Altered Beast, known as Juuouki: Project Altered Beast (獣王記 Project Altered Beast) in Japan, is a beat 'em up released for the PlayStation 2 in 2005. Developed by Sega WOW and Sega (Shanghai) Software and published by Sega, the game is a remake of the 1988 arcade game Altered Beast. As in the original, the player can become different types of beast, but the setting has been changed from ancient Greece to a modern sci-fi theme.
Initially the player has the ability to transform into a werewolf for a limited time, with additional power-ups allowing transformation into other creatures. Each creature has its own "element" and attacks. The werewolf has the element of light; other creatures are the merman (water), garuda (wind), wendigo (ice), minotaur (fire) and dragon (thunder). Further unlockable creatures are weretiger (darkness), grizzly bear (earth) and alien (gravity).
Localised names
Also known as
Localised Name
English Translation
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
獣王記 Project Altered Beast
Juuouki: Project Altered Beast
Production credits
Luke (Player Character): Abbey Hadjitarkhani
Anastasia: Evelyn Huynn
Brad: Daniel Shorago
Dr. Eric: David Nowlin
Agent: Roger Labon Jackson
Movies and Motion Capture
Motion Capture: Studio IBUKI Inc.
English Voice Recording
Webtone Productions: Greg Weber, Kim Weber, Steven Duell, Christian Pizzirani