Marko's Magic Football

From Sega Retro


  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Sega Mega-CD
  • Game Gear

MarkosMagicFootball MD EU TitleScreen.png

Marko title.png

MarkosMagicFootball MCD EU TitleScreen.png

Marko GG Title.png

Marko's Magic Football
System(s): Sega Mega Drive, Sega Game Gear, Sega Mega-CD
Publisher: Domark
Sega Mega Drive
Time Warner Interactive (US)
Sega Mega Drive
SF Interactive Media (SE rental)
Sound driver:
Sega Mega Drive
Genre: Action[1]

Number of players: 1
Official in-game languages:
  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Français
  • Español
  • Release Date RRP Code
    Sega Mega Drive
    $59.9559.95[3] T-88086
    Videogame Rating Council: GA
    Sega Mega Drive
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    £44.9944.99[6][7] T-88086-50
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    $129.95129.95[8] FMAR04SMC
    OFLC: G8
    Sega Mega Drive
    Tectoy: Todas as Idades
    Sega Mega-CD
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Sega Mega-CD
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Sega Game Gear
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Sega Game Gear
    £29.9929.99[10] T-88078-50
    ELSPA: 3+ OK
    Non-Sega versions
    No results

    Marko's Magic Football, known simply as Marko in North America, is a 1994 platform game developed and published by Domark for the Sega Mega Drive, Sega Mega-CD, and Sega Game Gear.

    The Mega-CD and Game Gear versions were released exclusively in Europe (though a US release was at one point planned for December 1994[11]). The Mega-CD port would later be unofficially brought to the US via Good Deal Games who started selling unlicensed reproductions sometime in the 2000s.


    The evil mastermind Colonel Brown, owner of Sterling Toys, has enlisted the aid of a mad scientist to create mutant sludge monsters out of innocent animals. He intends to use an army of these creatures to take over the town of North Sterlington.

    The young boy Marko was playing with his football when he came across the Colonel's lackeys pouring sludge into the sewers. His football came in contact with the toxic sludge and absorbed magical properties from it. With this magical football, Marko can put a stop to the Colonel's sinister plans.


    Mega Drive and Mega-CD versions

    Marko's Magic Football MD, Map.png

    North Sterlington

    The game is a platformer played as Marko, a football player with a magical football. It is similar to Soccer Kid and Hurricanes, two other platformers released around the same time that also involve using a soccer ball. Most of the levels require simply making it to the end, though a few levels require destroying all of the Sludge Cans first. Marko can use his football in different ways to help him with platforming or to take out enemies. The game has a mode where the player can practice Marko's moves in his "backyard," a training level filled with harmless targets instead of enemies.

    Marko moves with Left and Right and ducks with Down. He jumps with B and jumps longer if the button is held for longer. Marko's football appears in front of him, and he dribbles it while he walks or runs. He breaks contact with it when he jumps, but he dribbles it again if he walks or runs next to it. He kicks the ball with C and kicks it farther if the button is held for longer. He can kick while moving. Marko can affect the trajectory of the ball by holding C to kick it, the pressing Up or Down. So Marko chips the ball in a high arc with HOLD CUp, kicks it about head-level by holding C, kicks it in a low arc by tapping C, and rolls it along the ground with HOLD CDown. Enemies are defeated by hitting them with the ball. Many enemies require more than one hit to defeat. The ball rolls and bounces off objects and surfaces realistically. Marko catches the ball when it bounces or rolls back to him and can kick it again right after. Whenever the ball is away from Marko (or if it destroyed by hazards such as spikes), Marko can make it magically reappear in front of him with C (and also with A in the Mega-CD version).

    Marko can also use his football to bounce higher by jumping and pressing B when he lands on the ball, allowing him to reach higher platforms. The ball floats in water or sludge, so Marko can also use it to bounce across wide pools.

    In the Mega Drive version, Marko runs by holding A while walking. He can jump much farther and higher from a running start. Marko can juggle the ball with his foot with HOLD UpC. While juggling, he can perform a bicycle kick with C, which kicks the ball behind him at high speed, dealing more damage than a regular kick. Tapping C kicks it high, while holding C kicks it low. While Marko is juggling the ball with his foot, he can switch to juggling it on his head with HOLD UpC again. If he jumps while head juggling, he knocks the ball upward, which is useful for taking out enemies above him. He can walk while head juggling; while moving, he can head the ball forward by pressing A+C. Marko can switch back to juggling the ball with his foot with HOLD DownC (and then the same buttons again to stop juggling and place the ball back in front of Marko).

    In the Mega-CD version, Marko starts running after walking a short distance. His acceleration physics affect his jump too, so his jump speed increases after clearing a certain distance (which has the effect of making him jump higher when he jumps farther). Marko can juggle the ball with his foot with A. While juggling, he can perform a bicycle kick with C, which kicks the ball behind him at high speed, dealing more damage than a regular kick. Tapping C kicks it high, while holding C kicks it low. While Marko is juggling the ball with his foot, he can switch to juggling it on his head with A again. If he jumps while head juggling, he knocks the ball upward, which is useful for taking out enemies above him. He can walk while head juggling. He can head the ball with C, which can be done while moving. If done when standing, he can angle the shot by holding Left or Right. Marko can switch back to juggling the ball with his foot with A (and then A again to stop juggling and place the ball back in front of Marko).

    Marko has a health bar with five segments. He loses a health segment if he takes damage from an enemy or a hazard such as fire. Touching an enemy harms him, and many enemies have projectile attacks as well. He loses a life if he loses all of his health. Hazards such as water or slime pits also cost a life if he falls into them. The game ends if the player runs out of lives. There is a password system for continuing.


    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Boxing Glove
    Springs Marko high into the air if he jumps on it, usually to reach bonus items. Each glove can only be used one time.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Sludge Can
    Harms Marko if he touches it. Some levels require destroying all of the Sludge Cans to complete.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Takes Marko's picture when he comes close. If he loses a life, he is revived at the last Tourist he reached.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Recycling Machine
    Found at the end of most levels. Touch to end the level.


    In addition to these items, there are many hidden spots in levels that award 2,000 bonus points when Marko jumps in them.

    Trainers are collected by ducking over them with Down.

    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Cola Can
    Awards 100 bonus points. At the end of each level, the player is awarded an additional 500 points per can collected. Some cans are found suspended from balloons. Touching or shooting down the balloon drops the can.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Collect 100 stars to earn an extra life. Also awards 100 bonus points.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Big Star
    Worth 8 stars. Also awards 10,000 bonus points.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Restores one segment of Marko's health bar.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Makes a large, glowing football appear, which explodes after a moment, destroying any enemies and collecting any items on the screen.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Blue Trainers
    Replaces Marko's football with a machine gun for a duration. The machine gun shoots straight ahead with C and straight upward Up+C in the Mega Drive version or A in the Mega-CD version. Marko can only fire the gun while standing, not while ducking or jumping.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Green Trainers
    Grants Marko temporary invincibility for as long as he is flashing.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Plasma Ball
    Gives the player an extra life.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Awards 10,000 bonus points.
    Marko's Magic Football, Items.png
    Giant Hamburger
    Awards 10,000 bonus points.


    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 1.png


    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 2.png

    The Cellars
    Password: HAUNTING 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 3.png

    Password: BSTOKE 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 4.png

    The Sewers
    Password: GUNGETNK 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 5.png

    The Sewers
    Password: ECTOPLSM 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 6.png

    The Sewers
    Password: JAWS 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 7.png

    Industrial Zone
    Password: GARAGE 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 8.png

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 8 Boss.png

    • Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 8.png

    • Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 8 Boss.png

    Password: TRAFFIC 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 9.png

    The Forest
    Password: ELF 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 10.png

    The Circus
    Password: KRUSTY 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 11.png

    The Circus
    Password: BARREL 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 12.png

    The Forest
    Password: CRABTREE 

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 13.png

    Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 13 Boss.png

    • Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 13.png

    • Marko's Magic Football CD, Stage 13 Boss.png

    The Toy Factory
    Password: WINDUP 

    Game Gear version

    The game is a platformer played as Marko, a kid who can use his magical football to attack enemies. Marko moves with Left and Right. He starts with a walk but breaks into a run after moving in a direction. He rolls along the ground with Down-left and Down-right, which can be used to fit into tight spaces. He ducks with Down and jumps with 2.

    Marko dribbles his football in front of him as he walks or runs. He breaks contact with it when he jumps, but he dribbles it again if he walks or runs next to it. He kicks the ball with 1. He kicks it low if the button is released quickly and kicks it higher if the button is held for longer. Enemies are defeated by hitting them with the ball. If the ball is away from Marko, he can make it magically reappear in front of him with 1. Marko can use his football like a trampoline by pressing 2 when he lands on the ball, allowing him to bounce higher. Marko can juggle the ball on his head with HOLD Up1, then he can head the ball with 1 (to hit overhead enemies) or stop juggling with Down.

    Marko has a health bar with three segments and loses a health segment if he takes damage from an enemy or a hazard such as spikes. He loses a life if he loses all of his health or if he falls into a slime pit or water. The game ends if the player runs out of lives. There is a password system for continuing.


    Trainers are collected by ducking over them with Down.

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Cola Can
    Popping a balloon awards 50 points, and collecting the cola can that drops from it awards 100 points (plus another 10 points per can at the end of the level).
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Collect 50 gems to earn an extra life. Also awards 50 bonus points.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Restores one segment of Marko's health bar.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Red Trainers
    Destroying all enemies on the screen.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Yellow Trainers
    Temporarily makes Marko invincible while he is flashing.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Green Trainers
    Awards 2,000 bonus points.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Plasma Ball
    Awards an extra life and 500 points.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Checkpoint where Marko is revived after losing a life.
    Marko's Magic Football GG, Items.png
    Touch to end the level.


    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 1.png

    Password: LEVELONE 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 2.png

    The Cellars
    Password: WINERACK 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 3.png

    The Shops
    Password: PAVEMENT 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 4.png

    The Sewers
    Password: PIPELINE 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 5.png

    The Construction Site
    Password: RIVETGUN 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 6.png

    The Park
    Password: DUCKPOND 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 7.png

    The Circus
    Password: JUGGLING 

    Marko's Magic Football GG, Stage 8.png

    The Toy Factory
    Password: JACKNBOX 



    Marko's Magic Football was the idea of Domark's Mark Strachan (the "Mark" in "Domark") where it was tentatively titled Mark's Football Game[12]. Development was handled internally by Domark's development group, The Kremlin[12].

    Much of the artwork was sketched out, then digitised on an Amiga 2000 running Deluxe Paint IV[12].

    A Sega Master System version was reportedly in development at some stage too, although was cancelled.

    In North America, the game was originally set to be called Marko and His Magic Soccer Ball[13] before the name was shortened.

    Comic adaptation

    Sonic the Comic included "Marko's Magic Football" comics strips. The single story arc was ruunning from issue #41 to issue #46. It's one of the few comic strips in Sonic the Comic that is based off 3rd party game.


    The Game Gear version of the game has no music during gameplay, only sound effects, and no boss fights, with the ending explaining that Colonel Brown escaped.

    Localised names

    Also known as
    Language Localised Name English Translation
    English Marko's Magic Football Marko's Magic Football
    English (US) Marko Marko

    Production credits

    Mega Drive version

    • Programming: Warren Mills, Michael A Carr
    • Additional Programming: Chris West, Paul Margrave
    • Game Engine: Warren Mills
    • Animation: Jolyon Myers
    • Backgrounds: Tony West
    • Additional Backgrounds: Jolyon Myers, Matt Hicks
    • Music Score: Jolyon Myers
    • Sound Effects: Mike Ash, Jolyon Myers
    • Music Conversion: Mike Ash
    • Original Idea: Mark Strachan
    • Game Design: Warren Mills, Michael A Carr, Jolyon Myers, Tony West, Jason Orbaum, Jaid Mindang
    • Game Gear Team: Steve Pearce, Andy Taylor, Mike Adams, Jason Cunningham
    • Utilities: Colin Carter, Paul Margrave, Warren Mills
    • Marko Character Design: Tony West
    • Character Designs: Jolyon Myers, Jaid Mindang
    • QA Supervisors: Ken Jordan, Simon Huggins
    • Quality Testers: Gary Patino, Tim Mawson, Steven Frazer
    • Producers: Warren Mills, Jolyon Myers, Darren Anderson, Gary Patino
    • PR: Anna Macario
    • PR Porter: Jolyon Myers
    • Marketing and Advertising: Brynn Gilmore, John Hendrick, Anna Macario, Tammy Williamson
    • Management: Russel Ferrier, Jim Tripp, Matthew Timms, Brynn Gilmore
    • Special Friends: Stefan Myers, Kate Jones, Paul Walker, Martin Oliver, Andy Walker, Julie and Nina, Andrea Taylor, Mark Walker, Warren Ragg, John Fermor, Nemisses, Sharon Winship, Sue and Chriss Brooks, Sean Doyle, Terrie and Mathew Ayling, Justine Chany, Barry Fermor, Dink and Ann, Andrew Selfrigde Soggy, Simon Lindsel, Sue and Chris Brooks, Ed Gien, Mr Zoot
    • Special Thanks to: George Benson, Paul Daniels
    In-game credits
    Marko MD credits.pdf

    Mega-CD version

    • Programming: Warren Mills, Michael A Carr
    • Additional Programming: Chris West, Paul Margrave
    • Game Engine: Warren Mills
    • CD Conversion: Andrew Oliver, Kev Brady
    • Animation: Jolyon Myers
    • Backgrounds: Tony West
    • Additional Backgrounds: Jolyon Myers, Matt Hicks
    • Music Score: Jolyon Myers
    • Sound Effects: Mike Ash, Jolyon Myers
    • Music Conversion: Mike Ash
    • Original Idea: Mark Strachan
    • Game Design: Warren Mills, Michael A Carr, Jolyon Myers, Tony West, Jason Orbaum, Jaid Mindang
    • Game Gear Team: Steve Pearce, Andy Taylor, Mike Adams, Jason Cunningham
    • Utilities: Colin Carter, Paul Margrave, Warren Mills
    • Marko Character Design: Tony West
    • Character Designs: Jolyon Myers, Jaid Mindang
    • QA Supervisors: Ken Jordan, Simon Huggins
    • Quality Testers: Gary Patino, Tim Mawson, Steven Frazer
    • Producers: Warren Mills, Jolyon Myers, Darren Anderson, Gary Patino
    • PR: Anna Macario
    • PR Porter: Jolyon Myers
    • Marketing and Advertising: Brynn Gilmore, John Hendrick, Anna Macario, Tammy Williamson
    • Management: Russel Ferrier, Jim Tripp, Matthew Timms, Brynn Gilmore
    • Special Friends: Stefan Myers, Kate Jones, Paul Walker, Martin Oliver, Andy Walker, Julie and Nina, Andrea Taylor, Mark Walker, Warren Ragg, John Fermor, Nemisses, Sharon Winship, Sue and Chriss Brooks, Sean Doyle, Terrie and Mathew Ayling, Justine Chany, Barry Fermor, Dink and Ann, Andrew Selfrigde Soggy, Simon Lindsel, Sue and Chris Brooks, Ed Gien, Mr Zoot
    • Special Thanks to: George Benson, Paul Daniels
    In-game credits
    Marko MCD credits.pdf

    Game Gear version

    • Producer: Darren Anderson
    • Animation: Jolyon Myers, Mike Adams, Jason Cunningham
    • Backgrounds: Tony West, Mike Adams, Jason Cunningham
    • Programmer: Steven Pearce
    • Music: Jolyon Myers
    • Sound Effects: Mike Ash
    • Testers: Ken Jordan, Tim Mawson
    • Manual: Ciaran Brennan, Darren Anderson, Mark Gilbert
    • Special Thanks to: Warren Mills, Jason Orbaum, Paul Margrave
    EU manual
    Marko's Magic Football GG EU Manual.pdf

    Magazine articles

    Main article: Marko's Magic Football/Magazine articles.

    Promotional material

    MarkosMagicFootball MD-GG FR PrintAdvert.jpg
    Mega Drive/Game Gear FR print advert
    MarkosMagicFootball MD-GG FR PrintAdvert.jpg
    Print advert in Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) #62: "September 1994" (1994-xx-xx)
    also published in:
    Print advert in Computer & Video Games (UK) #150: "May 1994" (1994-04-15)
    also published in:
    Print advert in Consoles + (FR) #42: "Avril 1995" (1995-0x-xx)

    Physical scans

    Mega Drive version

    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    {{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
    Based on
    0 review
    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
    Alaab Alcomputtar (SA)
    Aktueller Software Markt (DE)
    Consoles + (FR)
    Computer & Video Games (UK)
    Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1 (RU)
    Game Players (US) NTSC-U
    GamePro (US) NTSC-U
    Gamers (DE)
    Gamestar (AU)
    Games World: The Magazine (UK) PAL
    Hyper (AU)
    Joypad (FR) PAL
    Mega (UK) PAL
    Mega Force (FR)
    Mega Fun (DE) PAL
    MegaTech (UK) PAL
    Megazin (SI)
    Mean Machines Sega (UK) PAL
    Player One (FR)
    Play Time (DE)
    Power Up! (UK)
    Sega Magazin (DE)
    Sega Magazine (UK) PAL
    Sega Magazine (UK) PAL
    Sega Power (UK) PAL
    Sega Pro (UK) PAL
    Sega Zone (UK) PAL
    Sega Force (SE)
    Sega Mega Drive Review (RU)
    Sonic the Comic (UK) PAL
    Todo Sega (ES) PAL
    Tricks 16 bit (RU)
    Video Games (DE) PAL
    Sega Mega Drive
    Based on
    34 reviews

    Marko's Magic Football

    Mega Drive, US
    MarkosMagicFootball MD US Box.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MD US Cart.jpg
    Mega Drive, EU
    MarkosMagicFootball MD EU Box.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MD EU Cart.jpg
    Markos Magic Football MD EU Manual.jpg
    Mega Drive, PT

    Mega Drive, SE rental (SF)
    MarkosMagicFootball MD SE Box Rental.jpg
    Mega Drive, AU
    MarkosMagicFootball MD AU Box.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MD AU Manual.pdf
    Mega Drive, AU (Silver)
    MarkosMagicFootball MD AU Box.jpg
    Marko MD AU Cart Silver top.jpg
    Marko MD AU Cart Silver.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MD AU Manual.pdf
    Mega Drive, BR
    Marko md br cover.jpg

    Game Gear version

    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    {{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
    Based on
    0 review
    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    Mega Fun (DE) PAL
    Play Time (DE)
    Sega Magazine (UK) PAL
    Todo Sega (ES)
    Top Consoles (FR)
    Sega Game Gear
    Based on
    5 reviews

    Marko's Magic Football

    Game Gear, EU
    MarkosMagicFootball GG EU Box Back.jpgMarkos Magic Football GG EU BoxSpine.jpgMarkosMagicFootball GG EU Box Front.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball GG EU Cart.jpg
    Marko's Magic Football GG EU Manual.pdf

    Mega-CD version

    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    {{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
    Based on
    0 review
    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    GamePro (US) NTSC-U
    Mega Force (FR) PAL
    Player One (FR)
    Sega Mega-CD
    Based on
    3 reviews

    Marko's Magic Football

    Mega-CD, EU
    MarkosMagicFootball MCD EU Box Back.jpgMarkosMagicFootball MCD EU Box Front.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MCD EU spinecard.jpg
    MarkosMagicFootball MCD EU Disc.jpg
    Markos Magic Football MCD EU Manual.jpg

    Technical information

    Main article: Marko's Magic Football/Technical information.


    1. File:MarkosMagicFootball GG EU Box Back.jpg
    2. Game Players, "Vol. 7 No. 10 October 1994" (US; 1994-xx-xx), page 10
    3. 3.0 3.1 Game Players, "Vol. 7 No. 11 November 1994" (US; 1994-1x-xx), page 125
    4. Computer & Video Games, "May 1994" (UK; 1994-04-15), page 17
    5. 5.0 5.1 Sega Magazine, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-05-15), page 90
    6. 6.0 6.1 Computer & Video Games, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-05-15), page 55
    7. 7.0 7.1 Games World: The Magazine, "August 1994" (UK; 1994-06-30), page 16
    8. 8.0 8.1 Gamestar, "October 1994" (AU; 1994-xx-xx), page 82
    9. Sega Pro, "September 1994" (UK; 1994-08-11), page 8
    10. 10.0 10.1 Sega Magazine, "September 1995" (UK; 1995-08-13), page 92
    11. Game Players, "Vol. 7 No. 11 November 1994" (US; 1994-1x-xx), page 10
    12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Mean Machines Sega, "February 1994" (UK; 1993-12-28), page 26
    13. VideoGames, "August 1994" (US; 1994-0x-xx), page 50
    14. File:Marko MD credits.pdf
    15. File:Marko MCD credits.pdf
    16. File:Marko's Magic Football GG EU Manual.pdf, page 6
    17. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "December 1994" (US; 1994-xx-xx), page 302
    18. Mean Machines Sega, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-04-30), page 19
    19. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 123
    20. Alaab Alcomputtar, "" (SA; 1995-06-xx), page 26
    21. Aktueller Software Markt, "Januar 1995" (DE; 1994-12-05), page 30
    22. Consoles +, "Mai 1994" (FR; 1994-0x-xx), page 130
    23. Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1, "" (RU; 1999-xx-xx), page 329
    24. GamePro, "November 1994" (US; 1994-xx-xx), page 112
    25. Gamers, "Juli/August 1994" (DE; 1994-07-01), page 40
    26. Hyper, "July 1994" (AU; 1994-xx-xx), page 46
    27. Joypad, "Juin 1994" (FR; 1994-0x-xx), page 106
    28. Mega, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-05-19), page 26
    29. Mega Force, "Mai 1994" (FR; 1994-0x-xx), page 92
    30. Mega Fun, "06/94" (DE; 1994-05-18), page 40
    31. MegaTech, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-05-19), page 6
    32. Megazin, "Letnik 3, Številka 6/7, Junij/Julij 1995" (SI; 1995-xx-xx), page 37
    33. Mean Machines Sega, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-04-30), page 56
    34. Player One, "Juin 1994" (FR; 1994-0x-xx), page 88
    35. Play Time, "7/94" (DE; 1994-06-08), page 132
    36. Power Up!, "Saturday, August 06, 1994" (UK; 1994-08-06), page 1
    37. Sega Magazin, "Juni 1994" (DE; 1994-05-11), page 26
    38. Sega Magazine, "August 1994" (UK; 1994-07-15), page 94
    39. Sega Power, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-04-28), page 34
    40. Sega Pro, "June 1994" (UK; 1994-05-24), page 46
    41. Sega Zone, "May 1994" (UK; 1994-04-xx), page 42
    42. Sega Force, "5/94" (SE; 1994-08-10), page 20
    43. Sega Mega Drive Review, "2" (RU; 1996-01-03), page 75
    44. Sonic the Comic, "July 8th 1994" (UK; 1994-06-25), page 11
    45. Todo Sega, "Mayo 1994" (ES; 1994-0x-xx), page 62
    46. Tricks 16 bit, "Tricks Sega Gold 800 igr" (RU; 1998-03-20), page 109
    47. Video Games, "6/94" (DE; 1994-05-25), page 95
    48. Mega Fun, "04/95" (DE; 1995-03-22), page 91
    49. Play Time, "5/95" (DE; 1995-04-05), page 106
    50. Todo Sega, "Junio 1995" (ES; 1995-0x-xx), page 52
    51. Top Consoles, "Mai 1995" (FR; 1995-0x-xx), page 133
    52. GamePro, "July 1995" (US; 1995-xx-xx), page 51
    53. Mega Force, "Été 1995" (FR; 1995-0x-xx), page 96
    54. Player One, "Juillet/Août 1995" (FR; 1995-0x-xx), page 114

    Marko's Magic Football

    MarkosMagicFootball MD EU TitleScreen.png

    Main page | Comparisons | Maps | Passwords | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

    Sega Mega Drive
    Prototypes: 1994-03

    Sega Mega-CD
    Prototypes: 1995-04-12