Arcade Motion Classic
From Sega Retro
Arcade Motion Classic |
Distributor: AtGames, Millennium (Germany) |
Game total: 40 |
The Arcade Motion Classic, known often as the Super Arcade is a console on a chip manufactured by AtGames. It is almost identical to the AtGames Mega Drive Video Game Console in design meaning it can run Sega Mega Drive cartridges, but has a white plastic shell, 40-built in games and claimed support for motion controlled games, similar to the Wii.
Out of the 40 built-in games, 15 are Mega Drive games from Sega, 7 are motion-sensing sports games and 18 are "bonus arcade games". The console ships with two wireless controllers (which require 2x AAA batteries each) with a number of attachable accessories.
Games Included
Mega Drive
Motion Sensing
- Baseball 101
- Bowling Alley
- Boxing
- Casual Fishing
- It's T-Time
- Joy of Ping Pong
- Tennis Challenge
Bonus Arcade Games
- Air Hockey
- Bomber
- Bottle Tops Race
- Cannon
- Checker
- Chess'
- Curling 2010
- Fight or Lose
- Fish Story
- Hexagons
- Jack's Pea
- Jewel Magic
- Mr. Balls
- Naval Power
- Plumbing Contest
- Snow Boarding
- Spider
- Wall Breaking