Move list (Special moves)
Hyakuretsu Kyaku
Chun-Li unleashes a flurry of rapid kicks. This move can be performed in midair.
Tenshou Kyaku
Chun-Li jumps high into the air while spinning her legs around in kicks.
Chun-Li shoots an energy ball across the screen.
Sen'en Shuu
Chun-Li does a handstand and then kicks downward with a straight leg.
Move list (Command normals)
Wall Jump
D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen
Chun-Li can jump off the edges of the screen.
Air Dash
in midair
Chun-Li dashes forward in midair.
Triple Jump
in midair
Chun-Li can jump a second and third time in midair.
Short Kick
+ LK in midair
Chun-Li kicks a short distance in front of her.
+ MK in midair
Chun-Li holds a straight leg in a head stomp.
Kaku Kyaku Raku
+ HK
Chun-Li backflips high into the air, coming down with a kick.
Zeroshiki Kikoushou
+ HP
Chun-Li generates an energy ball in front of her. This move can neutralize projectiles.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
+ two P simultaneously
Chun-Li produces a large fireball all around her.
Senretsu Kyaku
+ two K simultaneously
Chun-Li moves forward quickly while performing a series of Hyakuretsu Kyaku kicks. She has a brief period of invulnerability at the beginning of the move (allowing her to pass through projectiles).
Hazan Tenshou Kyaku
+ two K simultaneously
Chun-Li performs a more powerful version of her Tenshou Kyaku.
Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku
+ two K simultaneously in midair
Chun-Li flies through her opponent with a powerful kick, as the screen flashes and kanji appear in the background.
Original game or series: Street Fighter
Move list (Special moves (Ryu))
Ryu shoots a large fireball across the screen. If performed in midair, he shoots the fireball straight ahead (unlike Ken and Akuma).
Ryu rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking his opponent high into the air.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku
Ryu jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended, which knocks his opponent away. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals (Ryu))
Sakotsu Wari
Ryu pulls his fist back and strikes forward and down, potentially hitting twice. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Senpuu Kyaku
+ MK
Ryu leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Split Kick
+ MK in midair
Ryu kicks into the air.
Straight Kick
+ HK in midair
Ryu kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos (Ryu))
Mode Change: Ken
Ryu changes to his Ken form.
Mode Change: Akuma
Ryu changes to his Akuma form.
Shinkuu Hadoken
+ two P simultaneously
Ryu shoots a tall beam of energy from his palms that covers a large area and hits multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Shin Shouryuuken
+ two P simultaneously
Ryu performs a single powerful Shouryuuken that can hit multiple times.
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (Ryu only)
+ two K simultaneously
Ryu performs a version of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku that draws his opponent in and potentially hits multiple times.
Move list (Special moves (Ken))
Ryu shoots a fireball partway across the screen. If performed in midair, he shoots the fireball diagonally downward (like Akuma).
Ryu rises off the ground while punching upwards with his fist infused with fire, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with MP or HP , this move can hit his opponent multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku
Ryu rises diagonally upward while performing a spinning kick, kicking his opponent into the air with him. When performed with MP or HP , he finishes off with an axe kick. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals (Ken))
Inazuma Kakato Wari
+ MK
Ryu kicks high into the air, then brings his leg down like an axe chop, hitting up to two times. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Split Kick
+ MK in midair
Ryu kicks into the air.
Straight Kick
+ HK in midair
Ryu kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos (Ken))
Mode Change: Ryu
Ryu changes to back to his normal form.
Mode Change: Akuma
Ryu changes to his Akuma form.
Shouryuu Reppa
+ two P simultaneously
Ryu performs a series of flaming Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
+ two K simultaneously
Ryu performs a powerful spinning Shouryuuken that ascends upward. Pressing P or K repeatedly does additional hits.
Shippuujinrai Kyaku
+ two K simultaneously
Ryu performs a series of flaming kicks, culminating in a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Move list (Special moves (Akuma))
Gou Hadouken
Ryu focuses energy through his palms and fires a surging punch across the screen.
Zankuu Hadouken
P in midair
Ryu throws a single-handed Hadouken at a diagonal angle downward in midair. Ryu's descent is slowed while performing this move, allowing the player to perform this move multiple times in a single jump.
Gou Shouryuuken
Ryu rises off the ground while punching upwards with his fist infused with dark energy, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with MP or HP , this move can hit his opponent multiple times.
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku
Ryu jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended, with his leg infused with lightning. This move can be performed in midair.
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku
K in midair
Ryu dive kicks diagonally downward.
Ashura Senkuu Forward
+ all three P or K simultaneously
Ryu glides forward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Ashura Senkuu Backward
+ all three P or K simultaneously
Ryu glides backward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Move list (Command normals (Akuma))
Senpuu Kyaku
+ MK
Ryu leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Zugai Hasatsu
+ MP
Ryu performs an open-handed chop, potentially hitting twice. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Split Kick
+ MK in midair
Ryu kicks into the air.
Straight Kick
+ HK in midair
Ryu kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos (Akuma))
Mode Change: Ryu
Ryu changes to back to his normal form.
Mode Change: Ken
Ryu changes to his Ken form.
Messatsu Gou Hadou
+ two P simultaneously
Ryu shoots a tall beam of energy from his palms that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu
+ two P simultaneously
Ryu performs a series of low Gou Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Gou Shouryuuken.
Tenma Gou Zankuu
+ two P simultaneously in midair
Ryu throws a barrage of Zankuu Hadoukens at his opponent.
Shun Goku Satsu
LP LP LK HP (at max level)
Ryu glides to his opponent, then performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
Original game or series: Street Fighter
Move list (Special moves)
Double Lariat
All three P simultaneously
Zangief spins around with his arms outstretched. He is invulnerable above the waist while performing this move, allowing most projectiles to pass through him. He can move with and while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Quick Double Lariat
All three K simultaneously
Zangief performs a Double Lariat that is faster but has a shorter duration. He can move with and while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Screw Piledriver
D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then P
Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps high into the air, then drives them head first into the ground while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Flying Powerbomb
K (far away)
Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps, and slams them into the ground.
Atomic Suplex
K (close)
Zangief grabs his opponent and performs a grounded suplex followed by an aerial suplex.
Aerial Russian Slam
Zangief jumps into the air to grab an airborne opponent and throw them toward the ground.
Banishing Flat (Zangief only)
Zangief takes a step forward and does a low back hand slap. This move can neutralize projectiles.
Vodka Fire (Mech-Zangief only)
Zangief breathes a large white flame in front of him.
Move list (Command normals)
Flying Body Attack
+ HP in midair
Zangief falls down with a diving splash.
Double Knee Drop
+ MK in midair
Zangief falls with his knees forward.
Kuuchuu Headbutt
+ MP in midair
Zangief performs a headbutt in midair.
Long Punch
+ HP in midair
Zangief flattens his body and punches in the air.
Elbow Dive
+ MP in midair
Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Elbow Drop
+ MP
Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Dashing Suplex
, then MP or HP
Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and perform a suplex on them.
Dashing Grab
, then MK or HK
Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and bite them.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Iron Body
+ LK
Zangief transforms into his Mech-Zangief form or back to his normal form.
Final Atomic Buster
D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then two P simultaneously (close)
Zangief grabs his opponent and performs two rolling suplexes followed by a Screw Piledriver, then tosses his opponent in the air for a final Screw Piledriver.
Ultra Final Atomic Buster (Zangief only)
D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then two K simultaneously (close, at max level)
Zangief grabs his opponent and performs a Flying Powerbomb, Atomic Suplex, and Screw Piledriver. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
Siberian Blizzard (Mech-Zangief only)
D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then two K simultaneously
Mech-Zangief flies high into the air while performing a Double Lariat.
Move list (Special moves)
Soul Fist
Morrigan shoots a flying bat projectile across the screen. If performed in midair, she shoots the projectile diagonally downward.
Shadow Blade
Morrigan rises into the air while uppercutting her opponent by using one of her wings as a blade, which can carry her opponent high into the air and hit multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Vector Drain
P (close)
Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies into the air with her opponent before driving them into the ground.
Move list (Command normals)
Air Dash
, , or in midair
Morrigan flies using her wings into a jetpack.
Shell Kick
+ MK in midair
Morrigan falls prone while her wings wrap around her legs in a pointed cone.
Shell Pierce
+ HK in midair
Morrigan dives straight down while her wings wrap around her legs in a pointed cone.
Mysterious Arc
+ HP
Morrigan spins and whips her wings around while crouched.
Necro Desire
+ HK
Morrigan hops forward with a rolling kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Soul Eraser
+ two P simultaneously
Morrigan's bats combine to form a large laser cannon that Morrigan uses to blast her opponent with a long laser beam.
Darkness Illusion
+ two K simultaneously (half screen away or closer)
Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies toward her opponent, then performs a series of attacks with a duplicate of herself. This move can be performed in midair.
Silhouette Blade
+ two P simultaneously
Morrigan summons many shadows in the form of Lilith, who perform Shining Blades as they rise from the ground in front of her.
Eternal Slumber
LP MK MP HK (at max level)
Morrigan (joined by Lilith) blows a kiss at her opponent. If it connects, curtains cover the screen and Morrigan performs multiple attacks that can only be seen in silhouette as the light intermittently flashes. This move is unblockable. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
Captain Commando
Original game or series: Captain Commando
Captain Commando
Move list (Special moves)
Captain Fire
Captain Commando shoots a burst of flame from his gauntlet. This move can be performed in midair.
Captain Corridor
Captain Commando slams the ground with his fist, creating a giant pillar of electricity.
Captain Kick
Captain Commando flies forward with a flaming kick.
Commando Strike: Ginzu the Ninja
Ginzu the Ninja falls from the air with a sword swipe.
Commando Strike: Mack the Knife
Mack the Knife flies overhead while spinning around like a tornado with his knives.
Commando Strike: Baby Head
Baby Head drops to the ground and fires a missile from his robot's chest.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Captain Sword
+ two P simultaneously
Captain Commando summons the Commando Squad. The team creates a large energy beam and swipe it downward.
Hyper Captain Storm
+ two K simultaneously
Captain Commando summons the Commando Squad, then runs at his opponent with a rising uppercut. If it connects, the uppercut sends his opponent flying into the air, where Ginzu, Mack, and Baby Head fly by with multiple attacks. Captain Commando performs a Captain Corridor on his opponent as they land.
Mega Man
Mega Man
Move list (Special moves)
Mega Buster
Mega Man fires a shot from his Mega Buster across the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
Charged Shot
Hold and release HP
Mega Man charges a larger and more powerful shot from his Mega Buster, then fires it across the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
Mega Upper
Mega Man flies into the air with an uppercut.
Item Attack
Mega Man uses the equipped item (which is the Tornado Hold by default).
Item Change: Mega Ball
Eddie appears and gives the Mega Ball item to Mega Man. When used, a ball appears that Mega Man can kick with MK . The ball bounces off the corners of the screen and damages opponents if it hits. This item was originally given to Mega Man by Dr. Light in Mega Man 8.
Item Change: Tornado Hold
Eddie appears and gives the Tornado Hold item to Mega Man. When used, Mega Man shoots a fan onto the ground that generates a cyclone when it lands, damaging opponents standing over it. This item was originally acquired from Tengu Man in Mega Man 8.
Item Change: Leaf Shield
Eddie appears and gives the Leaf Shield item to Mega Man. When used, Mega Man surrounds himself with a rotating barrier of leaves. The leaves can absorb one hit, or Mega Man can throw them at his opponent as a projectile with P again. The leaves dissipate after a duration if not used. This item was originally acquired from Wood Man in Mega Man 2.
Move list (Command normals)
Wall Jump
D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen
Mega Man can jump off the edges of the screen.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Hyper Mega Man
+ two P simultaneously
Mega Man merges with Rush, Beat, and Eddie to form Hyper Mega Man, a giant version of himself that bombards his opponent with projectiles. This move can be performed in midair.
Rush Drill
+ two K simultaneously
Rush transforms into a mobile drill that Mega Man can drive (using and to move or to jump). Pressing any attack button activates a speed boost, which can increase the hits done.
Beat Plane
+ two K simultaneously
Beat transforms into a small plane that Mega Man can pilot (using the D-Pad to move in any direction). Beat shoots energy bolts across the screen with P or drops bombs downward with K. This move can be performed in midair.
Strider Hiryuu
Strider Hiryuu
Move list (Special moves)
Ame no Murakumo
Hiryuu runs forward and performs a lateral slice with his cypher.
P or K in midair
Hiryuu dashes in midair, slashing any opponent in his path. He dashes diagonally upward with P or diagonally downward with K.
P or K
Hiryuu slashes his cypher with extended range, covering most of the width of the screen. He slashes while standing with P or while crouching with K.
Hiryuu disappears, then three images of him reappear in midair and all perform dive kicks that converge on the same location.
Formation A
Hiryuu summons the Option B, a robotic feline resembling a sabre-toothed tiger, which runs across the screen and hits any opponent in the way.
Formation B
Hold for 2 seconds, then +P
Hiryuu summons the Option A, a mushroom-shaped drone, which can be fired across the screen as a flaming projectile by again holding for 2 seconds, then +P.
Formation C
Hold for 2 seconds, then +K
Hiryuu summons the Option C, a robotic hawk, which flie sacross the screen and drops a bomb onto the opponent.
Heki Hari Tsuki
Hiryuu jumps into the air and clings to the side of the screen. He can climb the wall with or or jump off with . He can dash across to the other side of the screen with . He can slash his cypher with P, slide down with a kick with +K, or jump off with a diagonal diving kick with K.
Warp (air)
Hiryuu disappears and reappears in the air. His horizontal location depends on the button used: LP for the left side of the screen, MP for the middle, and HP for the right side of the screen.
Warp (ground)
Hiryuu disappears and reappears on the ground. His horizontal location depends on the button used: LK for the left side of the screen, MK for the middle, and HK for the right side of the screen.
Move list (Command normals)
Wall Jump
D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen
Hiryuu can jump off the edges of the screen.
Double Jump
in midair
Hiryuu can jump a second time in midair.
+ HK
Hiryuu rolls into a sliding kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
+ two P simultaneously
Hiryuu grabs his opponent, throws them into the air, then attacks multiple times with multiple images of himself.
+ two P simultaneously
Hiryuu summons two Option As, dipodal saucers, which orbit him for a duration. They damage opponents on contact and shoot laser rings whenever Hiryuu attacks.
+ two K simultaneously
Hiryuu summons a legion of Option Bs and Cs, which rush across the screen.
Move list (Special moves)
Saotome Typhoon
Hold for 2 seconds, then +P
Jin spins across the screen in a giant cyclone.
Saotome Dynamite
Hold for 2 seconds, then +P
Jin bursts with energy all around him, knocking his opponent back on impact.
Saotome Crush
K (close)
Jin grabs his opponent and slams them against the sides of the screen.
Move list (Command normals)
Diving Cyclone
+ HK in midair
Jin dives diagonally downward with a cyclone kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Blodia Punch
+ two P simultaneously
Jin punches, and the Blodia's giant fist also punches across the screen.
Blodia Vulcan
+ two P simultaneously
Jin snaps his fingers, and the Blodia blasts his opponent with its machine gun.
Saotome Cyclone
+ two K simultaneously
Jin spins across the screen in a giant cyclone, tossing his opponent high into the air. This move only needs to hit once to do full damage.
Saotome Shine
Activates automatically when Jin's partner is defeated and he has 25% of less vitality remaining
Jin flashes, increasing his offense but decreasing his defense and giving him the ability to walk through damage.