heal yourself. However, Itsuki is left in a vulnerable state while using this.
Ryuuenkyaku (流燕脚)
  / / midair
Performs a diving kick.
Teleport (テレポート)
  / /
Teleports to another part of the screen depending on which button is pressed. Causes no damage.
Special technique: Jikuu Touketu (時空凍結)
Desperation move; freezes time for about 6 seconds.
Sensui (仙水)
Sensui fights using a martial art created by himself and is the captain of the "Team Sensui Seven".
Move list
Resshuuken (裂蹴拳)
+ , blocks and counter-attacks
Blocks oncoming attack and returns with a heavy kick. Causes a knockback effect against opponent.
Resshuu Koukyuuha (裂蹴紅球波)
  / / , each button fires it at a certain height; it also works midair
Long-range energy projectile. Can be fired straight forward, into the air, or across the ground.
Kikoujuu (気硬銃)
  / /
Sensui's arm transforms into a gun and fires multiple invisible mid-range projectiles. (6 hits)
Special technique: Kyodai Resshuu Koukyuuha (巨大裂蹴紅球波)
   / /
Desperation move; a much larger version of Sensui's energy projectile, which can still be fired at multiple angles.
Reikai (霊界) / 2º C
Yusuke stage
Makai (魔界) / 4º C
Sensui stage
Tougijou (闘技場) / 1º C
Chu, Jin and Toguro (younger) stage
Mashou no Mori (魔性の森) / 6º C
Kurama and Genkai stage
Sanchou (山頂) / 8º C
Hiei stage
Doukutsu (洞窟) / 5º C
Toguro (older) stage
Akuukann 1 (亜空間1) / 3º C
Kuwabara stage
Akuukann 2 (亜空間2) / 7º C
Itsuki stage
M.I.J.E.T. fan translated the game to English in 2007.[3]
Tectoy translated the game to Portuguese.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen was the only game translated by Tectoy directly from Japanese to Portuguese. Curiously, although the series was very popular in Brazil at the time, more than 50% of the characters' names suffered bad translation.
Production credits
Japanese and Brazilian versions
Although Tectoy translated the game, the ending credits were not modified.
- 浦飯 幽助: 佐々木 望
- 桑原 和真: 千葉 繁
- 蔵馬: 緒方 恵美
- 妖狐: 中原 茂
- 飛影: 檜山 修之
- 幻海: 京田 尚子, 林原 めぐみ
- 陣: 山口 勝平
- 酎: 若本 規夫
- 戸愚呂 (弟): 玄田 哲章
- 戸愚呂 (兄): 鈴木 勝美
- 仙水 忍: 納谷 六朗
- 樹: 辻谷 耕史
- 審判: 折笠 愛
- メインプログラマー: うきょ
- システムプログラマー & プログラムサポート & サウンドプログラマー: やいまん
- ディレクター & キャラクターグラフィック & BGサポート & エフェクトグラフィック: はん
- キャラクターグラフィック & BGサポート: おぎのん
- バトルフィールドグラフィック: Iuchi 7
- キャラクターグラフィックサポート: かふ壱, 要さん
- グラフィックサポート: 島田 悦子
- S級プレイヤー: 臥竜
- サウンドディレクション & 効果音 & 作曲: S.Murata
- サウンドプロデュース & 作曲: Nazo²鈴木
- 作曲: 畑 亜貴, Non
- スーパーバイザー: 前川 正人
- 制作: Treasure
- ©富樫 義博/集英社・フジテレビ・スタジオぴえろ
- ©Sega 1994
Source: In-game credits[4]
Brazilian version
- Design de Manual: Alternativa Laser
- Criação de Manual: Flávio Marinho, João Henrique Zachello
- Tradução do Jogo: Maurício Antônio Guerta
- Agradecimentos Especiais: Eriberto Martinez Manrique, Elinton Donizeti Lomba
Source: BR manual[5]
Digital manuals
Mega Drive Mini JP manual
Magazine articles
- Main article: Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen/Magazine articles.
Promotional material
Print advert in
Beep! MegaDrive (JP) #1994-11: "November 1994" (1994-10-08)
Physical scans
Division by zero.
Based on 0 review
Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen
Mega Drive, JP
 Cart  Manual
Mega Drive, BR
 Cart  Manual
Technical information
- Main article: Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen/Technical information.
- ↑ File:YYHMT MD JP Box.jpg
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 https://sega.jp/history/hard/megadrive/software.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-07-20 09:51)
- ↑ http://mijet.eludevisibility.org/Yu%20Yu%20Hakusho/YuuYuuHakusho.html
- ↑ File:Yuu Yuu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen MD credits.pdf
- ↑ File:YYHMT md br manual.pdf, page 14
- ↑ Beep! MegaDrive, "October 1994" (JP; 1994-09-08), page 140
- ↑ 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 272
- ↑ Ação Games, "Maio 1998" (BR; 1998-xx-xx), page 33
- ↑ Beep! MegaDrive, "October 1994" (JP; 1994-09-08), page 20
- ↑ Famitsu, "1994-10-07" (JP; 1994-09-22), page 40
- ↑ MAN!AC, "12/94" (DE; 1994-11-09), page 28
- ↑ Mean Machines Sega, "February 1995" (UK; 1994-12-30), page 68
- ↑ NewGame, "" (RU; 200x-xx-xx), page 1
- ↑ Sega Saturn Magazine, "September 1995" (JP; 1995-08-08), page 84
- ↑ Tricks 16 bit, "Tricks Sega Gold 800 igr" (RU; 1998-03-20), page 305