Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

From Sega Retro


MSHvsSF Saturn JP SStitle.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
System(s): Sega Saturn
Publisher: Capcom
Licensor: Marvel Characters
Original system(s): Capcom CPS-2
Sound driver: SCSP (11 tracks)
Peripherals supported: Extended RAM Cartridge (4MB only)
Genre: Fighting/Taisen Kakutou (対戦格闘)[1], Action[2]

Number of players: 1-2
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Saturn
¥5,800 (6,090)5,800e[3] T-1239G
Sega Rating: All Ages
Sega Saturn
(4MB RAM Pack)
¥7,800 (8,190)7,800e[3] T-1238G
Sega Rating: All Ages
ExpandNon-Sega versions

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズVS.ストリートファイター) is a versus fighting game developed and published by Capcom. It was released for the Sega Saturn in 1998, exclusively in Japan. It is the second in Capcom's crossover series, and can be seen as a sequel to X-Men vs. Street Fighter. It features characters from Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Marvel Super Heroes, two other fighting games by Capcom.


An evil mutant, believing in the survival of the fittest, wants to kill off the weak and force humanity to evolve stronger. As he considers himself the end of modern man, he calls himself Apocalypse. It is up to Earth's greatest heroes to stop him from annihilating humanity.


Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Character Select.png

Character select

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Apocalypse.png


Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Cyber Akuma.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Variable Combination.png


Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter is the second installment in the Marvel vs. Capcom series of 2D fighting games. It utilizes the same tag team format previously employed in X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Each player selects two characters to compete in two-on-two battles. Instead of the typical best-of-three round format, matches consist of a single round. At the start of the match, the first selected character is controlled by the player, while the second character remains off-screen and acts as support. Characters have separate vitality bars, and the dormant character slowly recovers the red portion of their vitality bar while the other character is fighting. If one character loses all of their vitality, then the tag partner automatically replaces them in play. The match continues until both characters on either team are defeated. If the timer runs out before either team is knocked out, then the player with the most combined remaining health is declared the winner.

The most notable gameplay change in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter is the addition of the Variable Assist, which allows the player can summon their off-screen partner to perform a special move without changing their currently-controlled character, opening new possibilities for combos during battle and greatly expanding the role of the secondary character. The ability to use assists would later become a signature gameplay element used in future installments.

Characters move with Left and Right and dash with Left Left and Right Right (or X+Y+Z). They jump upward with Up and jump behind and ahead with Up-left and Up-right. Characters can Super Jump high into the air with Down Up (or A+B+C). They crouch with Down. Punches are done with X (light), Y (medium), and Z (strong) and kicks are done with A (light), B (medium), and C (strong). Light attacks are faster and hard attacks deal more damage. Special moves for each character are done by pairing specific directional combinations with an attack button. Blocking is done by holding the D-Pad away from the opponent, which can also be done in the air. While blocking, characters can repel the attacker by pushing all three punch buttons simultaneously. Characters can perform a taunt with R, which is a short animation during which the character is vulnerable to attack.

Throws and grabs are done by holding Left or Right when next to an opponent and pressing a medium or hard punch or kick button. Characters can perform throws in the air as well. Throws cannot be blocked, but characters can land safely out of a throw by pressing the same motion as a throw, which greatly reduces the damage taken. It is also possible to roll on the ground after falling from a throw or other attack by pressing Down Down-left Left P (or Down Down-right Right P if facing left).

Characters can initiate an Aerial Rave by pressing the light punch and kick buttons simultaneously (A+X by default) when next to an opponent. This launches the opponent high into the air, and the character can pursue the opponent with Up and follow-up with a midair combo.

At any time during the match, the player can execute the Variable Attack by pressing the strong punch and strong kick buttons simultaneously (C+Z or L by default). This causes the other character to jump into battle with an aerial attack, followed by a taunt (during which they are vulnerable to attack), replacing the current character. The player can also execute a Variable Assist by pressing the medium punch and medium kick buttons simultaneously (B+Y by default). This causes the other character to quickly jump into battle, perform an assist attack, and jump back out, without switching characters. The character under control is briefly vulnerable while this happens.

Characters share a Hyper Combo gauge with three levels. When the gauge is at level 1 or higher, a character can perform a Hyper Combo with a special button combination (typically a directional motion with two punch or kick buttons). These moves do high damage if they successfully connect with an opponent (and often do additional damage if the player presses the attack buttons rapidly while they are being performed). This costs one level of the gauge. If the gauge is at level 2 or higher and neither team member has been defeated, the player can perform a Variable Combination, where both characters perform a Hyper Combo simultaneously, by pressing Down Down-right Right (or Down Down-left Left if facing left), then the strong punch and strong kick buttons simultaneously (C+Z by default). This switches the characters and costs two levels of the gauge. Finally, players can perform a special counterattacking technique called a Variable Counter after blocking an opponent's attack with Left Down-left Down P (or Right Down-right Down P if facing left), which summons the other team member to jump in and attack the opponent. This switches the characters and costs one level of the gauge.

After selecting a character, the player can choose between Normal or Easy mode and Normal or Turbo game speed. Easy mode automatically performs combos with repeated presses of light attack buttons and special moves with repeated presses of medium and hard attack buttons.


In Arcade Mode, the player fights several computer-controlled teams before fighting Apocalypse, an antagonist from the X-Men series. After defeating Apocalypse, the player must win a two-on-one final battle against Mech-Gouki (Cyber-Akuma). There are eight different difficulty levels for computer-controlled opponents.

In Versus Mode, two players can fight against each other, with the ability to choose handicaps and the stage.

There is also a Survival Mode, where one player fights every character in the game (including the hidden characters and the bosses), with the difficulty level increasing with each battle. Any vitality lost in the last match is red at the start of the next match, so that it recovers when the fighter is not active (and red vitality from the previous match is fully restored). The player only has one chance to succeed; losing both characters in one match ends the game. The game saves records such as high scores and wins/losses to the console's internal memory.


Move lists assume the player is facing right. If facing left, Left and Right should be reversed. P refers to any of the punch buttons, while K refers to any of the kick buttons.

Marvel Super Heroes

Cyclops, Wolverine, and Omega Red are from X-Men: Children of the Atom.

Spider-Man, Captain America, Shuma-Gorath, Hulk, and Blackheart are from Marvel Super Heroes.

200px Cyclops
Cyclops is the first member and leader of the X-Men. He can emit destructive beams of energy from his eyes, which he controls with a visor made of ruby quartz.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Optic Bullet  HP  Cyclops shoots a laser bullet from his eyes across the screen. This move can be performed while crouching but not jumping.
Optic Blast Down Down-right Right P Cyclops shoots a laser blast from his eyes that covers the entire width of the screen. When used with  LP , Cyclops fires the blast straight ahead while crouching. When used with  MP , Cyclops fires the blast straight ahead while standing. When used with  HP , Cyclops fires the blast at a diagonal upward angle while standing. He can also perform the move in midair, which is always fired straight ahead.
Optic Sweep Right Down-right Down P Cyclops shoots a laser blast at the ground, sweeping his opponent.
Gene Splice Right Down Down-right P Cyclops performs a rising uppercut. Pressing P repeatedly does additional hits.
Cyclone Kick Down Down-left Left K Cyclops leaps forward, doing a spinning kick followed by a low kick.
Rapid Punch Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Cyclops steps forward with quick punches. If the move connects, it can be followed up with additional strikes by pressing P or K rapidly.
Neck Breaker Drop Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+K Cyclops runs forward, grabs his opponent by their neck, and slams them against the ground. The range of this move is about half the width of the screen.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair Cyclops jumps again in midair. It works after a jump and also when falling or spinning.
Double Punch  LP   LP  Cyclops punches and follows up with another quick punch.
Double Kick  LK   LK  Cyclops kicks and follows up with another quick kick.
Spin Kick  HK   HK  Cyclops kicks and follows up with a jumping spin kick.
Leg Throw Down-right+ MK  or Down-right+ HK  (close) Cyclops grabs and throws his opponent with his legs.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Mega Optic Blast Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Cyclops shoots a tall optic blast that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Super Optic Blast Right Down-right Down + two P simultaneously Cyclops fires a wide optic blast that can be directed with Up or Down. This move can be performed in midair.
200px Spider-Man
Spider-Man is a teenage high school student who gained superhuman spider-powers and abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Web Ball Down Down-right Right P Spider-Man shoots two wads of webbing across the screen from the web shooters on his wrists. Opponents caught in webbing are momentarily stunned. He shoots the webbing at a downward diagonal angle if this move is performed in midair.
Spider Sting Right Down Down-right P Spider-Man jumps high in the air with a rising uppercut. This move can be followed up with P for an additional strike while in the air.
Web Swing Down Down-left Left K Spider-Man attaches a rope of webbing to the ceiling and swings from it with a kick. This move can be performed in midair.
Web Throw Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Spider-Man shoots a string of webbing. He shoots in front of him with  LP , at a diagonal upward angle with  MP , and directly above him with  HP . If an opponent is caught in the web, Spider-Man swings them around his head with the webbing, then throws them across the screen.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Jump D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Spider-Man can jump off the edges of the screen.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Maximum Spider Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Spider-Man jumps between the edges of the screen with multiple flying punches and kicks. This move can be performed in midair.
Crawler Assault Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Spider-Man charges his opponent with a series of attacks.
200px Captain America
Captain America is a "Super Soldier" who wears an American flag-inspired costume and fights with a virtually indestructible shield.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Shield Slash Down Down-right Right P Captain America throws his shield at an upward angle, which ricochets off an opponent or wall and returns to him. It is possible for Captain America to miss catching his shield, which affects some of his abilities until he picks it back up again (by walking over wherever it lands on the ground). If he is missing his shield, he simply swings his arms in front of him when this move is performed. This move can be performed in midair.
Stars and Stripes Right Down Down-right P Captain America jumps high into the air, ramming his opponent with his shoulder or his shield. The attack can hit multiple times if Captain America is missing his shield (but does the same damage overall).
Charging Star Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K Captain America charges forward with his shoulder or his shield. He can absorb projectiles with his shield (unless he is missing it).
Cartwheel Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Captain America backflips forward. He is invincible for part of this move and can use it to pass through to the other side of his opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair Captain America can jump a second time in midair.
Heel Kick Down+ HK  in midair Captain America kicks downward.
Double Kick  MK   MK  Captain America follows up a high kick with a lower kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Final Justice Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Captain America hits his opponent with a flurry of strikes, throws them high into the air, then drives them into the ground.
Hyper Stars and Stripes Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Captain America attacks repeatedly with his Stars and Stripes ability.
Hyper Charging Star Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Captain America attacks with an empowered version of his Charging Star ability.
200px Shuma-Gorath
Shuma-Gorath is an ancient, tentacled creature thought to be an omnipotent and immortal being.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Mystic Stare Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Shuma-Gorath sends a rotating group of eyes across the screen. The eyes deal no damage but attach to the opponent. They explode after 4 seconds, unless Shuma-Gorath is hit, in which case they are removed without doing any damage.
Mystic Smash Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+K Shuma-Gorath curls into a ball and jumps ahead in an arc, coming down with spikes. This move can be performed in midair.
Devitalization Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K (close) Shuma-Gorath stretches itself and carries its opponent high into the air, dropping them and following up with a multi-tentacled slap.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Petrification Down+ MK  in midair Shuma-Gorath turns to stone and falls directly downward.
Upward Blast Up+ HP  in midair Shuma-Gorath shoots a blast upward from its eye.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Chaos Split Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Shuma-Gorath splits into two identical beings, with one mirroring the attacks of the other.
Chaos Dimension Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously (at max level) Shuma-Gorath glows with power. For a few seconds, its  MP ,  HP ,  MK , and  HK  become unblockable. If any of them connect with an opponent, Shuma-Gorath transforms into a large bubble and envelops its opponent, carrying them far into the air. Shuma-Gorath then transforms into a vortex and spins, damaging its opponent before dropping them from the height. This move can be performed in midair. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
200px Wolverine
Wolverine is a mutant with animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Berserker Barrage Down Down-right Right P Wolverine charges forward while slashing his claws. Pressing P repeatedly does additional hits.
Tornado Claw Right Down Down-right P Wolverine jumps into the air while rotating and slashing his claws. Pressing P repeatedly does additional hits.
Drill Claw Any direction +  MP + LK  Wolverine flies in any direction while spinning and holding a claw out. He can momentarily stick to the side of the screen if he drills into it, then perform another Drill Claw by holding a direction on the D-Pad and P or K. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Jump D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Wolverine can jump off the edges of the screen.
Head Stomp Down+ HK  in midair Wolverine holds a straight leg in a head stomp.
Double Claw  MP   MP  Wolverine combos a second slash with his alternate hand.
Sliding Claw Down-right+ HP  Wolverine slides along the ground with his claws first.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Berserker Barrage X Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Wolverine charges forward with a barrage of slashes.
Berserker Charge Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Wolverine is followed by afterimages, and his attacks do four times as much damage as normal.
Weapon X Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Wolverine dashes forward and performs a series of slashes and kicks, ending with an X-shaped double slash.
Fatal Claw Right Down Down-right + two K simultaneously Wolverine jumps into the air and emanates an X-shaped burst of energy. This move can be performed in midair.
200px Hulk
Hulk is a green-skinned, hulking, and muscular humanoid possessing a limitless degree of physical strength.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Gamma Charge Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+K Hulk charges ahead with his elbow protruding. He can follow up with another Gamma Charge by holding the D-Pad in any direction and pressing K.
Flying Gamma Charge Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Hulk charges into the air with a flying headbutt. He can follow up with another Gamma Charge diagonally upwards by pressing K.
Gamma Slam Down Down-right Right P Hulk slams the ground, causing a shockwave of earth to move across the screen.
Gamma Tornado Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P (close) Hulk grabs his opponent and swings them around in circles before tossing them.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Gamma Wave Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Hulk performs a more powerful version of his Gamma Slam ability.
Gamma Crush Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Hulk propels himself to outer space to grab a meteorite, then falls back down to the ground with it. This move can be directed with Left (left side of the screen), Down (middle of the screen), or Right (right side of the screen) after Hulk launches.
200px Blackheart
Blackheart is a powerful demon said to be made of accumulated evil.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Dark Thunder Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Blackheart fires a burst of lightning. When used with  LP , Blackheart fires the blast diagonally downward (which travels along the ground after hitting it). When used with  MP , Blackheart fires the blast straight ahead. When used with  HP , Blackheart fires the blast at a diagonal upward angle.
Inferno Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Blackheart throws dark spheres at the ground, which summon an inferno that tosses opponents high into the air.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Air Dash Left Left or Right Right in midair Blackheart dashes backward or forward in midair.
Long Dash Left after dashing with Left Left or
Right after dashing with Right Right
Blackheart can continue moving an extra distance after dashing.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Armageddon Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Blackheart summons a meteor shower.
Heart of Darkness Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Blackheart levitates and summons demonic minions to fly out from underground and trounce his opponent.
Judgment Day Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Blackheart unleashes a legion of demonic minions from its torso. This move can be performed in midair.
200px Omega Red
Omega Red is an experimental Soviet "Super Soldier" who can absorb the life force of his victims. He has tentacles that he uses like whips in combat.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Carbonadium Coil Down Down-right Right P Omega Red ensnares his opponent with a metal whip. When used with  LP , Omega Red throws the whip directly in front of him. When used with  MP , Omega Red throws the whip at a 45° angle upward. When used with  HP , Omega Red throws the whip directly above him. When the opponent is ensnared, pressing P drains their vitality while pressing K drains their Hyper Combo gauge. Holding a direction while pressing P throws the opponent. This move can be performed in midair.
Downward Carbonadium Coil Down Down-right Right K in midair Omega Red ensnares his opponent with a metal whip. When used with  LK , Omega Red throws the whip directly in front of him. When used with  MK , Omega Red throws the whip at a 45° angle downward. When used with  HK , Omega Red throws the whip directly below him. When the opponent is ensnared, pressing P drains their vitality while pressing K drains their Hyper Combo gauge. Holding a direction while pressing P throws the opponent.
Omega Strike Down Down-right Right K Omega Strike uses his metal cables to vault himself into the air. When used with  LK , he vaults himself forwards. When used with  LK , he vaults himself at a 45° angle. When used with  HK , he vaults himself upwards. He vaults farther if the button is held for longer.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Air Dash Right Right in midair Omega Red dashes forward in midair.
Coil Strike Down-left+ HK , Down+ HK , or Down-right+ HK  Omega Red stabs his coils into the ground, and they shoot out elsewhere: near with Down-left, halfway across the screen with Down, and far with Down-right.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Omega Destroyer Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Omega Red lashes his coils out from himself in all directions.
Carbonadium Smash Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously in midair Omega Red dashes forward in the air, performs a series of hits, then slams his opponent on the ground with his coils.

Street Fighter

Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Dan, and Gouki are from Street Fighter Alpha.

Sakura, Dhalsim, Zangief, and Vega are from Street Fighter Alpha 2.

200px Zangief
Zangief is a massive Soviet wrestler who specializes in devastating grappling moves.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Double Lariat All three P simultaneously Zangief spins around with his arms outstretched, knocking over opponents on impact. He is invulnerable above the waist while performing this move, allowing most projectiles to pass through him. He can move with Left and Right while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Quick Double Lariat All three K simultaneously Zangief performs a Double Lariat that is faster but has a shorter duration. He can move with Left and Right while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Screw Piledriver D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then P Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps high into the air, then drives them head first into the ground while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Flying Powerbomb Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (far away) Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps, and slams them into the ground.
Atomic Suplex Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (close) Zangief grabs his opponent and performs a grounded suplex followed by an aerial suplex.
Aerial Russian Slam Right Down Down-right K Zangief jumps into the air to grab an airborne opponent and throw them toward the ground.
Banishing Fist Right Down Down-right P Zangief takes a step forward and does a low back hand slap. This move can neutralize projectiles.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Flying Body Attack Down+ HP  in midair Zangief falls down with a diving splash.
Double Knee Drop Down+ MK  in midair Zangief falls with his knees forward.
Kuuchuu Headbutt Up+ MP  in midair Zangief performs a headbutt in midair.
Long Punch Right+ HP  in midair Zangief flattens his body and punches in the air.
Elbow Dive Down+ MP  in midair Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Elbow Drop Right+ MP  Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Dashing Suplex Right Right, then  MP  or  HP  Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and perform a suplex on them.
Dashing Grab Right Right, then  MK  or  HK  Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and bite them.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Final Atomic Buster D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then two P simultaneously Zangief grabs his opponent and performs two rolling suplexes followed by a Screw Piledriver, then tosses his opponent in the air for a final Screw Piledriver.
200px Vega
Vega is an evil dictator and leader of the Shadaloo crime syndicate. He possesses a negative, psychotic energy called "Psycho Power."
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Psycho Shot Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Vega throws a fireball across the screen. When used with  LP , the fireball arcs upward. When used with  MP , the fireball travels straight ahead. When used with  HP , the fireball arcs downward.
Psycho Field Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Vega throws a slow-moving fireball that explodes into a large burst after traveling across the screen.
Double Knee Press Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K Vega leaps forward while kicking. This move can be performed in midair.
Head Stomp Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Vega flies into the air and stomps his opponent's head. After bouncing off his opponent's head, he can dive down again with a Psycho Fist by pressing P. This move can be performed in midair.
Skull Diver Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+P Vega flies into the air toward his opponent. This move can be followed by P to dive his opponent with a Psycho Fist. This move can be performed in midair.
Air Warp Right Down Down-right P Vega teleports into the air. When used with  LP , he reappears behind his previous position. When used with  MP , he reappears in front of his previous position. When used with  HP , he reappears on the other side of the screen from his previous position. This move can be performed in midair.
Ground Warp Right Down Down-right P Vega teleports onto the ground. When used with  LP , he reappears behind his previous position. When used with  MP , he reappears in front of his previous position. When used with  HP , he reappears on the other side of the screen from his previous position. This move can be performed in midair.
Levitation Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Vega levitates for 5 seconds or until he is hit. He can move in any direction using the D-Pad. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Psycho Crusher Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Vega spirals toward his opponent while infused with psycho energy. Pressing P or K repeatedly does additional hits. This move can be performed in midair.
Knee Press Nightmare Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Two other Vegas appear, and all three perform Double Knee Press maneuvers.
200px Dhalsim
Dhalsim is Yoga master with the ability to stretch his limbs and conjure fire.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Yoga Fire Down Down-right Right P Dhalsim spits out a fireball that scorches whoever it touches. This move can be performed in midair.
Yoga Flame Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Dhalsim breathes a large mass of flame in front of him.
Yoga Blast Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Dhalsim breathes a large mass of flame at a diagonal angle in front of him.
Yoga Teleport Forward Right Down Down-right + all three P or K simultaneously Dhalsim disappears and reappears an the entire screen ahead with P or half the screen ahead with K. This move can be performed in midair.
Yoga Teleport Backward Left Down Down-left + all three P or K simultaneously Dhalsim disappears and reappears an entire screen back with P or half the screen back with K. This move can be performed in midair.
Levitation Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Dhalsim levitates for 5 seconds or until he is hit. He can move in any direction using the D-Pad. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Yoga Mummy Down+ HP  in midair Dhalsim spins downward head first like a drill.
Yoga Spear Down+K in midair Dhalsim spins downward feet first like a drill. The angle depends on the button used, with  LK  being the closest to 0° and  HK  being the closest to 270°.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Yoga Inferno Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Dhalsim belches a chain of fireballs in front of him, which can be directed with Up and Down.
Yoga Strike Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Dhalsim jumps in front of him and tries to grab his opponent (if airborne) to slam them into the ground.
200px Sakura
Sakura is a Japanese schoolgirl who idolizes Ryu, whose fighting style she has imitated.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Shouoken Down Down-right Right P Sakura runs forward while protected by an aura (which can neutralize projectiles). If she connects with an opponent, she ends with a rising uppercut. This move can be performed in midair.
Hadouken Down Down-left Left P Sakura shoots a large fireball diagonally upwards. If performed in midair, she shoots the fireball diagonally downwards.
Shunpuu Kyaku Down Down-left Left K Sakura jumps into the air and spins around an axis with her leg extended, moving forward in a high arc. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Flower Kick Right+ MK  Sakura performs a wide overhead kick. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Sailor Shoot Right+ MK  or  HK  (close) Sakura jumps off her opponent's chest. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Midare Zakura Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Sakura runs to her opponent and pummels them with a series of strikes, culminating in a rising uppercut.
Shinkuu Hadouken Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Sakura shoots a bombardment of large fireballs diagonally upwards.
Haru Ichiban Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Sakura spirals high into the air with her spinning kick. If she hits her opponent, she knocks them up into the air with her and finishes off with a straight kick and a double hand chop.
200px Gouki
Gouki is an emotionless and powerful warrior who has fights with the dark energy of Satsui no Hadou.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Gou Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Gouki focuses energy through his palms and fires a surging punch across the screen.
Zankuu Hadouken Down Down-right Right P in midair Gouki shoots a single-handed Hadouken at a diagonal angle downward in midair. Gouki's descent is slowed while performing this move, allowing the player to perform this move multiple times in a single jump.
Gou Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Gouki rises off the ground while punching upwards with his fist infused with dark energy, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with  MP  or  HP , this move can hit his opponent multiple times.
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Gouki jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his lightning-infused leg extended, which can hit his opponent multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku Down Down-right Right K in midair Gouki dive kicks diagonally downward.
Ashura Senkuu Forward Right Down Down-right + all three P or K simultaneously Gouki glides forward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Ashura Senkuu Backward Left Down Down-left + all three P or K simultaneously Gouki glides backward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Zugai Hasatsu Right+ MP  Gouki performs an open-handed chop, potentially hitting twice. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Senpuu Kyaku Right+ MK  Gouki leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku.
Mae Geri Up+ MK  in midair Gouki does a split kick.
Kuuchuu Senpuu Kyaku Up+ HK  in midair Gouki kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Messatsu Gou Hadou Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Gouki shoots a tall beam of energy from his palms that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Gouki performs a series of low Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
Tenma Gou Zankuu Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously in midair Gouki throws a barrage of Zankuu Hadoukens at his opponent.
Shun Goku Satsu  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  (at max level) Gouki glides to his opponent, then performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
200px Chun-Li
Chun-Li is an expert martial artist known for her high agility and strong kicks.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hyakuretsu Kyaku KKKKK Chun-Li unleashes a flurry of rapid kicks. This move can be performed in midair.
Tenshou Kyaku Right Down Down-right K Chun-Li jumps high into the air while spinning her legs around in kicks.
Kikouken Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Chun-Li shoots an energy ball across the screen.
Sen'en Shuu Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Chun-Li does a handstand and then kicks downward with a straight leg.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Jump D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Chun-Li can jump off the edges of the screen.
Air Dash Right Right in midair Chun-Li dashes forward in midair.
Triple Jump Up in midair Chun-Li can jump a second and third time in midair.
Short Kick Up+ LK  in midair Chun-Li kicks a short distance in front of her.
Front Kick Right+ HK  in midair Chun-Li kicks a long distance in front of her.
Yosokyaku Down+ MK  in midair Chun-Li holds a straight leg in a head stomp.
Kaku Kyaku Raku Down-right+ HK  Chun-Li backflips high into the air, coming down with a kick.
Zeroshiki Kikoushou Right+ HP  Chun-Li generates an energy ball in front of her. This move can neutralize projectiles.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Kikoushou Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Chun-Li produces a large fireball all around her.
Senretsu Kyaku Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Chun-Li moves forward quickly while performing a series of Hyakuretsu Kyaku kicks. She has a brief period of invulnerability at the beginning of the move (allowing her to pass through projectiles).
Hazan Tenshou Kyaku Right Down Down-right + two K simultaneously Chun-Li performs a more powerful version of her Tenshou Kyaku.
200px Ken
Ken is a martial artist who is the best friend and rival of Ryu. He has mastered the Shouryuuken.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Ken shoots a fireball partway across the screen. If performed in midair, he shoots the fireball diagonally downward (like Gouki).
Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Ken rises off the ground while punching upwards with his fist infused with fire, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with  MP  or  HP , this move can hit his opponent multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Ken rises diagonally upward while performing rapid spinning kicks, kicking his opponent into the air with him. When performed with  MP  or  HP , he finishes off with an axe kick. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Inazuma Kakato Wari Right+ MK  Ken kicks high into the air, then brings his leg down like an axe chop, hitting up to two times. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Mae Geri Up+ MK  in midair Ken does a split kick.
Kuuchuu Senpuu Kyaku Up+ HK  in midair Ken kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shouryuu Reppa Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Ken performs a series of flaming Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
Shinryuuken Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Ken performs a powerful spinning Shouryuuken that ascends upward in a column of flame. Pressing P or K repeatedly does additional hits.
Shippuujinrai Kyaku Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Ken performs a series of flaming kicks, culminating in a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
200px Ryu
Ryu is an experienced martial artist unwaveringly focused on his training. He has mastered the Hadouken.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Ryu shoots a large fireball across the screen. If performed in midair, he shoots the fireball straight ahead (unlike Ken and Gouki).
Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Ryu rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking his opponent high into the air.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Ryu jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended, which knocks his opponent away. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Sakotsu Wari Right+ MP  Ryu pulls his fist back and strikes forward and down, potentially hitting twice. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Senpuu Kyaku Right+ MK  Ryu leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Mae Geri Up+ MK  in midair Ryu does a split kick.
Kuuchuu Senpuu Kyaku Up+ HK  in midair Ryu kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shinkuu Hadouken Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Ryu shoots a tall beam of energy from his palms that covers a large area and hits multiple times. Pressing P or K repeatedly does additional hits. This move can be performed in midair.
Shin Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Ryu performs a single powerful Shouryuuken that flies high into the air and can hit multiple times.
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Ryu performs a version of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku that draws his opponent in and potentially hits multiple times.
200px Dan
Dan is an overconfident, self-taught martial artist who created his own fighting style called Saikyou Ryuu ("Strongest Style").

Unlike the other Street Fighter characters, whose moves have been empowered and exaggerated for this game, Dan's moves are even slower and weaker here than in his previous appearances.

Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Gadouken Down Down-right Right P Dan focuses his energy and throws a small, slow-moving, and short-ranged fireball directly in front of him.
Kouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Dan rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking down his opponent on impact.
Dankuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Dan leaps forward and performs a sequence of three kicks in midair.
Premium Signature Down Down-right Right K Dan signs a picture of himself and throws it at his opponent, which does a light amount of damage.
Zenten Chouhatsu Down Down-right Right  TAUNT  Dan rolls forward, then performs his taunt.
Kouten Chouhatsu Down Down-left Left  TAUNT  Dan rolls backwards, then performs his taunt.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Chouhatsu  TAUNT  Dan's taunt uniquely generates energy for his Hyper Combo gauge.
Kuuchuu Chouhatsu  TAUNT  in midair Dan can perform his taunt in midair.
Shami Chouhatsu Down+ TAUNT  Dan can perform his taunt while crouching.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Chouhatsu Densetsu Down Down-right Right Down Down-right Right  TAUNT  Dan rolls forward multiple times, stopping each time to taunt.
Shinkuu Gadouken Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Dan fires a version of the Gadouken Fireball that can travel about halfway across the screen and hit his opponent multiple times.
Hisshou Buraiken Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Dan performs a barrage of punches and kicks right in front of him, ending with a Kouryuuken.
Kouryuu Rekka Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Dan performs a single low Kouryuuken, followed by a high Kouryuuken.
Otoko Michi  HP   LK  Left  LP   LP  (at max level) Dan rushes to his opponent and embraces them. A huge explosion occurs, damaging the opponent slightly but reducing Dan to a sliver of vitality. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.


200px Norimaro (憲磨呂)
Norimaro is an original character, designed by Japanese comedian Noritake Kinashi.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Super Fantastic Treasure Down Down-right Right P Norimaro throws a random object from his satchel. This move can be performed in midair.
Great Fighting Jump Right Down Down-right P Norimaro flies high into the air, hitting opponents in the way.
Powerful Rolling Arms Down Down-right Right K Norimaro advances forward while swinging his arms like a windmill.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair Norimaro jumps again in midair. It works after a jump and also when falling or spinning.
Running Kick Up+ MK  while jumping diagonally Norimaro runs in place, his legs spinning quickly in a circle.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Hyper Strong Miracle Treasure Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Norimaro opens his satchel and throws a torrent of items from it.
Ultimate Grand Champion Jump Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Norimaro performs a more powerful version of his Great Fighting Jump ability.
Ultra Variety Private Memories Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Norimaro charges his opponent and attacks while transforming into a variety of different forms (such as cooking, taking a bath, or being dressed like Mega Man.


These characters are fought in the Arcade Mode and the Survival Mode.

X-Men vs Street Fighter, Characters, Apocalypse.png Apocalypse
Apocalypse is an ancient and immortal mutant with the ability to control the molecules of his body to alter his form at will. He appears as the penultimate boss.
200px Mech-Gouki
Mech-Gouki is a cyborg version of Gouki under the control of Apocalypse. He is the final boss of the game. His hard punch normals are rockets, and his Zankuu Hadoukens are fired two at a time. He can be selected to play after completing the game in Arcade Mode and Survival Mode and then winning the hidden Mech-Gouki Now!! fight, but he cannot have a partner.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Cyber Gou Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Mech-Gouki focuses energy through his palms and fires a surging punch across the screen.
Zankuu Bolt Hadouken Down Down-right Right P in midair Mech-Gouki shoots two single-handed Hadoukens at a diagonal angle downward in midair. Mech-Gouki's descent is slowed while performing this move, allowing the player to perform this move multiple times in a single jump.
Shining Circuit Gou Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Mech-Gouki rises off the ground while punching upwards with his wings expanded, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with  MP  or  HP , this move can hit his opponent multiple times.
Lightning Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Mech-Gouki jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his lightning-infused leg extended, which can hit his opponent multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Booster Rocket Tenma Kuujin Kyaku Down Down-right Right K in midair Mech-Gouki dive kicks diagonally downward.
Winged Ashura Senkuu Forward Right Down Down-right + all three P or K simultaneously Mech-Gouki glides forward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Winged Ashura Senkuu Backward Left Down Down-left + all three P or K simultaneously Mech-Gouki glides backward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Metal Zugai Hasatsu Right+ MP  Mech-Gouki performs an open-handed chop, potentially hitting twice. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Steel Senpuu Kyaku Right+ MK  Mech-Gouki leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku.
Iron Mae Geri Up+ MK  in midair Mech-Gouki kicks into the air.
Bionic Kuuchuu Senpuu Kyaku Up+ HK  in midair Mech-Gouki kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
High Mega Gou Beam Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Mech-Gouki shoots a tall beam of energy from his palms that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Scramble Gou Punch Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Mech-Gouki performs a series of low Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
Thunder Gou Shower Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously in midair Mech-Gouki throws a barrage of Zankuu Hadoukens at his opponent.
Shining Gou Shock  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  (at max level) Mech-Gouki glides to his opponent, then performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white. This move can be performed in midair. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.


Main article: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter/Hidden content.

These characters are fought in the Survival Mode.

200px Mephisto
Mephisto is the father of Blackheart. His moves are the same as Blackheart, but most of his normal attacks have a fire effect that causes some additional damage.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Dark Thunder Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Mephisto fires a burst of lightning. When used with  LP , Mephisto fires the blast diagonally downward (which travels along the ground after hitting it). When used with  MP , Mephisto fires the blast straight ahead. When used with  HP , Mephisto fires the blast at a diagonal upward angle.
Inferno Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Mephisto throws dark spheres at the ground, which summon an inferno that tosses opponents high into the air.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Air Dash Left Left or Right Right in midair Mephisto dashes backward or forward in midair.
Long Dash Left after dashing with Left Left or
Right after dashing with Right Right
Mephisto can continue moving an extra distance after dashing.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Armageddon Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Mephisto summons a meteor shower.
Heart of Darkness Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Mephisto levitates and summons demonic minions to fly out from underground and trounce his opponent.
Judgment Day Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously Mephisto unleashes a legion of demonic minions from its torso. This move can be performed in midair.
200px US Agent
US Agent is another "Super Soldier," like Captain America. He has the same moves as Captain America. He moves quicker but has less damage resistance.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Shield Slash Down Down-right Right P US Agent throws his shield at an upward angle, which ricochets off an opponent or wall and returns to him. It is possible for US Agent to miss catching his shield, which affects some of his abilities until he picks it back up again (by walking over wherever it lands on the ground). If he is missing his shield, he simply swings his arms in front of him when this move is performed. This move can be performed in midair.
Stars and Stripes Right Down Down-right P US Agent jumps high into the air, ramming his opponent with his shoulder or his shield. The attack can hit multiple times if US Agent is missing his shield (but does the same damage overall).
Charging Star Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K US Agent charges forward with his shoulder or his shield. He can absorb projectiles with his shield (unless he is missing it).
Cartwheel Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P US Agent backflips forward. He is invincible for part of this move and can use it to pass through to the other side of his opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair US Agent can jump a second time in midair.
Heel Kick Down+ HK  in midair US Agent kicks downward.
Double Kick  MK   MK  US Agent follows up a high kick with a lower kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Final Justice Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously US Agent hits his opponent with a flurry of strikes, throws them high into the air, then drives them into the ground.
Hyper Stars and Stripes Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously US Agent attacks repeatedly with his Stars and Stripes ability.
Hyper Charging Star Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously US Agent attacks with an empowered version of his Charging Star ability.
200px Armored Spider-Man
Armored Spider-Man is a version of Spider-Man wearing metallic armor, with the same moveset. His movement and attacks are harder to interrupt by hitting him, and he is more difficult to launch for an air combo. However, his attacks do less damage.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Web Ball Down Down-right Right P Spider-Man shoots two wads of webbing across the screen from the web shooters on his wrists. Opponents caught in webbing are momentarily stunned. He shoots the webbing at a downward diagonal angle if this move is performed in midair.
Spider Sting Right Down Down-right P Spider-Man jumps high in the air with a rising uppercut. This move can be followed up with P for an additional strike while in the air.
Web Swing Down Down-left Left K Spider-Man attaches a rope of webbing to the ceiling and swings from it with a kick. This move can be performed in midair.
Web Throw Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Spider-Man shoots a string of webbing. He shoots in front of him with  LP , at a diagonal upward angle with  MP , and directly above him with  HP . If an opponent is caught in the web, Spider-Man swings them around his head with the webbing, then throws them across the screen.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Jump D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Spider-Man can jump off the edges of the screen.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Maximum Spider Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Spider-Man jumps between the edges of the screen with multiple flying punches and kicks. This move can be performed in midair.
Crawler Assault Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Spider-Man charges his opponent with a series of attacks.
200px Dark Sakura
Dark Sakura, also called Suntanned Sakura, is a version of Sakura with some moves similar to Satsui no Hado users like Gouki and Evil Ryu. She mostly plays similarly to her standard counterpart but with a more conventional Hadouken and Gouki's Zankuu Hadouken and Shun Goku Satsu.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Sakura focuses energy through her palms and fires a surging punch across the screen.
Zankuu Hadouken Down Down-right Right P in midair Sakura shoots a single-handed Hadouken at a diagonal angle downward in midair.
Shouoken Down Down-right Right P Sakura dashes forward, then performs a jumping uppercut. She dashes a longer distance when the move is performed with stronger punches. This move can be performed in midair.
Shunpuu Kyaku Down Down-left Left K Sakura jumps into the air and spins around an axis with her leg extended, moving forward in a high arc. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Flower Kick Right+ MK  Sakura performs a wide overhead kick. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Sailor Shoot Right+ MK  or  HK  (close) Sakura jumps off her opponent's chest. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shinkuu Hadouken Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Sakura fires a tall beam of energy that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Midare Zakura Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Sakura runs to her opponent and pummels them with a series of strikes, culminating in a rising uppercut.
Haru Ichiban Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Sakura spirals high into the air with her spinning kick. If she hits her opponent, she knocks them up into the air with her and finishes off with a straight kick and a double hand chop.
Shun Goku Satsu  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  (at max level) Sakura glides to her opponent, then performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.
200px Mech-Zangief
Mech-Zangief is Zangief with mechnical enhancements from Shadaloo. He has the same moves as regular Zangief, except with Vodka Fire replacing Banishing Fist. He causes the ground to shake when he walks. His movement and moves are not interrupted by being hit (even by Hyper Combos) like every other character, and he cannot be launched at all for aerial combos. However, he cannot block.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Double Lariat All three P simultaneously Mech-Zangief spins around with his arms outstretched, knocking over opponents on impact. He is invulnerable above the waist while performing this move, allowing most projectiles to pass through him. He can move with Left and Right while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Quick Double Lariat All three K simultaneously Mech-Zangief performs a Double Lariat that is faster but has a shorter duration. He can move with Left and Right while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Screw Piledriver D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then P Mech-Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps high into the air, then drives them head first into the ground while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Flying Powerbomb Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (far away) Mech-Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps, and slams them into the ground.
Atomic Suplex Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (close) Mech-Zangief grounded suplex followed by an aerial suplex.
Aerial Russian Slam Right Down Down-right K Mech-Zangief jumps into the air to grab an airborne opponent and throw them toward the ground.
Vodka Fire Down Down-right Right P Mech-Zangief breathes a large mass of flame in front of him.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Flying Body Attack Down+ HP  in midair Mech-Zangief falls down with a diving splash.
Double Knee Drop Down+ MK  in midair Mech-Zangief falls with his knees forward.
Headbutt Up+ MP  in midair Mech-Zangief performs a headbutt in midair.
Long Punch Right+ HP  in midair Mech-Zangief flattens his body and punches in the air.
Elbow Dive Down+ MP  in midair Mech-Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Elbow Drop Right+ MP  Mech-Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Dashing Suplex Right Right, then  MP  or  HP  Mech-Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and perform a suplex on them.
Dashing Grab Right Right, then  MK  or  HK  Mech-Zangief can grab opponents while dashing and bite them.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Final Atomic Buster D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then two P simultaneously Mech-Zangief grabs his opponent and performs two rolling suplexes followed by a Screw Piledriver, then tosses his opponent in the air for a final Screw Piledriver.
200px Shadow
Shadow is a version of Nash (Charlie) with a darkened color palette and his special moves infused with Psycho Energy. His moves are mostly the same as Nash, but his Hyper Combos take longer to start. He gains a new Hyper Combo, Final Mission.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Shadow Boom Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Shadow fires a circular energy wave across the screen by swinging his arm.
Shadow Shell Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Shadow somersaults upward while performing a backflip kick that can hit twice, which causes a large energy wave to ripple diagonally upward.
Moonsault Slash Up Up-right Right K in midair Shadow moonsaults down with a swinging kick, similar to a Somersault Shell.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Jump Sobat Left+ MK  or Right+ MK  Shadow hops toward his opponent with a turning kick.
Step Kick Left+ HK  or Right+ HK  Shadow takes a step forward and kicks. This is an overhead strike that can hit characters who are crouch blocking.
Spin Back Knuckle Right+ HP  Shadow rotates around and swings his fist like a club.
Knee Kick Down+ LK  in midair Shadow falls with a knee drop.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shadow Break Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Shadow fires a barrage of Sonic Booms. Pressing P or K repeatedly does additional hits.
Cross Shadow Blitz Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Shadow dashes forward while performing a series of fast kicks.
Shadow Justice Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Shadow moves forward and then up while performing a series of Somersault Shells.
Final Mission Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right Left Right + two P simultaneously (at max level) Shadow glides to his opponent, then uppercuts them into the air and performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white. The Hyper Combo gauge must be at level 3 to perform this move.


The stages from X-Men vs. Street Fighter were brought back and revised. Stages are chosen randomly in the single-player mode but can be chosen manually in the two-player mode. The final fights with Apocalypse and Mech-Gouki take place on a dedicated stage.

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Death Valley.png

Death Valley
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Death Valley.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, The Cataract.png

The Cataract
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, The Cataract.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, The Temple of Fists.png

The Temple of Fists
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, The Temple of Fists.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, On the Hilltop.png

On the Hilltop
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, On the Hilltop.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Manhattan.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Manhattan.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Raging Inferno.png

Raging Inferno
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Raging Inferno.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Code Red.png

Code Red
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Code Red.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Night Cooking.png

Night Cooking
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Night Cooking.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Mall Mayhem.png

Mall Mayhem
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Mall Mayhem.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Showdown in the Park.png

Showdown in the Park
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Showdown in the Park.png

Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Apocalypse Now.png

Apocalypse Now
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Stages, Apocalypse Now.png



The game was followed by Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, released in arcades in 1998 and ported to the Sega Dreamcast in 1999.


The Saturn port, which requires the 4MB Extended RAM Cartridge, was praised for accurately reproducing the arcade game. The PlayStation port, like X-Men vs. Street Fighter, suffered numerous cutbacks due to the system's lack of RAM, such as reduced animations, long load times, and most significantly, replacing the tag team format with a more traditional round format.

Production credits

Staff Credit
  • Planner: Atsushi Tomita, Nakano Tau! Masahiro, Dave Matumoto
  • Original Artwork: Akiman, Sakomizu, Ukabin
  • Object Designer: Minobe Hiroaki Da!!, Sagata, G.Kamina, Miwaringo, Kohichi Kikutani, Hiroshi Yoshioka, Shinya Miyamoto, Masanori Kondo
  • Object Designer: Rie Satou, Takep, Yosinori Yamamoto, Jon Narancha, Toshihiro Suzuki, R.Naoi, Kanako♥Takami
  • Scroll Designer: Iwai, Konomi, Hisashi Sawada, Dear Akirakun 1997, MAY, Inoyan, Youko Fukumoto
  • Scroll Designer: Kisabom, Takashi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Yuugen, Chie Morisaki, Holly Genki?, Shinnosuke, Manga-Chop
  • Music Compose & Arrange: Yuki Iwai, Yuko Kadota
  • Sound Director: Hiroaki "X68K" Kondo (Cipher)
  • Sound Assistant: Hachi & Ise & Lee, MOE.T (Cipher)
  • Recording Director: Susan Hart
  • Recording Engineer: Paul Shubat, Dave Hatt
  • Programmer: Motsu, Eternal Sailor, KAW, Silver Kadontz, You!
  • Voice Actor
    • Street Fighter: Tetsuya Iwanaga, Yuko Sasamoto, Wataru Takagi, Tomomichi Nishimura, Osamu Hosoi, Yuko Miyamura, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Yoshiharu Yamada, (Arts Vision)
    • Marvel Super Heroes: Andrew Jackson, Cathal Dodd, Frank Perry, Jaimz Woolvet, Len Doncheff, Lorne Kenedy, Norman Spencer, Patric Chilvers
    • Narrator: Tony Daniels
  • Producer: Kenji Kataoka
  • General Producer: Noritaka Funamizu
  • Executive Producer: Yoshiki Okamoto
  • Norimaro Design & Voice: Noritaro Kinashi
  • Norimaro Name: Akiyuki Uratani
  • NTV Director: Satoshi Kojima
  • NTV Producer: Masahiko Ohsawa
  • Special thanks to: Adviser Akitomo, Dana Moreshead, Lisa Leatherman, Takuya Shiraiwa, Erik Suzuki, Harumi Yamashita, Yumiko Nishi, Kinu♥Nishimura, Marvel Characters, Inc, Arrival, NTV, Shogakukan Production Co., Ltd, All Capcom Staff, and...You
Thank You For Playing
In-game credits
MSHvSF Saturn JP SSEnding.pdf

Magazine articles

Main article: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1998-31: "1998-31 (1998-10-30)" (1998-10-16)
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1998-32: "1998-32 (1998-11-06,13)" (1998-10-23)


Physical scans

ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Ação Games (BR)
Consoles + (FR) NTSC-J
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Gamers' Republic (US) NTSC-J
Mega Console (IT) NTSC-J
neXt Level (DE) NTSC-J
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Magazin (DE) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn
Based on
10 reviews

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

Saturn, JP
MSHVSF Saturn JP Box Back.jpgMSHVSF Saturn JP Box Front.jpg
MSHvsSF Saturn JP Spinecard.jpg
MSHvsSF Saturn JP Disc.jpg
MSHvsSF Saturn JP Manual.pdf
Saturn, JP (4MB RAM Pack)
MSHVSF Saturn JP Box Back 4MB.jpgNospine-small.pngMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズVS.ストリートファイター) Saturn JP Box Front 4MB.jpg
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズVS.ストリートファイター) Saturn JP Disc 4MB.jpg
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Saturn JP Box jewelcaseback.jpgMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Saturn JP Box Front 4MB JewelCase.jpg
Jewel Case

Technical information

Main article: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter/Technical information.


CollapseMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

MSHvsSF Saturn JP SStitle.png

Main page | Comparisons | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Reception | Technical information

Books: Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Koushiki Guide Book (1998)

No results

CollapseStreet Fighter games for Sega systems
Sega Mega Drive
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (unreleased) | Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition (1993) | Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)
Sega Saturn
Street Fighter: The Movie (1995) | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (1996) | Street Fighter II Movie (1996) | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Dash) (1996) | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (1996) | Street Fighter Collection (1997) | X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1997) | Pocket Fighter (1998) | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1998) | Capcom Generation: Dai 5 Shuu Kakutouka-tachi (1998) | Street Fighter Zero 3 (1999)
Sega Master System
Street Fighter II' (1997)
Sega Dreamcast
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (1999) | Street Fighter III: Double Impact (1999) | Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (2000) | Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service (2000) | Street Fighter Zero 3 for Matching Service (2001) | Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service (2001)
Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (2001)
Sampler discs
Sega Saturn
Street Fighter Zero 2 Taikenban (199x) | Street Fighter Collection Taikenban (1997)
Sega Dreamcast
Street Fighter Zero 3 Tentou Taikenban (199x)
Unlicensed Street Fighter games for Sega systems
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Jang Pung II (1993)
Sega Mega Drive
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Mega Drive) (1998)

CollapseCapcom vs. games for Sega systems
Sega Saturn
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1997) | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1998)
Sega Dreamcast
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1999) | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) | Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (2000) | Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (2001) | Capcom vs. SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 (2001)
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