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From Sega Retro

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| sounddriver=
| peripherals={{DC}} [[Dreamcast VGA Box]], [[Jump Pack]], [[Fishing Controller]], [[Visual Memory Unit]]
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| genre=Fishing Simulation/Tsuri Simulation (釣りシミュレーション){{fileref|SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back.jpg}}, Super Real Bass Fishing (スーパーリアル・バスフィッシング){{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20150627165306/http://sega.jp/dc/990103/}}, Action{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20200210034950/https://sega.jp/history/hard/dreamcast/software.html}}
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'''''Sega Bass Fishing''''', known as '''''GetBass''''' (ゲットバス) in Japan, is a fishing simulation developed by [[AM1]] and published by [[Sega]] for the [[Model 3 Step 1.0]] arcade hardware. The game was ported to the [[Sega Dreamcast]], Windows PC and [[Nintendo Wii]] by [[SIMS]]. The Wii version is called ''Uchi Tsuri! Bass Fishing'' (ウチ釣りッ! バスフィッシング) in Japan.
'''''{{PAGENAME}}''''', known as '''''GetBass''''' (ゲットバス) in Japan, is a video game fishing simulator developed by [[AM1]] and published by Sega for the [[Model 3 Step 1.0]] arcade hardware. An updated version for the [[Blast City]] cabinet named '''''GebBass Blast''''' (ゲットバス・ブラスト){{ref|https://onitama.tv/gamemachine/pdf/19980715p.pdf}} or '''''GebBass Blast City Type''''' (ゲットバス・ブラストシティタイプ){{ref|https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?posts/1087439/}} was released in March 1998.{{ref|https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n39/mode/1up}} The game was ported to the [[Sega Dreamcast]] and PC by [[SIMS]]. It should not be confused with the similar ''[[Sega Bass Fishing (Wii)|Sega Bass Fishing]]'' for the [[Wii]], which serves as a sequel to this game.
The arcade game uses a specialised cabinet with a fishing controller made to resemble a fishing rod, complete with a windable reel. A home version of the peripheral, the [[Dreamcast Fishing Controller]], was released for the Dreamcast, both separately and packaged with ''Sega Bass Fishing''. The Wii version simply makes use of the Wii Remote.
[[Sega Logistics Service]] announced it would end service on the arcade machines on March 31, 2017.{{fileref|SegaProductsTerminationAnnouncement 2016-11 JP.pdf}}{{fileref|SegaProductsTerminationAnnouncement 2016-12.pdf}}
A sequel was released for the Dreamcast in 2001, ''[[Sega Bass Fishing 2]]''.
''Sega Bass Fishing'' is an arcade-style fishing game, in which players try to catch bass against a strict time limit. Gameplay is relatively simple - the player choses a position at which to cast and then reels in the line, attempting to interest fish with one of several types of lure. If a fish bites, the player needs to reel the fish in while observing the status of the line tension meter on the right hand side of the screen - if reeled in too quickly the line will break and time will be lost. The player may also need to move the line left or right to make sure the fish does not let go of the lure and again, so the line does not snap.
==Production Credits==
In the arcade original, the player is tasked with reeling in a specified amount of fish dictated by the stage. Vision may be impaired by murky water, and time bonuses are awarded for causing the fish to hit the scenery during the catching process. In the original 1997 version of the game there were only three stages (plus a hidden area) - the Dreamcast and PC ports up this to eight, and new different modes and settings.
===Arcade Version===
'''Planning:''' Kazuhiro Gouji, [[Takao Seki]]<br>
'''Program:''' Junpei Satoh, [[Yoshiharu Suzuki]], Masaki Namikoshi, Makihito Yokota, Masaru Sugahara<br>
'''Graphic Design:''' [[Yoshiaki Aoki]], [[Hideo Takashima]], [[Hideyuki Katoh]], [[Hiroyuki Yoshimi]], [[Norio Ishii]], [[Hitoshi Furukubo]]<br>
'''Publicity Design:''' [[Akira Yamanaka]]<br>
'''Sound Director:''' [[Sachio Ogawa]]<br>
'''Voice:''' [[Hisaki Nimiya]]<br>
===Dreamcast Version===
The arcade game uses a specialised cabinet with a fishing controller made to resemble a fishing rod, complete with a windable reel. A home version of the peripheral, the [[Fishing Controller]], was released for the Dreamcast, both separately and packaged with ''Sega Bass Fishing''. The Dreamcast version of game can still be played without a Fishing Controller, but by default the player will be forced to use the {{L}} and {{R}} triggers.
~In-game credits~<br>
The 1998 [[Blast City]] version of the game had a secret element where the bass would gradually grow larger the longer you spent playing.{{ref|https://www.sega.jp/history/arcade/product/9020/}}
'''Planning:''' [[Hideki Katagiri]], [[Nobuo Matsushima]], [[Tomoyuki Nishimura]]<br>
'''Program:''' [[Yoshiki Sawamura]], Hisanori Fukuoka, [[Katsumi Kohori]], [[Yasushi Zenita]], Masatoshi Satoh, Yasushi Haraguti<br>
'''Graphic Design:''' [[Hiroyuki Kikkawa]], [[Hiroko Kato|Hiroko Katoh]], [[Keisuke Nozawa]]<br>
'''Sound Director:''' [[Makoto Iida]]<br>
'''Publicity:''' [[Mika Araki]]<br>
'''Special Thanks:''' [[Tatsuya Watanabe]], [[Ichiro Kawaoka|Ichirou Kawaoka]], [[Koji Ooto]], [[Seiki Saito]]<br>
===Sequels and re-releases===
'''Presented by:''' [[Sega]]<br>
In its day, ''Sega Bass Fishing'' was one of the more successful fishing simulators, and spawned several sequels including the Dreamcast game, ''[[Sega Bass Fishing 2]]'' in 2001. Its legacy also led to the release of ''[[Sega Marine Fishing]]'', also for the Dreamcast.
~Other credits~<br>
'''Product Development'''
Other sequels include ''[[Sega Bass Fishing Duel]]'' for the [[PlayStation 2]], ''[[Sega Bass Fishing (Wii)|Sega Bass Fishing]]'' for the [[Wii]] and ''[[Sega Bass Fishing Challenge]]'' released exclusively in arcades. The Dreamcast version of ''Sega Bass Fishing'' was also released as part of ''[[Dreamcast Collection]]'' for the [[Xbox 360]] and PC, and has now seen a separate release for [[Xbox Live Arcade]], [[PlayStation Network]] and [[Steam]]. The Steam and Xbox 360 versions have been delisted from their respective stores as of December 6, 2024.{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20241109153954/https://www.sega.jp/topics/detail/241107_1/}}{{ref|https://ghostarchive.org/archive/3mhhl|https://support.sega.com/hc/en-us/articles/29776767664145-SEGA-Classics-FAQ}}
* Localization Producer: [[Jason Kuo]]
* Localization Manager: Osamu Shibamiya
* Lead Tester: Dennis Lee
===Version history===
* Assistant Lead: Jeff B. Junio
* Product Manager: Andrew Stein
* Associate Product Manager: Stacey Kerr
* Sr. Marketing Coordinator: Undyne Stafford
* Writers: Luke Valentine, Osamu Nakazato
* Editor: Luke Valentine
* Translator: Luke Valentine
* DTP Operator: Makoto Nishino
* Designer: Youichi Takahashi
* Supervisor: Kaoru Ichigozaki
'''Special Thanks:''' John Amirkhan, Sandra Castagnola, Sean Dodge, Joanne Eastman, Sheri Hockaday, Mike Lopez, Michael McCollum, Peter Moore, Shinobu Shindo, Sega Online
===Wii Version===
'''SEGA of America'''
* '''CEO:''' [[Naoya Tsurumi]]
* '''President:''' [[Simon Jeffrey]]
* '''COO:''' [[Simon Jeffrey]]
* '''Executive VP of Corporate Planning:''' [[Hitoshi Okuno]]
* '''VP of Product Development:''' [[David Cobb]]
* '''VP of Sales:''' [[Sue Hughes-Taigen]]
* '''Director of Artist & Repertoire:''' Noah P. Musler
* '''Localization Manager:''' John Merlino
* '''Producer:''' J. Patrick Riley
* '''Associate Producer:''' Christopher Kaminski
* '''Director of Marketing:''' Rick Naylor
* '''Senior Product Marketing Manager:''' Erica Mason
* '''Director of Public Relations:''' Charles Scibetta
* '''Public Relations Manager:''' Jay Boor
* '''Senior Creative Services Manager:''' Jenifer Groeling
* '''Creative Services Production Specialist:''' Heather Lucchetti
* '''Development Operations Director:''' Luke Letizia
* '''QA Manager:''' Joshua Morton
* '''QA Lead:''' Michael Baldwin
* '''QA Assistant Lead:''' Dennis Constantino
* '''QA Testers:''' Ken Robinson, Alex Ryan, Jayson Cook
* '''SEGA Standards Supervisor:''' Stephen Akana
* '''Standards Lead:''' Lawrence Mann
* '''Mastering Supervisor:''' Rhianna Kellom
* '''Mastering Lab Technicians:''' Rey Buzon, Chris Riles, Keith Alorro
* '''Special Thanks:''' Osamu Shibamiya, Matthew Ellison, Eric Benson, BK design
* '''Executive Producer:''' [[Noboru Machida]]
* '''Planning:''' Hirotaka Kanazawa, Takashi Sato, Yasuhiro Numata
* '''Programming Director:''' Tsuyoshi Kogata
* '''Programming:''' Shinichi Kawamoto, Hidekazu Suzuki, Yasuyuki Fujita, [[Katsumi Kohori]], Masumi Koike, Katsunobu Isogai
* '''Art Director:''' [[Keisuke Nozawa]]
* '''BG Graphics:''' Yuichiro Kishita, Seiji Ogomori, Kanako Sato, Sayo Suzumura
* '''Character Graphics:''' Hideki Fujii, Hidehiro Sai
* '''Menu Graphics:''' Daisuke Ito, Konomi Deguchi
* '''Sound:''' [[Makoto Iida]]
* '''Producer:''' Ryuichi Makino
'''SEGA Japan'''
* '''Global Coorindation:''' [[Seiki Saito]]
* '''Oversea Consumers Business:''' Tatsuya Shikata
* '''Manual Production:''' Yoshihiro Sakuta, Hisakazu Nakagawa, Tetsuya Honda
* '''Product Test:''' Junichi Shimizu, Akira Nishikawa, Akira Terasawa
* '''Lead Producers:''' Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Kazunobu Takita
* '''Executive Advisers:''' Hideki Okamura, Masano Maeda
* '''Executive Producers:''' Hisao Oguchi, Takayuki Kawagoe
'''Special Thanks'''
* '''Voice (Narrator):''' Eric Kelso
==Physical Scans==
===Localised names===
|en_name=Sega Bass Fishing
|us_name=Sega Bass Fishing
==Production credits==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Production credits}}
==Digital manuals==
SBF Model3 US Standard Manual.pdf|Model 3 US manual (standard)
SegaBassFishing Model3 US Manual Deluxe.pdf|Model 3 US manual (deluxe)
SBF Model3 US Deluxe Bulletin.pdf|Model 3 US service bulletin (fishing handle)
SBF Model3 US Deluxe Voltage Bulletin.pdf|Model 3 US service bulletin (deluxe voltage)
SBF Model3 US Handle Bulletin.pdf|Model 3 US service bulletin (upright handle)
SBF Model3 US Reel Bulletin.pdf|Model 3 US service bulletin (upright reel)
SegaBassFishing Model3 DigitalBulletin PCB.pdf|Model 3 US service bulletin (PCB)
SegaBassFishing Steam manual.pdf|Steam manual
==Magazine articles==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Magazine articles}}
==Promotional material==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Promotional material}}
GetBass logo.png
SegaBassFishing logo.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing BASS FISH LOGO.jpg
SegaBassFishing DC Art GETBASS2.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing GETBASS2.jpg
SegaBassFishing DC Art GET_BASS_AW1.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing GET BASS AW1.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing GET BASS AW2.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing GET BASS PACKSHOT.jpg
DreamcastPressDisc4 SegaBassFishing sega bass fishing packshot.png
SegaBassFishing 360 key art.jpg
==Physical scans==
===Model 3 version===
===Model 3 version===
| console=Model 3
| region=US
|region=US (standard)
| page1=SegaBassFishing Arcade US Flyer Front.jpg
| page2=SegaBassFishing Arcade US Flyer Back.jpg
| console=Model 3
|region=US (deluxe)
| region=US (Alt)
| page1=SegaBassFishing Arcade US Flyer Front Alt.jpg
| page2=SegaBassFishing Arcade US Flyer Back Alt.jpg
| console=Model 3
| region=UK
| page1=SegaBassFishing Arcade UK Flyer.jpg
===Dreamcast version===
===Dreamcast version===
| console=Dreamcast
| region=JP
| front=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Front.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back.jpg
| square=yes
| manual=GetBassDCJPManual.pdf
| disc=GetBassDCJPDisk.jpg
| inlay=GetBassDCJPInlay.jpg
| console=Dreamcast
| region=JP ([[Fishing Controller|Tsuri Controller Set]])
| front=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Front Controller.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back Controller.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| console=Dreamcast
| console=Dreamcast
| region=US
| region=US
Line 178: Line 299:
| square=yes
| square=yes
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC US Disc.jpg
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC US Disc.jpg
| inlay=SegaBassFishingDCUSInlay.jpg
| manual=SegaBassFishing DC US Manual.pdf
| console=Dreamcast
| console=Dreamcast
| region=US ([[Sega All Stars]])
| region=US ([[Sega All Stars]])
| front=
| front=SegaBassFishing DC US Box Front SAS.jpg
| back=
| back=SegaBassFishing DC US Box Back SAS.jpg
| spine=
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=
| square=yes
| square=yes
| disc=
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC US Disc SAS.jpg
| console=Dreamcast
| console=Dreamcast
| region=EU
| region=UK
| front=SegaBassFishing DC EU Box Front.jpg
| front=SegaBassFishing DC EU Box Front.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC EU Box Back.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC EU Box Back.jpg
| square=yes
| square=yes
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC EU Disc.jpg
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC EU Disc.jpg
| console=Dreamcast
| region=EU (White Label)
| front=
| back=
| square=yes
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC EU wl disc.jpg
| console=Dreamcast
| region=EU ([[Fishing Controller|Fishing Set]])
| front=SegaBassFishing DC EU set front.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC EU set back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| disc=SegaBassFishing DC EU Disc.jpg
| console=Dreamcast
| console=Dreamcast
| region=JP
| region=PL
| front=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Front.jpg
| front=SegaBassFishing DC PL Box Front.png
| back=SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back.jpg
| back=SegaBassFishing DC PL Box Back.png
| square=yes
| square=yes
| disc=
| disc=
| console=Dreamcast
| region=AU ([[Fishing Controller|Fishing Set]])
| front=
===PC version===
===PC version===
| console=PC
| region=JP
| front=SBF PC JP front.jpg
| back=SBF PC JP Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| console=PC
| console=PC
| region=US
| region=US
| front=SegaBassFishing PC US cover.jpg
| front=SegaBassFishing PC US cover.jpg
| console=PC
===Wii version===
| console=Wii
| region=EU
| region=EU
| front=SegaBassFishing Wii EU cover.jpg
| front=SBF PC EU front.jpg
| disc=
| console=PC
| region=UK
| cover=SegaBassFishing PC EU Box Front.jpg
| console=PC
| region=FR/NL (Sega Classics)
| cover=
| console=Wii
| console=PC
| region=JP
| region=IT
| front=SegaBassFishing Wii JP cover.jpg
| cover=SBF PC IT cover.jpg
| back=
| disc=
| console=Wii
| console=PC
| region=DE
| region=AU ([[Valusoft]])
| front=SegaBassFishing Wii DE cover.jpg
| cover=SegaBassFishing PC AU Box Valusoft.jpg
| back=
| disc=SBF PC AU vs disc.jpg
| disc=
| console=Wii
| console=PC
| region=AU
| region=CN
| front=SegaBassFishing Wii AU cover.jpg
| front=SegaBassFishing PC CN Box Front.jpg
| back=
| disc=
| console=Wii
| console=PC
| region=CA
| region=SG ([[Ntertainment!]])
| front=SegaBassFishing Wii CA cover.jpg
| cover=SegaBassFishing PC Box Ntertainment.jpg
| back=
| disc=
| console=PC
| region=PL (''Play'' magazine<ref>In bundle with Chain of Command Eastern Front and Kurka Wodna 3</ref>)
| front=
| console=PC
| region=TR
| front=
File:SegaBassFishing Wii logo.jpg
==Technical information==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Technical information}}
==External Links==
==External links==
* Sega of Japan catalogue pages: [http://sega.jp/dc/990103/ Dreamcast], [http://sega.jp/pc/getbass/ PC]
* Sega of America webpage: [https://web.archive.org/web/20030628084441/http://www.sega.com:80/games/dreamcast/post_dreamcastgame.jhtml?PRODID=251 Dreamcast]
* [http://bassfishing.sega.jp/ Official website for Wii version on Sega.jp (Japanese)]
* Sega of Japan catalogue pages (Japanese): [https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://sega.jp/dc/990103/ Dreamcast], [https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://sega.jp/pc/getbass/ PC], [http://dc.sega.jp/game_GB.html Xbox 360]
* [http://www.sega.com/games/sega-bass-fishing/ Official website on Sega.com (English)]
* Official website on [http://www.sega.com/games/sega-bass-fishing/ Sega.com (English)]
* ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on PlayStation.com: [http://www.jp.playstation.com/software/title/jp0177npjb00107_00dccbassfishing00.html JP], [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/sega-bass-fishing-ps3/ US], [http://www.playstation.co.kr/game/2474 KR]
* ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on PlayStation Store: [https://store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%a0/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%83%e3%83%88%e3%83%90%e3%82%b9/cid=JP0177-NPJB00107_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 JP], [https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/sega-bass-fishing/cid=UP0177-NPUB30352_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 US], [https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/sega-bass-fishing/cid=EP0177-NPEB00351_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 UK], [https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-au/games/sega-bass-fishing/cid=EP0177-NPEB00351_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 AU], [https://store.playstation.com/#!/ko-kr/%ea%b2%8c%ec%9e%84/sega-bass-fishing-%ec%a0%9c%ed%92%88%ed%8c%90/cid=HP0177-NPHB00230_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 KR], [https://store.playstation.com/en-tw/product/HP0177-NPHB00230_00-DCCBASSFISHING00 TW]
* ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on Xbox Marketplace: [http://marketplace.xbox.com/ja-JP/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 JP], [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 US], [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-GB/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 UK], [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-AU/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 AU]
* [http://store.steampowered.com/app/71240/ ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on Steam]
* [http://store.steampowered.com/app/71240/ ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on Steam]
* ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on Xbox Live Marketplace: [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-GB/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 GB], [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83 US]
* [http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/games/sega-bass-fishing-ps3.html ''{{PAGENAME}}'' on PlayStation.com]
[[Category:Model 3 Step 1.0 games]]
[[Category:Model 3 Games]]
[[Category:Model 3 Step 1.0 Games]]

Latest revision as of 12:28, 18 January 2025


  • Model 3
  • Sega Dreamcast
  • Sega Dreamcast
  • Windows PC
  • Steam

SegaBassFishing title.png

Sega Bass Fishing DC, Title Screen US.png

GetBass DC JP Title.png

SegaBassFishing PC UK Title.png

SegaBassFishing PC Steam Title.png

Sega Bass Fishing
System(s): Sega Model 3 Step 1.0, Dreamcast, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, Steam, PlayStation Now
Arcade (Model 3)
Sega Saturn
Sega Enterprises, Ltd. (JP)
Sega Saturn
Samsung (KR)
Sega Saturn
Sega of America (US)
Sega Saturn
Sega Europe (EU)
Xbox 360
Sony PlayStation 3
Sega Corporation
PlayStation Now
Sega Games
Windows PC
Sega PC
Windows PC
Empire Interactive (UK)
Supporting companies:
Windows PC
Matrix Interactive (CN)
Peripherals supported:
Sega Dreamcast
Dreamcast VGA Box, Jump Pack, Fishing Controller, Visual Memory Unit
Genre: Fishing Simulation/Tsuri Simulation (釣りシミュレーション)[3], Super Real Bass Fishing (スーパーリアル・バスフィッシング)[4], Action[5]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Arcade (Model 3)
¥? ?
Arcade (Model 3)
$? ?
Arcade (Model 3)
£? ?
Sega Dreamcast
¥5,800 (6,090)5,800e[4] HDR-0023
Sega Rating: All Ages
Sega Dreamcast
(Tsuri Controller Set)
¥9,800 (10,290)9,800e[4] HDR-0012
Sega Dreamcast
$39.9939.99[8] 51006
ESRB: Everyone
Sega Dreamcast
(Sega All Stars)
$19.9919.99[9] 51006
ESRB: Everyone
Sega Dreamcast
(White Label)
Sega Dreamcast
USK: 0
Sega Dreamcast
(Fishing Set)
USK: 0
Sega Dreamcast
SELL: Tous Publics
Sega Dreamcast
£39.9939.99[12] MK-51006-05
Sega Dreamcast
(Fishing Set)
Sega Dreamcast
Windows PC
¥6,800 (7,140)6,800e[18] HCJ-0304
Sega Rating: All Ages
Windows PC
ESRB: Everyone
Windows PC
Windows PC
Windows PC
Windows PC
Windows PC
Windows PC
$8.958.95[21] 71240
ESRB: Everyone
€7.997.99[21] 71240
PEGI: 3+
£5.995.99[21] 71240
PEGI: 3+
$19.9919.99[21] 71240
OFLC: General (G)
Sony PlayStation 3
¥952 (1,000)952 (1,000)[24] NPJB-00107
Sony PlayStation 3
$9.999.99[22] NPUB-30352
ESRB: Everyone
Sony PlayStation 3
€7.997.99[22] NPEB-00351
PEGI: 3+
Sony PlayStation 3
€7.997.99[22] NPEB-00351
USK: 0
Sony PlayStation 3
£6.296.29[22] NPEB-00351
PEGI: 3+
Sony PlayStation 3
$12.9512.95[22] NPEB-00351
OFLC: General (G)
Sony PlayStation 3
₩13,00013,000[23] NPHB-00230
GRB: All
Sony PlayStation 3
NT$342342[25] NPHB-00230
GSRR: 6+
Xbox 360
Xbox 360
Xbox 360
ESRB: Everyone
Xbox 360
(Trial Game)
ESRB: Everyone
Xbox 360
PEGI: 3+
Xbox 360
(Trial Game)
PEGI: 3+
Xbox 360
USK: 0
Xbox 360
(Trial Game)
USK: 0
Xbox 360
PEGI: 3+
Xbox 360
(Trial Game)
PEGI: 3+
Xbox 360
Xbox 360
(Trial Game)
PlayStation Now

Sega Bass Fishing, known as GetBass (ゲットバス) in Japan, is a video game fishing simulator developed by AM1 and published by Sega for the Model 3 Step 1.0 arcade hardware. An updated version for the Blast City cabinet named GebBass Blast (ゲットバス・ブラスト)[34] or GebBass Blast City Type (ゲットバス・ブラストシティタイプ)[35] was released in March 1998.[36] The game was ported to the Sega Dreamcast and PC by SIMS. It should not be confused with the similar Sega Bass Fishing for the Wii, which serves as a sequel to this game.

Sega Logistics Service announced it would end service on the arcade machines on March 31, 2017.[37][38]


Sega Bass Fishing is an arcade-style fishing game, in which players try to catch bass against a strict time limit. Gameplay is relatively simple - the player choses a position at which to cast and then reels in the line, attempting to interest fish with one of several types of lure. If a fish bites, the player needs to reel the fish in while observing the status of the line tension meter on the right hand side of the screen - if reeled in too quickly the line will break and time will be lost. The player may also need to move the line left or right to make sure the fish does not let go of the lure and again, so the line does not snap.

In the arcade original, the player is tasked with reeling in a specified amount of fish dictated by the stage. Vision may be impaired by murky water, and time bonuses are awarded for causing the fish to hit the scenery during the catching process. In the original 1997 version of the game there were only three stages (plus a hidden area) - the Dreamcast and PC ports up this to eight, and new different modes and settings.

The arcade game uses a specialised cabinet with a fishing controller made to resemble a fishing rod, complete with a windable reel. A home version of the peripheral, the Fishing Controller, was released for the Dreamcast, both separately and packaged with Sega Bass Fishing. The Dreamcast version of game can still be played without a Fishing Controller, but by default the player will be forced to use the L and R triggers.

The 1998 Blast City version of the game had a secret element where the bass would gradually grow larger the longer you spent playing.[39]


Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Achievements.


Sequels and re-releases

In its day, Sega Bass Fishing was one of the more successful fishing simulators, and spawned several sequels including the Dreamcast game, Sega Bass Fishing 2 in 2001. Its legacy also led to the release of Sega Marine Fishing, also for the Dreamcast.

Other sequels include Sega Bass Fishing Duel for the PlayStation 2, Sega Bass Fishing for the Wii and Sega Bass Fishing Challenge released exclusively in arcades. The Dreamcast version of Sega Bass Fishing was also released as part of Dreamcast Collection for the Xbox 360 and PC, and has now seen a separate release for Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam. The Steam and Xbox 360 versions have been delisted from their respective stores as of December 6, 2024.[40][41]


Version history

Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Changelog.
System Version Size Date Comment Ref Icon
201409162014-09-16 [42]

Localised names

Also known as
Language Localised Name English Translation
English Sega Bass Fishing Sega Bass Fishing
English (US) Sega Bass Fishing Sega Bass Fishing
Japanese ゲットバス GetBass

Production credits

Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Production credits.

Digital manuals

Magazine articles

Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Promotional material.


Physical scans

Model 3 version

US (standard)
US (deluxe)

Dreamcast version

ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Arcade (UK) NTSC-J
Arcade (UK) PAL
Consoles + (FR) NTSC-J
Computer & Video Games (UK)
Dreamcast Monthly (UK) PAL
Dreamcast: Das Offizielle Magazin (DE)
Dreamcast Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Dreamcast Magazine (UK) PAL
Dorimaga (JP) NTSC-J
Dreamzone (FR) NTSC-J
Edge (UK) NTSC-J
Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast (RU) NTSC-J
Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast (RU) NTSC-U
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Fun Generation (DE) PAL
GameFan (US) NTSC-U
GamePro (US) NTSC-U
GamesMaster (UK) PAL
GameZine (UK)
Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
Gamers' Republic (US) NTSC-U
Mega Fun (DE) PAL
Neo Plus (PL)
Next Generation (US) NTSC-U
neXt Level (DE) PAL
Next Level (AR)
Official Dreamcast Magazine (UK)
Official Dreamcast Magazine (US) NTSC-U
Strana Igr (RU)
Total Control (UK) NTSC-J
Video Games (DE) PAL
Sega Dreamcast
Based on
35 reviews

Sega Bass Fishing

Dreamcast, JP
SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back.jpgSegaBassFishing DC JP Box Front.jpg
Dreamcast, JP (Tsuri Controller Set)
SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back Controller.jpgNospine.pngSegaBassFishing DC JP Box Front Controller.jpg
Dreamcast, US
SegaBassFishing DC US Box Back.jpgSegaBassFishing DC US Box Front.jpg
Dreamcast, US (Sega All Stars)
SegaBassFishing DC US Box Back SAS.jpgNospine-small.pngSegaBassFishing DC US Box Front SAS.jpg
SegaBassFishing DC US Disc SAS.jpg
Dreamcast, UK
SegaBassFishing DC EU Box Back.jpgSegaBassFishing DC EU Box Front.jpg
SegaBassFishing DC EU Disc.jpg
Dreamcast, EU (White Label)

SegaBassFishing DC EU wl disc.jpg
Dreamcast, EU (Fishing Set)
SegaBassFishing DC EU set back.jpgNospine.pngSegaBassFishing DC EU set front.jpg
SegaBassFishing DC EU Disc.jpg
Dreamcast, PL
SegaBassFishing DC PL Box Back.pngSegaBassFishing DC PL Box Front.png
Dreamcast, AU (Fishing Set)

PC version

ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Secret Service (PL)
Windows PC
Based on
1 review

Sega Bass Fishing

SBF PC JP Back.jpgNospine.pngSBF PC JP front.jpg
SegaBassFishing PC US cover.jpg
SBF PC EU front.jpg
SegaBassFishing PC EU Box Front.jpg
PC, FR/NL (Sega Classics)

SBF PC IT cover.jpg
PC, AU (Valusoft)
SegaBassFishing PC AU Box Valusoft.jpg
SBF PC AU vs disc.jpg
SegaBassFishing PC CN Box Front.jpg
PC, SG (Ntertainment!)
SegaBassFishing PC Box Ntertainment.jpg
PC, PL (Play magazine[76])



Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Compliance.

Technical information

Main article: Sega Bass Fishing/Technical information.

External links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Sega Arcade History, Enterbrain, page 147
  2. http://www.pricedesign.com/pdwebsite/drmcast.html (Wayback Machine: 2001-08-25 11:25)
  3. File:SegaBassFishing DC JP Box Back.jpg
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 http://sega.jp/dc/990103/ (Wayback Machine: 2015-06-27 16:53)
  5. https://sega.jp/history/hard/dreamcast/software.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-02-10 03:49)
  6. https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n133/mode/1up
  7. http://www.sega.com:80/games/dreamcast/post_dreamcastgame.jhtml?PRODID=251 (Wayback Machine: 2003-06-28 08:44)
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 GamePro, "November 1999" (US; 1999-1x-xx), page 138
  9. http://www.sega.jp/release/nr000823_2.html (Wayback Machine: 2005-02-09 19:23)
  10. http://www.chipsworld.co.uk/detProd.asp?ProductCode=2726 (Wayback Machine: 2002-02-14 18:22)
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Dreamcast Monthly, "May 2000" (UK; 2000-04-13), page 12
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Dreamcast Monthly, "November 1999" (UK; 1999-11-18), page 70
  13. https://groups.google.com/g/uk.games.video.dreamcast/c/y1LMIGdLeuM/m/qjmpV5i4mH8J
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Computer & Video Games, "November 1999" (UK; 1999-10-13), page 82
  15. Official Dreamcast Magazine, "November 1999" (UK; 1999-09-30), page 90
  16. http://www.futuregamez.net:80/outnow/dc.html (Wayback Machine: 2001-07-31 23:17)
  17. http://sega.jp/search/result.php?page=6&pf=11 (Wayback Machine: 2017-03-03 23:30)
  18. http://sega.jp/pc/getbass/ (Wayback Machine: 2002-04-09 07:14)
  19. http://spong.com/game/11029456/Sega-Bass-Fishing-PC (Wayback Machine: 2013-06-27 06:56)
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 https://steamdb.info/app/71240/ (Wayback Machine: 2017-12-23 06:21)
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 http://steamdb.info/app/71240/ (Wayback Machine: 2013-05-22 19:37)
  22. Jump up to: 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 22.14 22.15 22.16 22.17 File:SEGA Bass Fishing and Space Channel 5 Part 2 Launc.pdf
  23. Jump up to: 23.0 23.1 PlayStation Store (ko-kr; HP0177-NPHB00230_00-DCCBASSFISHING00) (Wayback Machine: 2018-04-02 20:45)
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 http://www.jp.playstation.com:80/software/title/jp0177npjb00107_00dccbassfishing00.html (Wayback Machine: 2011-10-06 14:43)
  25. Jump up to: 25.0 25.1 PlayStation Store (en-tw; HP0177-NPHB00230_00-DCCBASSFISHING00) (Wayback Machine: 2018-04-02 20:46)
  26. Xbox LIVE Marketplace (fr-FR; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2011-11-30 05:52)
  27. Xbox LIVE Marketplace (de-DE; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2013-08-14 16:54)
  28. Xbox LIVE Marketplace (en-US; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2011-10-07 09:58)
  29. Xbox LIVE Marketplace (en-GB; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2011-10-08 02:23)
  30. Jump up to: 30.0 30.1 http://dc.sega.jp:80/game_GB.html (Wayback Machine: 2011-10-12 03:38)
  31. Xbox LIVE Marketplace (ja-jp; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2018-06-24 01:21)
  32. Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 32.2 Xbox LIVE Marketplace (en-AU; SEGA-Bass-Fishing/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410a83) (Wayback Machine: 2011-11-21 09:35)
  33. http://www.jp.playstation.com:80/software/title/jp0177npjb00107_00dccbassfishing00.html (Wayback Machine: 2015-10-27 15:19)
  34. https://onitama.tv/gamemachine/pdf/19980715p.pdf
  35. https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?posts/1087439/
  36. https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n39/mode/1up
  37. File:SegaProductsTerminationAnnouncement 2016-11 JP.pdf
  38. File:SegaProductsTerminationAnnouncement 2016-12.pdf
  39. https://www.sega.jp/history/arcade/product/9020/
  40. https://www.sega.jp/topics/detail/241107_1/ (Wayback Machine: 2024-11-09 15:39)
  41. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-us/articles/29776767664145-SEGA-Classics-FAQ (Ghostarchive)
  42. http://steamcommunity.com/games/71240/announcements/detail/130924979973179587 (Wayback Machine: 2018-02-11 00:14)
  43. Arcade, "August 1999" (UK; 1999-06-30), page 104
  44. Arcade, "Xmas 1999" (UK; 1999-12-06), page 72
  45. Consoles +, "Juin 1999" (FR; 1999-0x-xx), page 126
  46. DC-UK, "November 1999" (UK; 1999-10-26), page 20
  47. Dreamcast: Das Offizielle Magazin, "Oktober 1999" (DE; 1999-10-14), page 30
  48. Dreamcast Magazine, "1999-12 (1999-04-09)" (JP; 1999-03-26), page 24
  49. Dreamcast Magazine, "No. 3" (UK; 1999-11-25), page 46
  50. Dorimaga, "2002-18 (2002-10-11)" (JP; 2002-09-27), page 34
  51. Dreamzone, "Juillet/Août 1999" (FR; 1999-06-18), page 117
  52. Edge, "June 1999" (UK; 1999-05-19), page 80
  53. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "October 1999" (US; 1999-09-07), page 220
  54. Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast, "Izdaniye chetvertoye, dopolnennoye" (RU; 2002-xx-xx), page 84
  55. Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast, "Izdaniye chetvertoye, dopolnennoye" (RU; 2002-xx-xx), page 199
  56. Famitsu, "1999-04-09" (JP; 1999-03-26), page 34
  57. Fun Generation, "01/00" (DE; 1999-12-22), page 67
  58. GameFan, "Volume 7, Issue 9: September 1999" (US; 1999-xx-xx), page 19
  59. GamesMaster, "June 2000" (UK; 2000-05-18), page 103
  60. GameZine (UK) (+0:00)
  61. Game Informer, "September 1999" (US; 1999-0x-xx), page 67
  62. Gamers' Republic, "September 1999" (US; 1999-08-10), page 35
  63. MAN!AC, "06/99" (DE; 1999-05-05), page 48
  64. MAN!AC, "03/2000" (DE; 2000-02-02), page 47
  65. Mega Fun, "10/99" (DE; 1999-09-01), page 79
  66. Neo Plus, "Kwiecień 2000" (PL; 2000-xx-xx), page 59
  67. Next Generation, "September 1999" (US; 1999-08-17), page 86
  68. neXt Level, "November 1999" (DE; 1999-10-08), page 41
  69. Next Level, "Agosto 1999" (AR; 1999-xx-xx), page 39
  70. Official Dreamcast Magazine, "November 1999" (UK; 1999-09-30), page 88
  71. Official Dreamcast Magazine, "November 1999" (US; 1999-10-05), page 112
  72. Strana Igr, "Sentyabr 2000 2/2" (RU; 2000-xx-xx), page 19
  73. Total Control, "June 1999" (UK; 1999-05-14), page 137
  74. Video Games, "01/2000" (DE; 1999-12-15), page 118
  75. Secret Service, "Październik 2001" (PL; 2001-xx-xx), page 71
  76. In bundle with Chain of Command Eastern Front and Kurka Wodna 3

CollapseSega Bass Fishing

SegaBassFishing title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Achievements | Changelog | Credits | Development | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Promotional material | Compliance | Technical information | Bootlegs

Books: Chou Kouryakubon Game no Arukikata Books DX: Get Bass (1999) | Get Bass Fishing Guide (1999) | Prima's Official Strategy Guide: Sega Bass Fishing (1999)
Sega Dreamcast
Demos: GetBass Taikenban (1999)

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CollapseGames in the Sega Bass Fishing Series
Sega Bass Fishing (1997) | Sega Marine Fishing (2000) | Sega Bass Fishing 2 (2001) | Sega Bass Fishing Challenge (2009)
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Bass Fishing (1999) | Sega Marine Fishing (2000) | Sega Bass Fishing 2 (2001)
Windows PC
Sega Bass Fishing (2001) | Sega Marine Fishing (2001) | Sega Bass Fishing/Sega Marine Fishing (20xx)
Sony PlayStation 2
Sega Bass Fishing Duel (2002)
Nintendo Wii
Sega Bass Fishing (2008)
Sega Bass Fishing Challenge (2011)
Xbox 360
Sony PlayStation 3
Sega Bass Fishing (2011)
Sega Bass Fishing related media
Chou Kouryakubon Game no Arukikata Books DX: Get Bass (1999) | Get Bass Fishing Guide (1999) | Prima's Official Strategy Guide: Sega Bass Fishing (1999)