Marvel Land

From Sega Retro


  • NSTC-U
  • NTSC-J
  • PAL

MarvelLand MDTitleScreen.png

MarvelLand MD JP TitleScreen.png

TalmitsAdventure MD EU TitleScreen.png

Marvel Land
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Namco
Original system(s): Namco System II
Sound driver: SMPS Z80
Genre: Action[1]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Mega Drive
¥7,000 (7,210)7,000e[2] T-14093
Sega Mega Drive
$59.9559.95[4] T-14046
Sega Mega Drive
Sega Mega Drive
Sega Mega Drive
£39.9939.99[5] 1052-50
Sega Mega Drive
Sega Mega Drive
Non-Sega versions

Marvel Land (マーベルランド) is a 1989 arcade game by Namco ported to the Sega Mega Drive in 1991. In Europe it is known as Talmit's Adventure.


Marvel Land, Introduction, Fairies.png


Marvel Land, Introduction, King Mole.png

King Mole

Marvel Land is a popular amusement park atop the mountain Peace at the heart of Coni, a land where many different beings live in harmony. One day, Mole (魔王モウル), the king of the "under dwellers," took over Marvel Land by imprisoning the four fairy guards in crystals and kidnapping the Princess Wondra (Princess Luxie in the Japanese version). Prince Talmit (Prince Paco in the Japanese version) sets out to rescue them all and free Marvel Land.


Marvel Land, Map.png

Marvel Land

The game is a platform game where players guide Prince Talmit through the carnival-like Marvel Land. Prince Talmit walks with Left and Right, crouches with Down, and crawls with Down-left and Down-right. He jumps with A and C and can defeat most enemies by jumping on them. Prince Talmit can find a power-up that gives him a Spirit Tail, clone copies of himself that follow him. He can whip at enemies and objects in a line using his Spirit Tail with B. Hitting an enemy shortens the tail by one clone. Clones pick up items that they touch. Prince Talmit can also find an item that gives him wings for a duration, which give him a significantly higher jump and can flap with AAAAA or CCCCC to glide down slowly.

The goal of each area is to find its exit. Many of the areas contain multiple exits that lead to different areas or different parts of the same area. Some of the exits lead to a previous area. Prince Talmit enters an exit door with Up. There are also numerous invisible warp areas that transport Prince Talmit to another part of the area. Most of the areas have a huge target that Prince Talmit must jump through to reach the main exit. The player can earn between 100 and 7650 (Namco's goroawase number) bonus points depending on where Prince Talmit hits the target. The player is also awarded bonus points for time remaining. Each world ends with a boss encounter, which takes the form of a mini-game.

Prince Talmit loses a life with one hit. Each area is also timed, and the player also loses a life when time runs out. Collecting food items gives the player more time as well as bonus points. The player gets an extra life every 50,000 points earned. There are three selectable difficulty levels (Digest, Normal, and Game Master), which affect the number of enemies and the number of starting lives. The Digest difficulty is shortened and does not have the full ending. There is a password system for continuing the game.


Marvel Land, Stage 1-1.png

Marvel Land, Stage 1-2.png

Marvel Land, Stage 1-6.png

Marvel Land, Stage 1 Boss.png

World 1
Contains 7 areas. The boss fight is a game of janken against the Great Condor, similar to Alex Kidd. The player picks rock, paper, or scissors by stopping the slot machine with C. The player must attack or dodge with A, B, or C depending on the outcome. Best two out of three wins.

Marvel Land, Stage 2-3.png

Marvel Land, Stage 2-4.png

Marvel Land, Stage 2-7.png

Marvel Land, Stage 2 Boss.png

World 2
Contains 7 areas. The boss fight is a contest against the Demon Angle to inflate a balloon faster than he can do the same and plays similar to a tug-of-war. Some of the levers inflate a balloon and some of them deflate a balloon. The player can pick a pump using the D-pad and pump it with A, B, or C. When the balloon is fully inflated, it bursts and soaks the person below it.

Marvel Land, Stage 3-1.png

Marvel Land, Stage 3-4.png

Marvel Land, Stage 3-7.png

Marvel Land, Stage 3 Boss.png

World 3
Contains 7 areas. The boss fight is a game where the player is shown a card and must find the matching card in a grid of similar cards before Queen A La Mode can do the same. The player can highlight a card using the D-pad and choose it with A, B, or C. Best two out of three wins.

Marvel Land, Stage 4-1.png

Marvel Land, Stage 4-5.png

Marvel Land, Stage 4-6.png

Marvel Land, Stage 4 Boss.png

World 4
Contains 6 areas. The boss fight is similar to Musical Chairs and visually resembles Whack-a-Mole. Prince Talmit and King Mole pop up in random locations as a melody plays. When the music stops, the player must attack by pushing the D-pad in the direction of King Mole and pressing A, B, or C. First player to land three hits wins.

Marvel Land, Final Boss.png

Final Boss

Marvel Land, Stage 5-1.png

Marvel Land, Stage 5-2.png

World 5
Contains 2 areas. Prince Talmit and Princess Wandra must escape.

Bonus Stage

Marvel Land, Bonus Stage.png

Bonus stage

In between each world, the player plays a bonus stage where Prince Talmit must catch falling stars for points in a float parade at night. Big stars turn into small stars when they hit a parade float. The player is awarded points for each star collected. The bigger stars are worth more points before they break into smaller stars.

The parade floats include a number of Namco characters, including Pac-Man.


Marvel Land, Items.png
Sometimes contains an item that is released by pushing against its lever with Prince Talmit.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Contains an item that can be broken open by jumping on it or attacking it. Sometimes contains an enemy or even an exit.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Spirit Swing
Prince Talmit can attach to the pivot by hitting it with his Spirit Tail. It gives him extra jump height if he jumps off it at the right angle.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Restores some time. Worth 300 points.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Ice Cream
Restores some time. Worth 500 points.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Restores some time. Worth 700 points.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Hot Dog
Restores some time. Worth 1,000 points.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Spirit Tail
Gives Prince Talmit a full Spirit Tail, which he can use to attack enemies and objects or swing from Spirit Swings.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Lengthens Prince Talmit's Spirit Tail by one clone, up to a maximum of eight. Attacking enemies shortens Prince Talmit's Spirit Tail.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Shortens Prince Talmit's Spirit Tail by one clone.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Temporarily gives Prince Talmit wings, which increase his jump height and allow him to glide with AAAAA or CCCCC.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Gives the player an extra life.
Marvel Land, Items.png
Exits the current area and goes to a different area or another part of the same area.

Production credits

  • Producer: Yoko-Boss
  • Director: Chitose
  • Special Adviser: Ken Lobb, Jim Curry (Note: international versions only)[6]
  • Original Game: Chitose, K-Ta.T, E.Sai-chan, Nekomoto, Crystal.K, Y.Ishiishi
  • Original Character: K.Tokita, Crystal.K
  • Arrange for MD: Shinchan, Crazy Horse
  • Program: Desert Storm, M.Y.Hummer, Komechan
  • Assistant Program: Caticati, M.Yanagiya.UWF
  • Compose: Amu-Nyoro, Yosiquin
  • Character Design: Angola Usagi, Yamachan, Little Dragon, Red Bunny
  • Special Thanks to: Pipi, Micro Nyan, Merry Sue, Ayanokohji, M.Isaki, Hynemos Notari
  • Presented by: Namcot
In-game credits

Magazine articles

Main article: Marvel Land/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Sega Visions (US) #6: "Fall 1991" (1991-xx-xx)
also published in:
  • GamePro (US) #29: "December 1991" (1991-xx-xx)[7]
Print advert in Mega Drive Fan (JP) #18: "July 1991" (1991-06-08)
Print advert in Mega Force (ES) #6: "Octubre 1992" (1992-xx-xx)
also published in:
Print advert in Mega Force (ES) #7: "Noviembre 1992" (1992-xx-xx)
Print advert in Hobby Consolas (ES) #14: "Noviembre 1992" (1992-xx-xx)

Physical scans

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
Aktueller Software Markt (DE)
Beep! MegaDrive (JP) NTSC-J
Consoles + (FR)
Consoles + (FR)
Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1 (RU)
Mean Machines: The Essential Sega Guide (UK)
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Game Players (US) NTSC-U
Gamers (DE)
Games-X (UK)
Hippon Super (JP) NTSC-J
Joypad (FR) NTSC-J
Joypad (FR) PAL
Joystick (FR) NTSC-J
Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) NTSC
Mega Drive Fan (JP) NTSC-J
MegaTech (UK)
Micromanía (segunda época) (ES)
Mean Machines (UK) NTSC-J
Mean Machines Sega (UK)
Player One (FR)
Play Time (DE)
Power Play (DE)
Raze (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Power (UK) NTSC
Sega Power (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Pro (UK) NTSC
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Supersonic (FR)
Tilt (FR)
Tricks 16 bit (RU)
VideoGames & Computer Entertainment (US) NTSC-U
Video Games (DE)
Sega Mega Drive
Based on
37 reviews

Marvel Land

Mega Drive, JP
MarvelLand MD JP Box.jpg
MarvelLand MD JP CartTop.jpg
MarvelLand MD JP Cart.jpg
Mega Drive, US
MarvelLand MD US Box.jpg
MarvelLand MD US Cart.jpg
Marvel Land MD US Manual.pdf
Mega Drive, EU
MarvelLand MD EU Box.jpg
MarvelLand MD EU Cart.jpg
Talmits Adventure MD EU Manual.jpg
Mega Drive, PT

Mega Drive, SE (rental)
MarvelLand MD SE rental cover.jpg

Technical information

ROM dump status

System Hash Size Build Date Source Comments
Sega Mega Drive
CRC32 cd7eeeb7
MD5 ac2b187f80174678c8e9941d75f55b52
SHA-1 29f290c80f992542e73c9ea95190403cb262b6ad
1MB 1991-06 Cartridge (US)
Sega Mega Drive
CRC32 05dc3ffc
MD5 fe73ff9498cfb35b2e898e6d9d5389c9
SHA-1 be80f96bee64bab159614d29f882442abef9de76
1MB 1991-04 Cartridge (EU)
Sega Mega Drive
CRC32 5d162d21
MD5 0e49ee0eae1094e710c4bd58bee8a6a0
SHA-1 2f7ef2f956d62373dcd5f3808e7501e3660c0658
1MB 1991-04 Cartridge (JP)


  1. 1.0 1.1 (Wayback Machine: 2020-07-02 23:21)
  2. Mega Drive Fan, "July 1991" (JP; 1991-06-08), page 34
  3. Sega Pro, "November 1991" (UK; 1991-xx-xx), page 9
  4. 4.0 4.1 VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, "October 1991" (US; 1991-xx-xx), page 40
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Mean Machines, "July 1992" (UK; 1992-06-27), page 78
  6. The Cutting Room Floor: Marvel Land (Genesis)
  7. GamePro, "December 1991" (US; 1991-xx-xx), page 139
  8. Hobby Consolas, "Octubre 1992" (ES; 1992-xx-xx), page 46
  9. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 125
  10. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 236
  11. ACE, "September 1991" (UK; 1991-08-08), page 71
  12. ACE, "December 1991" (UK; 1991-11-08), page 119
  13. Aktueller Software Markt, "November 1991" (DE; 1991-10-11), page 148
  14. Beep! MegaDrive, "July 1991" (JP; 1991-06-08), page 31
  15. Consoles +, "Septembre 1991" (FR; 1991-09-04), page 40
  16. Consoles +, "Novembre 1992" (FR; 1992-1x-xx), page 88
  17. Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1, "" (RU; 1999-xx-xx), page 331
  18. Mean Machines: The Essential Sega Guide, "" (UK; 1993-11-18), page 104
  19. Famitsu, "1991-08-09" (JP; 1991-07-26), page 1
  20. Game Players, "Vol. 3 No. 10 October 1991" (US; 1991-xx-xx), page 77
  21. Gamers, "Dezember/Januar 1993" (DE; 1992-11-19), page 84
  22. Games-X, "1st-7th August 1991" (UK; 1991-08-01), page 40
  23. Hippon Super, "July 1991" (JP; 1991-06-04), page 113
  24. Joypad, "Octobre 1991" (FR; 1991-09-17), page 56
  25. Joypad, "Septembre 1992" (FR; 1992-0x-xx), page 52
  26. Joystick, "Septembre 1991" (FR; 1991-0x-xx), page 154
  27. Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming, "January 1993" (UK; 199x-xx-xx), page 93
  28. Mega Drive Fan, "September 1991" (JP; 1991-08-xx), page 115
  29. MegaTech, "Xmas 1991" (UK; 1991-12-06), page 79
  30. Micromanía (segunda época), "Noviembre 1992" (ES; 1992-1x-xx), page 78
  31. Mean Machines, "July 1992" (UK; 1992-06-27), page 76
  32. Mean Machines Sega, "October 1992" (UK; 1992-09-xx), page 142
  33. Player One, "Octobre 1992" (FR; 1992-10-10), page 70
  34. Play Time, "2/92" (DE; 1992-01-08), page 95
  35. Power Play, "11/91" (DE; 1991-10-11), page 152
  36. Raze, "October 1991" (UK; 1991-08-29), page 56
  37. Sega Power, "October 1991" (UK; 1991-09-05), page 53
  38. Sega Power, "December 1991" (UK; 1991-10-30), page 26
  39. Sega Pro, "April 1993" (UK; 1993-03-11), page 66
  40. Sega Saturn Magazine, "September 1995" (JP; 1995-08-08), page 87
  41. Supersonic, "Septembre 1992" (FR; 1992-xx-xx), page 13
  42. Tilt, "Septembre 1991" (FR; 1991-09-xx), page 56
  43. Tricks 16 bit, "Tricks Sega Gold 800 igr" (RU; 1998-03-20), page 109
  44. Video Games, "12/92" (DE; 1992-11-23), page 60

Marvel Land

MarvelLand MDTitleScreen.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: Prototype