View table: interviews

Table structure:

  • name - Text
  • source - Text
  • interviewee - Text
  • language - Text
  • date - Text

This table has 172 rows altogether.

Page name source interviewee language date
Interview: Al Nilsen (2008-03-11) by Sega-16 Interview: Al Nilsen (2008-03-11) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Al Nilsen English 2008-03-11
Interview: Alan Laird (2000-01-02) by Interview: Alan Laird (2000-01-02) by ''[ (archived)]'' Alan Laird English 2000-01-02
Interview: Alex Rudis (2002-09-09) by The Atari Times Interview: Alex Rudis (2002-09-09) by The Atari Times ''[ The Atari Times]'' Alex Rudis English 2002-09-09
Interview: Alexander G. M. Smith (2014-09) by Nick Thorpe of Retro Gamer Interview: Alexander G. M. Smith (2014-09) by Nick Thorpe of Retro Gamer ''[ (archived)]'' Alexander G. M. Smith English 2014-09
Interview: Bandit (2006-07-25) by Sega-16 Interview: Bandit (2006-07-25) by Sega-16 ''[[Sega-16]]'''"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' Bandit English 2006-07-25
Interview: Brian Coburn (2007-05-22) by Sega-16 Interview: Brian Coburn (2007-05-22) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Brian Coburn English 2007-05-22
Interview: Charles Bellfield (2001) by GameWeek Interview: Charles Bellfield (2001) by GameWeek ''GameWeek'' [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] Charles Bellfield English 2001
Interview: Charlie Heath (2008-08) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) Interview: Charlie Heath (2008-08) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) ''[]'' Charlie Heath English 2008-08
Interview: Chris Bergstresser (2007-06-19) by Sega-16 Interview: Chris Bergstresser (2007-06-19) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Chris Bergstresser English 2007-06-19
Interview: Chris Senn (2007-04-03) by Sega-16 Interview: Chris Senn (2007-04-03) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Chris Senn English 2007-04-03
Interview: Chris Senn (2013-09-12) by Sega Addicts Interview: Chris Senn (2013-09-12) by Sega Addicts ''[ (archived)]'' Chris Senn English 2013-09-12
Interview: Chris Tang (2019-05-03) by Sega-16 Interview: Chris Tang (2019-05-03) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Chris Tang English 2019-05-03
Interview: Christina Coffin (2011-03-10) by H. Brun Interview: Christina Coffin (2011-03-10) by H. Brun ''[ (archived)]'' Christina Coffin English 2011-03-10
Interview: Christopher Bankston (2009-10-16) by Sega-16 Interview: Christopher Bankston (2009-10-16) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Christopher Bankston English 2009-10-16
Interview: Craig Stitt (2001-01-23) by ICEknight Interview: Craig Stitt (2001-01-23) by ICEknight ''[ Sonic Database]'' Craig Stitt English 2001-01-23
Interview: Craig Stitt (2020-08-29) by Damiano Gerli Interview: Craig Stitt (2020-08-29) by Damiano Gerli ''[ Genesis Temple]'' Craig Stitt English 2020-08-29
Interview: David Foley (2007-10-23) by Sega-16 Interview: David Foley (2007-10-23) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' David Foley English 2007-10-23
Interview: David Javelosa (2008-07-02) by Sega-16 Interview: David Javelosa (2008-07-02) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' David Javelosa English 2008-07-02
Interview: David Javelosa (2023-11-12) by Alexander Rojas Interview: David Javelosa (2023-11-12) by Alexander Rojas [[:User:CartridgeCulture|Alexander Rojas]] at [[Sega Retro]] David Javelosa English 2023-11-12
Interview: David Javelosa (2023-12-09) by Alexander Rojas Interview: David Javelosa (2023-12-09) by Alexander Rojas [[:User:CartridgeCulture|Alexander Rojas]] at [[Sega Retro]] David Javelosa English 2023-12-09
Interview: David Perry (1993-05) by Mega Force (Spain) Interview: David Perry (1993-05) by Mega Force (Spain) ''[[Mega Force (Spain)]]'', Issue 13'"`UNIQ--ref-00000008-QINU`"''"`UNIQ--ref-0000000B-QINU`"' David Perry English 1993-xx-xx
Interview: David Perry (1999-10-20) by Eurogamer Interview: David Perry (1999-10-20) by Eurogamer Gestalt at ''[ Eurogamer]'' David Perry English 1999-10-20
Interview: David Perry (2005-06-10) by Sega-16 Interview: David Perry (2005-06-10) by Sega-16 [[Sega-16]]'"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' David Perry English 2005-06-10
Interview: David R. Foley (2007-06-17) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) Interview: David R. Foley (2007-06-17) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) ''[ GDRI]'' David R. Foley English 2007-06-17
Interview: Don Goddard (2008-05) by hxc Interview: Don Goddard (2008-05) by hxc [ hxc] Don Goddard English 2008-05
Interview: Don Goddard (2011-11) by Torentsu Interview: Don Goddard (2011-11) by Torentsu [ Torentsu (The Cutting Room Floor forum)] Don Goddard English 2011-11
Interview: Doug Lanford (2011-03-01) by Sega-16 Interview: Doug Lanford (2011-03-01) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Doug Lanford English 2011-03-01
Interview: Ed Annunziata (2012-07-26) by Sega-16 Interview: Ed Annunziata (2012-07-26) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Ed Annunziata English 2012-07-26
Interview: Eduardo Morales-Hermo (2022-10-05) by Sega-16 Interview: Eduardo Morales-Hermo (2022-10-05) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Eduardo Morales-Hermo English 2022-10-05
Interview: Ellen Fuog (2009-04-07) by Sega-16 Interview: Ellen Fuog (2009-04-07) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Ellen Fuog English 2009-04-07
Interview: Frank Trzcinski (2010-02-21) by Sega-16 Interview: Frank Trzcinski (2010-02-21) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Frank Trzcinski English 2010-02-21
Interview: Gil Santos (2009-09-15) by Cineuropa Interview: Gil Santos (2009-09-15) by Cineuropa ''[ Cineuropa]'' Gil Santos English 2009-09-15
Interview: Greg Johnson (2005-02-22) by Sega-16 Interview: Greg Johnson (2005-02-22) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Greg Johnson English 2005-02-22
Interview: Greg Johnson (2015-06-14) by Arcade Attack Interview: Greg Johnson (2015-06-14) by Arcade Attack ''[]'' Greg Johnson English 2015-06-14
Interview: Gregg Tavares (2007) by Scott Stilphen Interview: Gregg Tavares (2007) by Scott Stilphen [] (archived); [] (archived) Gregg Tavares English 2007
Interview: Hideki Ikeda (2008-10-10) by Sega-16 Interview: Hideki Ikeda (2008-10-10) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Hideki Ikeda English 2008-10-10
Interview: Hirofumi Murasaki (2002-04-17) by Interview: Hirofumi Murasaki (2002-04-17) by [ Creators Note] Hirofumi Murasaki Japanese 2002-04-17
Interview: Hirokazu Yasuhara (2008-08-25) by Gamasutra Interview: Hirokazu Yasuhara (2008-08-25) by Gamasutra [ Gamasutra] Hirokazu Yasuhara English 2008-08-25
Interview: Hiroshi Kataoka (2006-03-31) by Interview: Hiroshi Kataoka (2006-03-31) by ''[ The Last Arcade Crusaders Sega-AM2 Interview from]'"`UNIQ--ref-00000000-QINU`"''' Hiroshi Kataoka English 2006-03-31
Interview: Hiroshi Kataoka (2017-07-14) by Sega Interactive Interview: Hiroshi Kataoka (2017-07-14) by Sega Interactive ''[ 片岡 洋【前編】 株式会社セガ・インタラクティブ]'"`UNIQ--ref-00000003-QINU`"''' Hiroshi Kataoka Japanese 2017-07-14
Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by ''[]'' Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe Japanese 2015-05-28
Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by CNET Japan Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by CNET Japan ''[ CNET Japan]'' Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe Japanese 2015-05-28
Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by ''[]'' Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe Japanese 2015-05-28
Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by Gamer Interview: Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe (2015-05-28) by Gamer ''[ Gamer]'' Hiroshi Utsumi, Makoto Osaki, Motoshi Takabe Japanese 2015-05-28
Interview: Howard Cushnir, Matthew Fassberg, Adam Wolff (1997-06-19) by Online Gaming Review Interview: Howard Cushnir, Matthew Fassberg, Adam Wolff (1997-06-19) by Online Gaming Review ''[ SegaSoft (archived)]'' Howard Cushnir, Matthew Fassberg, Adam Wolff English 1997-06-19
Interview: Howard Drossin (2009-09-22) by Gamasutra Interview: Howard Drossin (2009-09-22) by Gamasutra ''[ Gamasutra]'' Howard Drossin English 2009-09-22
Interview: Ian Oliver (1998-01) by World of Stuart Interview: Ian Oliver (1998-01) by World of Stuart ''[ (archived)]'' Ian Oliver English 1998-01
Interview: Ian Oliver (2012-05-10) by Bohemia Interactive Interview: Ian Oliver (2012-05-10) by Bohemia Interactive ''[]'' Ian Oliver English 2012-05-10
Interview: Jamie Bunker (2021) by Retro-Bit Interview: Jamie Bunker (2021) by Retro-Bit ''[[Gaiares]]'' (2022), conducted by publisher [[Retro-Bit]]. Jamie Bunker English 2021
Interview: Jason Kuo (2006-09) by drx Interview: Jason Kuo (2006-09) by drx ''[ Sonic CulT]'' Jason Kuo English 2006-09
Interview: Jason Kuo (2008-09) by Shenmaster777 Interview: Jason Kuo (2008-09) by Shenmaster777 ''[ Panzer Dragoon Legacy]'' Jason Kuo English 2008-09
Interview: Jason Park (2011) by Hardcore Gaming 101 Interview: Jason Park (2011) by Hardcore Gaming 101 ''[ Hardcore Gaming 101]'''"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' Jason Park English 2011
Interview: Jean-Luc Satin (2020-05-07) by Interview: Jean-Luc Satin (2020-05-07) by [] Jean-Luc Satin French 2020-05-07
Interview: Jennifer Brozek (2006-10-03) by Sega-16 Interview: Jennifer Brozek (2006-10-03) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Jennifer Brozek English 2006-10-03
Interview: Jeremy Blaustein (2010-03-31) by GameSetWatch Interview: Jeremy Blaustein (2010-03-31) by GameSetWatch ''[ GameSetWatch]'' Jeremy Blaustein English 2010-03-31
Interview: Jim Blackler by Interview: Jim Blackler by ''[]'' Jim Blackler English
Interview: Jim Huether (2006-10-31) by Sega-16 Interview: Jim Huether (2006-10-31) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Jim Huether English 2006-10-31
Interview: Joan Igawa (2020-05-22) by Interview: Joan Igawa (2020-05-22) by [ (archived)] Joan Igawa English 2020-05-22
Interview: Joe Cain (2024-02-06) by Bo Bayles Interview: Joe Cain (2024-02-06) by Bo Bayles Bo Bayles at ''[ Rings of Saturn]'' Joe Cain English 2024-02-06
Interview: Joe Miller (2013-02-07) by Sega-16 Interview: Joe Miller (2013-02-07) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Joe Miller English 2013-02-07
Interview: John Pedigo (2013-12-13) by Sega-16 Interview: John Pedigo (2013-12-13) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' John Pedigo English 2013-12-13
Interview: John Sauer (2007-10-02) by Sega-16 Interview: John Sauer (2007-10-02) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' John Sauer English 2007-10-02
Interview: Joseph B. Hewitt (2017-11-25) by Asagoth Interview: Joseph B. Hewitt (2017-11-25) by Asagoth [[:User:Asagoth|Asagoth]] at [[Sega Retro]] Joseph B. Hewitt English 2017-11-25
Interview: Jotaro Nonaka (2014-05-16) by Laseractive Preservation Project Interview: Jotaro Nonaka (2014-05-16) by Laseractive Preservation Project ''[ Laseractive Preservation Project]'''"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' Jotaro Nonaka English 2014-05-16
Interview: Junichi Tsuchiya (2002-05-30) by Interview: Junichi Tsuchiya (2002-05-30) by [ Creators Note] Junichi Tsuchiya Japanese 2002-05-30
Interview: Katie Chrzanowski (2023-08-28) by Game Informer Interview: Katie Chrzanowski (2023-08-28) by Game Informer ''[ Game Informer]'' Katie Chrzanowski English 2023-08-28
Interview: Kats Sato (2020-05-14) by Manga/Asta Interview: Kats Sato (2020-05-14) by Manga/Asta [ Terre de jeux] Kats Sato French 2020-05-14
Interview: Ken Balthaser (2006-11-24) by Sega-16 Interview: Ken Balthaser (2006-11-24) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Ken Balthaser English 2006-11-24
Interview: Kenji Kanno (2002-06-26) by Interview: Kenji Kanno (2002-06-26) by [ Creators Note] Kenji Kanno Japanese 2002-06-26
Interview: Kenji Tosaki (2022-06-03) by Shiro Interview: Kenji Tosaki (2022-06-03) by Shiro ''[ Shiro]'' Kenji Tosaki English 2022-06-03
Interview: Kevin McGrath (2005-02-01) by Sega-16 Interview: Kevin McGrath (2005-02-01) by Sega-16 Ken Horowitz at ''[ Sega-16]'' Kevin McGrath English 2005-02-01
Interview: Kevin Seghetti (2008-12-11) by Game Developer Research Institute Interview: Kevin Seghetti (2008-12-11) by Game Developer Research Institute [[Game Developer Research Institute]]'"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' Kevin Seghetti English 2008-12-11
Interview: Kevin Seghetti (2013-03-08) by Sega-16 Interview: Kevin Seghetti (2013-03-08) by Sega-16 [[Sega-16]]'"`UNIQ--ref-00000005-QINU`"' Kevin Seghetti English 2013-03-08
Interview: Kristin Harvey (2014-05-07) by Sega-16 Interview: Kristin Harvey (2014-05-07) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Kristin Harvey English 2014-05-07
Interview: Lee Actor (2008-05-13) by Sega-16 Interview: Lee Actor (2008-05-13) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Lee Actor English 2008-05-13
Interview: Mac Senour (2013-10-23) by Sega-16 Interview: Mac Senour (2013-10-23) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Mac Senour English 2013-10-23
Interview: Makoto Osaki & Kats Sato (2004-06-18) by Interview: Makoto Osaki & Kats Sato (2004-06-18) by ''[]'' Makoto Osaki & Kats Sato English 2004-06-18
Interview: Marc Ericksen (2018-06-11) by Retro Video Gamer Interview: Marc Ericksen (2018-06-11) by Retro Video Gamer Jamie at ''[ Retro Video Gamer]'' Marc Ericksen English 2018-06-11
Interview: Marc Ericksen (2018-12-06) by Sega-16 Interview: Marc Ericksen (2018-12-06) by Sega-16 Ken Horowitz at ''[ Sega-16]'' Marc Ericksen English 2018-12-06
Interview: Mark Cerny (2004-03-12) by IGN Interview: Mark Cerny (2004-03-12) by IGN ''[ IGN]'' Mark Cerny English 2004-03-12
Interview: Mark Cerny (2004-04-01) by Gameindustry Interview: Mark Cerny (2004-04-01) by Gameindustry ''[ Gameindustry]'' Mark Cerny English 2004-04-01
Interview: Mark Cerny (2006-12-05) by Sega-16 Interview: Mark Cerny (2006-12-05) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Mark Cerny English 2006-12-05
Interview: Martin Pedersen (2011) by Interview: Martin Pedersen (2011) by [] (archived) Martin Pedersen English 2011
Interview: Matt Harmon (2007-08) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) Interview: Matt Harmon (2007-08) by GDRI (Game Developer Research Institute) ''[ (archived)]'' Matt Harmon English 2007-08
Interview: Michael Fernie (2012) by Hidden Palace Interview: Michael Fernie (2012) by Hidden Palace ''Hidden Palace'''"`UNIQ--ref-00000009-QINU`"' Michael Fernie English 2012
Interview: Michael Katz (2006-04-28) by Sega-16 Interview: Michael Katz (2006-04-28) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Michael Katz English 2006-04-28
Interview: Michael Katz (2023-01-15) by Time Extension Interview: Michael Katz (2023-01-15) by Time Extension ''[ Time Extension]'' Michael Katz English 2023-01-15
Interview: Michael Latham (2005-02-08) by Sega-16 Interview: Michael Latham (2005-02-08) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Michael Latham English 2005-02-08
Interview: Michael Latham (2017-06-05) by Arcade Attack Interview: Michael Latham (2017-06-05) by Arcade Attack ''[ Arcade Attack]'' Michael Latham English 2017-06-05
Interview: Michio Abe, Akira Kai, Hitoshi Fukazawa (2019-12-18) by Fontworks Interview: Michio Abe, Akira Kai, Hitoshi Fukazawa (2019-12-18) by Fontworks ''[ Fontworks]'' Michio Abe, Akira Kai, Hitoshi Fukazawa Japanese 2019-12-18
Interview: Mike Berlyn (2006-08-01) by Sega-16 Interview: Mike Berlyn (2006-08-01) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Mike Berlyn English 2006-08-01
Interview: Mike Dietz (2018-03-16) by Arcade Attack Interview: Mike Dietz (2018-03-16) by Arcade Attack ''[ Arcade Attack]'' Mike Dietz English 2018-03-16
Interview: Mike Hayes (2012-08-17) by Edge Interview: Mike Hayes (2012-08-17) by Edge ''[ Edge]'' Mike Hayes English 2012-08-17
Interview: Mike Montgomery (2006-03-14) by Sega-16 Interview: Mike Montgomery (2006-03-14) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Mike Montgomery English 2006-03-14
Interview: Mike Wallis (1996-05-04) by Game Players Interview: Mike Wallis (1996-05-04) by Game Players ''[[Game Players]]'' Vol. 9 No. 6 pg. 39 Mike Wallis English 1996-05-04
Interview: Mike Wallis (1996-06-20) by Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) Interview: Mike Wallis (1996-06-20) by Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) ''[[Sega Saturn Magazine (UK)]]'' No. 9 pg. 33 Mike Wallis English 1996-06-20
Interview: Mike Wallis (2002-06) by Pachuka Interview: Mike Wallis by Pachuka ''[ (archived)]'' Mike Wallis English
Interview: Mike Wallis (2007-06-19) by Sega-16 Interview: Mike Wallis (2007-06-19) by Sega-16 ''[ Sega-16]'' Mike Wallis English 2007-06-19
Interview: Mizuki Hosoyamada (2015-08-24) by Automaton Interview: Mizuki Hosoyamada (2015-08-24) by Automaton [ Automaton] Mizuki Hosoyamada Japanese 2015-08-24
Interview: Mizuki Hosoyamada (2020-12-09) by Inside Games Interview: Mizuki Hosoyamada (2020-12-09) by Inside Games [ Inside Games] Mizuki Hosoyamada Japanese 2020-12-09
