Difference between revisions of "Zaxxon"

From Sega Retro

(300 intermediate revisions by 20 users not shown)
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| logo=
| bobscreen=Zaxxon Arcade Title.png
| bobscreen=Zaxxon Arcade Title.png
| screenwidth=
| bobscreen2=Zaxxon SG1000 Title.png
| title=Zaxxon
| bobscreen3=Zaxxon 5200 Title.png
| publisher=[[Sega]]
| bobscreen4=Zaxxon ST title.png
| developer=[[Sega]]
| bobscreen5=Zaxxon ColecoVision Title.png
| system=Arcade, Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, DOS, Intellivision, MSX, [[Sega Master System]], [[Sega SG-1000]], TRS-80, TRS-80 CoCo, [[Virtual Console]], ZX Spectrum
| bobscreen6=Zaxxon Intellvision Title.png
| romsize=
| tab1=Zaxxon hardware
| peripherals=
| tab2=SG-1000
| europe=1982
| tab3=Atari 5200
| usa=1982
| tab4=Atari ST
| japan=1982
| tab5=ColecoVision
| australia=
| tab6=Intellivision
| benelux=
| publisher={{company|[[Sega Enterprises, Ltd.]]|system=ZAXXON,SG|region=JP}}
| brazil=
| germany=
{{company|[[Sega Enterprises, Inc.]]|system=5200|region=JP}}
| scandinavia=
{{company|[[Sega Corporation (2000-2015)|Sega Corporation]]|system=VC}}
| southkorea=
| genre=
{{company|[[CBS Electronics]]|system=2600,Coleco,INTV|region=EU}}
| timeattack=
| developer={{company|[[Ikegami Tsushinki]]|system=ZAXXON}}
| esrb=e
{{company|[[Sega Personal Computer Div.]]{{fileref|ZaxxonSGJPManual.pdf|page=22}}|system=SG}}
| vrc=
| pegi=7
| elspa=
| distributor={{company|[[Löwen-Automaten]]|system=ZAXXON|region=DE}}
| bbfc=
| system=[[Sega Zaxxon hardware]], [[SG-1000]], [[Atari 2600]], [[Atari 5200]], [[ColecoVision]], [[Intellivision]], [[Virtual Console]]
| usk=
| players=1
| genre=Shooting{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20200928023407/https://sega.jp/history/hard/sc3000/software.html}}
| releases={{releasesArcade
| zaxxon_date_jp=1981-12-26{{ref|https://cocatalog.loc.gov}}{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20231226014010/https://cocatalog.loc.gov}}{{magref|gamemachinejp|182|4}}
| zaxxon_date_us=1982-04{{ref|https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n132}}
| zaxxon_date_eu=1982-07{{magref|cvg|10|26}}{{ref|1=https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/?page=thumbs&db=videodb&id=2976}}
| intv_date_us=1983-08{{magref|ce|2.06|16}}
| intv_date_eu=1983
| coleco_date_us=1982-10{{magref|ce|1.07|6}}<!--1982-09{{fileref|DailyNews (US) 1982-08-20 305.jpg}}-->
| coleco_date_eu=1983
| coleco_rrp_uk=29.95{{magref|tvgamer|2|18}}
| 2600_date_eu=1983
| 2600_rrp_uk=29.95{{magref|cvg|32|53}}{{magref|tvgamer|2|42}}
| 2600_date_us=1983-04{{magref|ce|2.02|16}}
| 2600_date_br=1983
| 5200_date_us=1984
| 5200_code_us=008-02
| sg_date_jp=1985-02{{magref|gamemachinejp|264|9}}
| sg_rrp_jp=4,300{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20200928023407/https://sega.jp/history/hard/sc3000/software.html}}
| sg_code_jp=G-1038
| sg_date_tw=198x
| sg_code_tw=B-038
| vca_date_us=2010-04-12{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20101122210537/http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZnkHCnm2XvA6xyPltLxrYMKTFCr-SGTb}}
| vca_rrp_us=800{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20101122210537/http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZnkHCnm2XvA6xyPltLxrYMKTFCr-SGTb}}
| vca_rating_us=e
| vca_date_eu=2010-03-05{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20171121001819/http://www.nintendolife.com/games/vcarcade/zaxxon}}{{ref|https://archive.is/G26Yn|https://www.nintendo.fr/Jeux/Console-virtuelle-Wii-/Zaxxon--280317.html}}
| vca_rrp_eu=500{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20171121001819/http://www.nintendolife.com/games/vcarcade/zaxxon}}
| vca_rating_eu=7
| vca_date_jp=2009-12-15{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20180322015442/https://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/vc/software/12.html}}
| vca_rrp_jp=500{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20091216173519/http://vc.sega.jp:80/vca_zaxxon}}
| vca_rating_jp=a
| oflc=g
| oflc=g
| sell=
| djctq=
| cero=
| grb=
| esra=
'''''Zaxxon''''' is an arcade shoot 'em up game released in 1982 by [[Sega]]. It was the first video game to use axonometric projection, which is where the "AXXON" name comes from. The player controls a starship shooting enemies in a fortress.
{{OtherPage|desc=the home computer conversions|page=Zaxxon (home computers)}}'''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' (ザクソン) is an [[arcade]] shoot 'em up video game released by [[Sega]]. It is named after its groundbreaking use of ''axon''ometric projection (though more specifically, it uses isometric projection) and was released for [[Sega Zaxxon hardware|bespoke arcade hardware]]. It had a limited Japanese arcade release in December 1981,{{ref|1=https://web.archive.org/web/20231226013526/https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=5&ti=1,5&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1}}{{ref|1=https://web.archive.org/web/20231226014010/https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=6&ti=1,6&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1}}{{magref|gamemachinejp|182|4}} before receiving a wide release in January 1982.{{fileref|Sega Arcade History JP EnterBrain Book-1.pdf|page=49}}{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20091216173519/http://vc.sega.jp:80/vca_zaxxon}}
''Zaxxon'' was the first video game to use an isometric perspective, a graphical style which would see widespread use in the years which followed. It was an early attempt at adding three-dimensional depth to the shoot 'em up genre.
In ''Zaxxon'', the player controls a starship which continuously moves towards the top right of the screen - a "diagonal" sidescroller, as opposed to the horizontal or vertical shooters more commonly seen. The basic idea is to shoot at and destroy enemies within a space fortress to rank up points, while avoiding obstacles and enemy fire.
What made ''Zaxxon'' unique at the time was the ability for the player to adjust the ship's height as well as move the craft left and right, essentially creating one of the first three-dimensional shooters (though the player can still only move in two dimensions, as he/she cannot stop the ship from moving forward). With this comes the task of navigating scenery - ''Zaxxon'' has levels which take part in space stations, and the player must duck and dive to avoid crashing into objects. Furthermore missiles can be launched upwards from the ground (similar to ''Scramble'' by [[Konami]]), and the player must obtain fuel to stay airbourne.
Zaxxon was quite successful for Sega, and hence it was ported to the Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, DOS, Intellivision, MSX, [[Sega Master System]], [[Sega SG-1000]], TRS-80, TRS-80 CoCo, and ZX Spectrum. More recently, the Arcade version of the game has been made available through the [[Wii]]'s [[Virtual Console]] service. There has also been numerous clones of the game, such as ''Zaksund'' and ''Z-89'' for the TRS CoCo. It was also included as part of the ''[[Sega Mega Drive Collection]]'' and ''[[Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection]]'' compilations. It should be noted, however, that the Atari 2600 and Intellivision ports of the game use a third person perspective rather than an isometric one, most likely due to console limitations.
[[File:Gremlin 16250TechnologyDrive 02.jpg|thumb|''Zaxxon'' cabinets being assembled at [[Gremlin Industries]]' San Diego factory]]
The game first had a limited Japanese arcade release in December 1981.{{ref|1=https://web.archive.org/web/20231226013526/https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=5&ti=1,5&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1}}{{ref|1=https://web.archive.org/web/20231226014010/https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=6&ti=1,6&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1}} Despite having only a limited release that year, it became 1981's 18th highest-grossing arcade game in Japan.{{magref|gamemachinejp|182|4}} It eventually received a wide release in January 1982.{{fileref|Sega Arcade History JP EnterBrain Book-1.pdf|page=49}}{{ref|http://web.archive.org/web/20091216173519/http://vc.sega.jp:80/vca_zaxxon}}
''Zaxxon'' was the first arcade game to be advertised on US television. A commercial was produced with help from Sega's then-owners Paramount Pictures for $150,000.{{fileref|WilmingtonMorningStar US 1982-07-03 6C.png}} It aired on local television stations in Los Angeles (which aired it first on June 22),{{fileref|PlayMeter US Volume 08 No. 15.pdf|page=15}} Chicago, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania between July 12 (11 in Chicago) through to July 25, 1982.{{magref|cb|1982-07-24|39}}
[[David Rosen]] is claimed to have been the brainchild behind the project, having teamed up with Jerry Kramer Associates to produce the commercial{{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}. They, in turn, contracted Mathematical Applications Group Inc. (MAGI; best known for the special effects in the movie ''[[wikipedia:Tron|Tron]]'') to produce what was then cutting edge 3D graphics.{{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}
The full budget for the television campaign (including acquiring the airtime) was estimated to be between $500,000 and $1 million{{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}. In Los Angeles, the commercial aired during  syndicated repeats of ''Saturday Night Live'', ''Kung Fu'', ''MASH'', ''The Jeffersons'', ''American Bandstand'', ''Fridays'' and ''SCTV''{{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}. It ws also broadcast 15 times during a KTLA all-day ''Star Trek'' marathon (''Star Trek'' being another Paramount property){{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}.
The commercial was successful, and was said to not only double trade in some venues, but encourage new customers to visit the arcades specifically for the game{{magref|cb|1982-07-24|39}}. Rivals such as [[Williams Electronics]], [[Stern Electronics]] and [[Taito]] also praised the advert for attracting potential arcade customers{{magref|cb|1982-07-10|30}}.
''Zaxxon'' stands as one of Sega's first big successes in the arcade video game market, and was subsequently brought to a plethora of home systems during the early 1980s, being one of the most widely ported Sega games in history. The hardware behind the game also went in to fuel other isometric arcade games, such as ''[[Congo Bongo]]'' and ''[[Future Spy]]''.
The Atari 2600 and Intellivision versions of the game (published by [[Coleco]]) are the most radically different, opting for a third-person "behind the ship" view rather than an isometric one, presumably due to hardware limitations. It has been suggested, however, that Coleco purposely dumbed down these versions for competition purposes - their ColecoVision port was for many years the most accurate home copy of the game, however skipped a few levels due to cartridge restrictions (something later fixed with ''[[Zaxxon Super Game]]'' for Coleco's Adam computer).
An Atari 5200 version similar to the Atari computers copy was also released.
Sega produced their own home port of the game for Japanese [[SG-1000]]s in 1985, with a PAL release also planned{{fileref|John Sands Sega Retail Price List Jun 1985.pdf|page=2}}, however held back from bringing the game to more modern Sega platforms. ''Zaxxon'' was not seen again until a surprise appearance in the ''[[Sega Mega Drive Collection]]'' and ''[[Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection]]'' compilations, and in more recent times, the arcade version has been made available through the [[Wii]]'s [[Virtual Console]] service.
As one of Sega's first success stories, ''Zaxxon'' was also turned into a board game by [[Milton Bradley]] in 1982. [[Bandai]] and [[Coleco]] also released VFD and LCD versions of the game, in the form of [[Zaxxon (tabletop)|a tabletop ''Zaxxon'']], ''[[FL Zaxxon]]'' and [[Zaxxon (handheld)|a handheld ''Zaxxon'']]. Curiously, Sega of America, through its blog, has erroneously laid claim to several other versions of ''Zaxxon'' - a homebrew [[Amiga]] version from 1995, and a version for the Dragon 32/64 computer (based on the TRS-80 CoCo version), whose legitimacy has yet to be verified.
''Zaxxon'' was followed in the arcades by ''[[Super Zaxxon]]'', which despite offering similar gameplay, was far less successful. Also created was ''[[Zaxxon 3D]]'' for the [[Sega Master System]] and ''[[Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000]]'' for the [[Sega 32X]].
==Production credits==
===Arcade version===
*'''Sound:''' [[Yoji Ishii]]{{ref|1=https://web.archive.org/web/20230114105419/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UaHrRulyzA}}{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20230201114036/https://twitter.com/okunari/status/977913991442841605}}
| console=ZAXXON
| source=Uncredited
===SG-1000 version===
*'''Sound:''' [[Katsuhiro Hayashi]]{{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20230608062442/http://www.iris.dti.ne.jp/~haya-c/funkykh/profile.html}}
| console=SG
| source=Uncredited
==Magazine articles==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Magazine articles}}
==Promotional material==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Promotional material}}
{{gitem|Zaxxon logo.png}}
==Photo gallery==
Zaxxon Arcade US Cabinet.jpg|US arcade cabinet
Zaxxon Arcade US Cabinet Front.jpg
Zaxxon Arcade DE Cabinet.jpg|DE arcade cabinet
==Physical scans==
===Arcade version===
| type=upright
| console=Zaxxon hardware
| region=US
| manual=Zaxxon Arcade US Manual.pdf
| marquee=Zaxxon Arcade US Marquee.jpg
| type=upright
| console=Zaxxon hardware
| region=FR
| type=upright
| console=Zaxxon hardware
| region=DE
| marquee=Zaxxon Arcade DE Marquee.jpg
| controlpanel=Zaxxon Arcade DE ControlPanel.jpg
| console=Zaxxon hardware
| region=JP
| instructioncard1=Zaxxon Arcade JP InstructionCard.jpg
| instructioncard2=Notavailable.svg
===US service notes===
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 01.pdf|1
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 02.pdf|2
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 04.pdf|4
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 05.pdf|5
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 06.pdf|6
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 07.pdf|7
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 08.pdf|8
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 09.pdf|9
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 10.pdf|10
Zaxxon Arcade US ServiceNote 12.pdf|12
Zaxxon Arcade US Bulletin 1982-07-26.pdf|1982-07-26 bulletin
Zaxxon Arcade US JoystickModificationInstructions.pdf|Joystick modification instructions
===SG-1000 version===
| console=SG-1000
| region=JP
| front=Zaxxon SG1000 JP Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon SG1000 JP Box Back.jpg
| spine=Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Spine.jpg
| spine2=Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Spine2.jpg
| top=Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Top.jpg
| cart=Zaxxon SG1000 JP Cart.jpg
| carttop=Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Carttop.jpg
| manual=ZaxxonSGJPManual.pdf
| console=SG-1000
| region=TH
| cart=Zaxxon SG1000 JP Cart.jpg
| cartback=Zaxxon SG1000 TH Cart Back.jpg
| console=SG-1000
| region=TW
| cart=
===Atari 2600 version===
| console=Atari 2600
| region=US
| front=Zaxxon Atari2600 US Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon Atari2600 US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 US Cart.jpg
| manual=Zaxxon Atari 2600 US Manual.pdf
| console=Atari 2600
| region=EU
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 EU CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=UK
| front=Zaxxon 2600 UK Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon 2600 UK Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 UK CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=FR
| front=Zaxxon 2600 FR Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon 2600 FR Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 DE CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=DE
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 DE CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=DE (alt)
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=CA
| front=Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Cart1.jpg
| item1=Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Cart2.jpg
| item1name=Alternative cart
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=BR (Tron)
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Tron Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=BR (Intellivision)
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Intellivision Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Atari 2600
| region=BR (Dynacom)
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Dynacom Cart.jpg
| cartback=Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Dynacom Cart Back.jpg
| manual=
===Atari 5200 version===
| console=Atari 5200
| region=US
| front=Zaxxon Atari5200 US Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon Atari5200 US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Atari5200 US Cart.jpg
| manual=Zaxxon 5200 us manual.pdf
===ColecoVision version===
| icon=Coleco
| joystik=90
| joystik_source={{num|3}}
| console=ColecoVision
| region=US
| front=Zaxxon ColecoVision US Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon ColecoVision US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon coleco us cart.jpg
| manual=Zaxxon coleco us manual.pdf
| console=ColecoVision
| region=EU
| front=Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Box Front.jpg
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart.jpg
| carttop=Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart Top.jpg
| cartback=Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart Back.jpg
| manual=Zaxxon coleco eu manual.pdf
| console=ColecoVision
| region=UK
| front=Zaxxon ColecoVision UK Box Front.jpg
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=Zaxxon ColecoVision UK Cart.jpg
| console=ColecoVision
| region=FR
| front=Zaxxon ColecoVision FR Box.jpg
| back=Zaxxon ColecoVision FR Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon ColecoVision FR CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=ColecoVision
| region=DE
| front=Zaxxon Coleco DE Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon Coleco DE Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Coleco DE Cart.jpg
| cartback=Zaxxon Coleco DE Cart Back.jpg
| console=ColecoVision
| region=CA
| front=
| back=
| spinemissing=
| cart=
| console=ColecoVision
| region=AU
| cover=Zaxxon ColecoVision AU Box.jpg
| cart=
===Intellivision version===
| icon=INTV
| joystik=20
| joystik_source={{num|9}}
| console=Intellivision
| region=US
| front=Zaxxon Intellivision US Box Front.jpg
| back=Zaxxon Intellivision US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=Zaxxon Intellivision US Cart.jpg
| manual=Zaxxon Intellivision US Manual.pdf
| console=Intellivision
| region=EU
| front=Zaxxon Intellivision EU Box Front.jpg
| cart=
| console=Intellivision
| region=UK
| front=
| cart=Zaxxon Intellivision UK CBS Cart.jpg
| manual=
| console=Intellivision
| region=DE
| front=
| cart=
==Technical information==
===ROM dump status===
{{rom|SG|sha1=E32F536C3576D41AB485E07809C4404E6B462443|md5=52BBF5336C190610A0FB1AB0BDACA455|crc32=905467E4|size=32kB|date=|source=Cartridge (JP)|comments=|quality=|prototype=}}
{{rom|SG|sha1=172A8FF1A574D7920906C5CF60E1D39F31B9B639|md5=BB1C5B1071D5B9224B7733D60465E769|crc32=49CAE925|size=32kB|date=|source=Cartridge (TW)|comments=|quality=|prototype=}}
Zaxxon was also turned into a board game by Milton Bradley in 1982. Sega, Bandai and Coleco have also released handheld versions of the game.
==External links==
* Sega of Japan Virtual Console pages: [http://web.archive.org/web/20091216173519/http://vc.sega.jp:80/vca_zaxxon Arcade] (archive)
* Nintendo catalogue pages: [http://web.archive.org/web/20101122210537/http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZnkHCnm2XvA6xyPltLxrYMKTFCr-SGTb US] (archive)
The game was followed by ''[[Super Zaxxon]]'', ''[[Zaxxon 3D]]'' and ''[[Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000]]'', none of which were as successful.
[[Category:Arcade Games]]
[[Category:Master System Games]]
[[Category:SG-1000 Games]]
[[Category:SG-1000 Shoot-'em-Up Games]]
[[Category:1985 SG-1000 Games]]
[[Category:Virtual Console Games]]

Latest revision as of 08:36, 6 November 2024


  • Zaxxon hardware
  • SG-1000
  • Atari 5200
  • Atari ST
  • ColecoVision
  • Intellivision

Zaxxon Arcade Title.png

Zaxxon SG1000 Title.png

Zaxxon 5200 Title.png

Zaxxon ST title.png

Zaxxon ColecoVision Title.png

Zaxxon Intellvision Title.png

System(s): Sega Zaxxon hardware, SG-1000, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, ColecoVision, Intellivision, Virtual Console
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
Sega Enterprises, Ltd. (JP)
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
Sega/Gremlin (US)
Atari 5200
Sega Enterprises, Inc. (JP)
Wii Virtual Console
Sega Corporation
Atari 2600
Coleco (US)
Atari 2600
CBS Electronics (EU)
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
Löwen-Automaten (DE)
Genre: Shooting[3]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
¥? ?
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
$? ?
Arcade (Zaxxon hardware)
€? ?
Atari 2600
Atari 2600
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
¥4,3004,300[3] G-1038
Wii Virtual Console
Wii Virtual Console
ESRB: Everyone
Wii Virtual Console
PEGI: 7+
For the home computer conversions, see Zaxxon (home computers).

Zaxxon (ザクソン) is an arcade shoot 'em up video game released by Sega. It is named after its groundbreaking use of axonometric projection (though more specifically, it uses isometric projection) and was released for bespoke arcade hardware. It had a limited Japanese arcade release in December 1981,[22][23][6] before receiving a wide release in January 1982.[24][21]

Zaxxon was the first video game to use an isometric perspective, a graphical style which would see widespread use in the years which followed. It was an early attempt at adding three-dimensional depth to the shoot 'em up genre.


In Zaxxon, the player controls a starship which continuously moves towards the top right of the screen - a "diagonal" sidescroller, as opposed to the horizontal or vertical shooters more commonly seen. The basic idea is to shoot at and destroy enemies within a space fortress to rank up points, while avoiding obstacles and enemy fire.

What made Zaxxon unique at the time was the ability for the player to adjust the ship's height as well as move the craft left and right, essentially creating one of the first three-dimensional shooters (though the player can still only move in two dimensions, as he/she cannot stop the ship from moving forward). With this comes the task of navigating scenery - Zaxxon has levels which take part in space stations, and the player must duck and dive to avoid crashing into objects. Furthermore missiles can be launched upwards from the ground (similar to Scramble by Konami), and the player must obtain fuel to stay airbourne.



Zaxxon cabinets being assembled at Gremlin Industries' San Diego factory

The game first had a limited Japanese arcade release in December 1981.[22][23] Despite having only a limited release that year, it became 1981's 18th highest-grossing arcade game in Japan.[6] It eventually received a wide release in January 1982.[24][21]

Zaxxon was the first arcade game to be advertised on US television. A commercial was produced with help from Sega's then-owners Paramount Pictures for $150,000.[25] It aired on local television stations in Los Angeles (which aired it first on June 22),[26] Chicago, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania between July 12 (11 in Chicago) through to July 25, 1982.[27]

David Rosen is claimed to have been the brainchild behind the project, having teamed up with Jerry Kramer Associates to produce the commercial[28]. They, in turn, contracted Mathematical Applications Group Inc. (MAGI; best known for the special effects in the movie Tron) to produce what was then cutting edge 3D graphics.[28]

The full budget for the television campaign (including acquiring the airtime) was estimated to be between $500,000 and $1 million[28]. In Los Angeles, the commercial aired during syndicated repeats of Saturday Night Live, Kung Fu, MASH, The Jeffersons, American Bandstand, Fridays and SCTV[28]. It ws also broadcast 15 times during a KTLA all-day Star Trek marathon (Star Trek being another Paramount property)[28].

The commercial was successful, and was said to not only double trade in some venues, but encourage new customers to visit the arcades specifically for the game[27]. Rivals such as Williams Electronics, Stern Electronics and Taito also praised the advert for attracting potential arcade customers[28].


Zaxxon stands as one of Sega's first big successes in the arcade video game market, and was subsequently brought to a plethora of home systems during the early 1980s, being one of the most widely ported Sega games in history. The hardware behind the game also went in to fuel other isometric arcade games, such as Congo Bongo and Future Spy.

The Atari 2600 and Intellivision versions of the game (published by Coleco) are the most radically different, opting for a third-person "behind the ship" view rather than an isometric one, presumably due to hardware limitations. It has been suggested, however, that Coleco purposely dumbed down these versions for competition purposes - their ColecoVision port was for many years the most accurate home copy of the game, however skipped a few levels due to cartridge restrictions (something later fixed with Zaxxon Super Game for Coleco's Adam computer).

An Atari 5200 version similar to the Atari computers copy was also released.

Sega produced their own home port of the game for Japanese SG-1000s in 1985, with a PAL release also planned[29], however held back from bringing the game to more modern Sega platforms. Zaxxon was not seen again until a surprise appearance in the Sega Mega Drive Collection and Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection compilations, and in more recent times, the arcade version has been made available through the Wii's Virtual Console service.

As one of Sega's first success stories, Zaxxon was also turned into a board game by Milton Bradley in 1982. Bandai and Coleco also released VFD and LCD versions of the game, in the form of a tabletop Zaxxon, FL Zaxxon and a handheld Zaxxon. Curiously, Sega of America, through its blog, has erroneously laid claim to several other versions of Zaxxon - a homebrew Amiga version from 1995, and a version for the Dragon 32/64 computer (based on the TRS-80 CoCo version), whose legitimacy has yet to be verified.

Zaxxon was followed in the arcades by Super Zaxxon, which despite offering similar gameplay, was far less successful. Also created was Zaxxon 3D for the Sega Master System and Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 for the Sega 32X.

Production credits

Arcade version


SG-1000 version


Magazine articles

Main article: Zaxxon/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Main article: Zaxxon/Promotional material.


Zaxxon logo.png
Zaxxon logo.png

Photo gallery

Physical scans

Arcade version

Zaxxon hardware, US
Zaxxon Arcade US Marquee.jpg
Zaxxon Arcade US Manual.pdf
Zaxxon hardware, FR
Zaxxon hardware, DE
Zaxxon Arcade DE Marquee.jpg
Zaxxon Arcade DE ControlPanel.jpg
Zaxxon hardware, JP
Notavailable.svgZaxxon Arcade JP InstructionCard.jpg
Instuction card(s)

US service notes

SG-1000 version

SG-1000, JP
Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Top.jpg
Zaxxon SG1000 JP Box Back.jpgZaxxon SG-1000 JP Spine.jpgZaxxon SG1000 JP Box Front.jpgZaxxon SG-1000 JP Spine2.jpg
Zaxxon SG-1000 JP Carttop.jpg
Zaxxon SG1000 JP Cart.jpg
SG-1000, TH

Zaxxon SG1000 TH Cart Back.jpgZaxxon SG1000 JP Cart.jpg
SG-1000, TW

Atari 2600 version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK)
Computer & Video Games (UK)
Atari 2600
Based on
2 reviews


Atari 2600, US
Zaxxon Atari2600 US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon Atari2600 US Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Atari2600 US Cart.jpg
Zaxxon Atari 2600 US Manual.pdf
Atari 2600, EU

Zaxxon Atari2600 EU CBS Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, UK
Zaxxon 2600 UK Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon 2600 UK Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Atari2600 UK CBS Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, FR
Zaxxon 2600 FR Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon 2600 FR Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Atari2600 DE CBS Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, DE

Zaxxon Atari2600 DE CBS Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, DE (alt)

Atari 2600, CA
Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Cart1.jpg
Zaxxon Atari2600 CA Coleco Cart2.jpg
Alternative cart
Atari 2600, BR (Tron)

Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Tron Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, BR (Intellivision)

Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Intellivision Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, BR (Dynacom)

Zaxxon Atari2600 BR Dynacom Cart Back.jpgZaxxon Atari2600 BR Dynacom Cart.jpg

Atari 5200 version

Atari 5200, US
Zaxxon Atari5200 US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon Atari5200 US Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Atari5200 US Cart.jpg
Zaxxon 5200 us manual.pdf

ColecoVision version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
90 №3
Based on
1 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Arcade Express (US)
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK)
TeleMatch (DE)
Tilt (FR)
Based on
4 reviews


ColecoVision, US
Zaxxon ColecoVision US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon ColecoVision US Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon coleco us cart.jpg
Zaxxon coleco us manual.pdf
ColecoVision, EU
Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart Top.jpg
Zaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart Back.jpgZaxxon ColecoVision EU Cart.jpg
Zaxxon coleco eu manual.pdf
ColecoVision, UK
Zaxxon ColecoVision UK Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon ColecoVision UK Cart.jpg
ColecoVision, FR
Zaxxon ColecoVision FR Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon ColecoVision FR Box.jpg
Zaxxon ColecoVision FR CBS Cart.jpg
ColecoVision, DE
Zaxxon Coleco DE Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon Coleco DE Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Coleco DE Cart Back.jpgZaxxon Coleco DE Cart.jpg
ColecoVision, CA

ColecoVision, AU
Zaxxon ColecoVision AU Box.jpg

Intellivision version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
20 №9
Based on
1 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Based on
0 reviews


Intellivision, US
Zaxxon Intellivision US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngZaxxon Intellivision US Box Front.jpg
Zaxxon Intellivision US Cart.jpg
Zaxxon Intellivision US Manual.pdf
Intellivision, EU
Zaxxon Intellivision EU Box Front.jpg
Intellivision, UK

Zaxxon Intellivision UK CBS Cart.jpg
Intellivision, DE

Technical information

ROM dump status

System Hash Size Build Date Source Comments
CRC32 905467e4
MD5 52bbf5336c190610a0fb1ab0bdaca455
SHA-1 e32f536c3576d41ab485e07809c4404e6b462443
32kB Cartridge (JP)
CRC32 49cae925
MD5 bb1c5b1071d5b9224b7733d60465e769
SHA-1 172a8ff1a574d7920906c5cf60e1d39f31b9b639
32kB Cartridge (TW)

External links

  • Sega of Japan Virtual Console pages: Arcade (archive)
  • Nintendo catalogue pages: US (archive)


  1. File:ZaxxonSGJPManual.pdf, page 22
  2. https://www.mtwo.co.jp/development/retrogame-2/#tab-3 (Wayback Machine: 2020-10-29 22:32)
  3. 3.0 3.1 https://sega.jp/history/hard/sc3000/software.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-09-28 02:34)
  4. https://cocatalog.loc.gov
  5. https://cocatalog.loc.gov (Wayback Machine: 2023-12-26 01:40)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Game Machine, "1982-02-15" (JP; 1982-02-15), page 4
  7. https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n132
  8. Computer & Video Games, "August 1982" (UK; 1982-07-xx), page 26
  9. https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/?page=thumbs&db=videodb&id=2976
  10. Computer Entertainer, "September 1983" (US; 1983-09-xx), page 16
  11. Computer Entertainer, "October 1982" (US; 1982-10-xx), page 6
  12. TV Gamer, "Autumn 1983" (UK; 1983-xx-xx), page 18
  13. Computer & Video Games, "June 1984" (UK; 1984-05-16), page 53
  14. TV Gamer, "Autumn 1983" (UK; 1983-xx-xx), page 42
  15. Computer Entertainer, "May 1983" (US; 1983-05-xx), page 16
  16. Game Machine, "1985-07-15" (JP; 1985-07-15), page 9
  17. 17.0 17.1 http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/ZnkHCnm2XvA6xyPltLxrYMKTFCr-SGTb (Wayback Machine: 2010-11-22 21:05)
  18. 18.0 18.1 http://www.nintendolife.com/games/vcarcade/zaxxon (Wayback Machine: 2017-11-21 00:18)
  19. https://www.nintendo.fr/Jeux/Console-virtuelle-Wii-/Zaxxon--280317.html (archive.today)
  20. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/vc/software/12.html (Wayback Machine: 2018-03-22 01:54)
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 http://vc.sega.jp:80/vca_zaxxon (Wayback Machine: 2009-12-16 17:35)
  22. 22.0 22.1 https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=5&ti=1,5&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1 (Wayback Machine: 2023-12-26 01:35)
  23. 23.0 23.1 https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=6&ti=1,6&Search%5FArg=Zaxxon&Search%5FCode=TALL&CNT=25&PID=JvsIgMkuBfZ6eMMKEFG491bItER&SEQ=20231225203321&SID=1 (Wayback Machine: 2023-12-26 01:40)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Sega Arcade History, Enterbrain, page 49
  25. File:WilmingtonMorningStar US 1982-07-03 6C.png
  26. File:PlayMeter US Volume 08 No. 15.pdf, page 15
  27. 27.0 27.1 Cash Box, "July 24, 1982" (US; 1982-07-24), page 39
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 Cash Box, "July 10, 1982" (US; 1982-07-10), page 30
  29. File:John Sands Sega Retail Price List Jun 1985.pdf, page 2
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UaHrRulyzA (Wayback Machine: 2023-01-14 10:54)
  31. @okunari on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2023-02-01 11:40)
  32. http://www.iris.dti.ne.jp/~haya-c/funkykh/profile.html (Wayback Machine: 2023-06-08 06:24)
  33. 33.0 33.1 Complete Guide to Consoles, "" (UK; 1989-10-16), page 77
  34. Computer & Video Games, "June 1984" (UK; 1984-05-16), page 52
  35. Arcade Express, "Volume One, Number Eight: November 21, 1982" (US; 1982-11-21), page 6
  36. TeleMatch, "August/September 1983" (DE; 1983-07-25), page 27
  37. Tilt, "Juillet/Août 1983" (FR; 1983-0x-xx), page 36


Zaxxon Arcade Title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Maps | Magazine articles | Reception | Promotional material | Merchandise | Clones

Books: The Official How to Win at Zaxxon (1982)

No results

Games in the Zaxxon Series
Zaxxon (1981) (home computers) | Super Zaxxon (1982) | Zaxxon Super Game (1984) | Zaxxon 3D (1987) | Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (1995) | Zaxxon Escape (2012)
Zaxxon (LCD) (1982) | FL Zaxxon (1982) | Zaxxon (tabletop) (1982) | Zaxxon (board game) (1982)
Zaxxon related media
The Official How to Win at Zaxxon (1982)