
From Sega Retro


  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Mega-CD

Flashback Title.png

Flashback MD JP TitleScreen.png

Flashback MCD US Title.png

System(s): Sega Mega Drive, Sega Mega-CD
Publisher: U.S. Gold
Sega Mega Drive
Sunsoft (JP)
Sega Mega-CD
Original system(s): Amiga
Sound driver:
Sega Mega Drive
Genre: Action[1][2]

Number of players: 1
Official in-game languages:
Sega Mega Drive
  • English
  • Français
  • 日本語
  • Sega Mega-CD
  • English
  • Release Date RRP Code
    Sega Mega Drive
    ¥8,0008,000 T-15083
    Sega Mega Drive
    $64.9564.95[4] T-79066
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    DM 129.95129.95[9] 79066-50
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    £39.9939.99[7][8] 79066-50
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega-CD
    Videogame Rating Council: MA-13
    Non-Sega versions

    Flashback (フラッシュバック), known in the US as Flashback: The Quest for Identity, is a game developed by Delphine Software International and published by U.S. Gold. It is a cinematic platformer inspired by Prince of Persia and Delphine's own Another World.

    The game was well received for its fluid, rotoscoped animations and stealth-like gameplay. It was originally developed for the Commodore Amiga in 1992. Arguably Delphine Software's greatest work, it was ported to a variety of platforms, including the Sega Mega Drive in 1993 and the Sega Mega-CD in 1994, as well as the 3DO, Acorn Archimedes, Atari Jaguar, CD-i, IBM PC, FM Towns, iPhone OS, Mac OS, PC-9801, and Super NES.


    In the year 2142, intelligence agent Conrad B. Hart discovers that shapeshifting aliens known as Morphs have infiltrated human society. He records a message to himself, but before he can warn anyone else, he is captured and his memory erased. He later escapes, but crash-lands his vehicle in a jungle, where the gameplay begins as he drops his recorded message.

    Both the Mega Drive and Mega-CD versions include a comic in the instruction manual, made by Marvel, that covers the events preceding the game.


    Flashback is a cinematic platform game in which the player controls Conrad B. Hart. Having escaped from aliens, Conrad finds himself in the jungles of Titan with his memory erased. He must recover his memory and save earth from an alien attack. Each level spans a large number of non-scrolling screens, nearly all of which feature multiple levels of altitude, requiring Conrad to jump, grab onto ledges, climb, use elevators, and drop onto lower levels. As Conrad progresses through the game's seven levels, he is increasingly presented with spatial puzzles, requiring the player to discover how to guide him toward his destination. Late in the game, Conrad receives a teleportation device, and he is able to progress by throwing the device and teleporting into otherwise unreachable areas.

    Conrad walks or turns around with Left and Right. He runs with HOLD ALeft and HOLD ARight. He crouches with Down and jumps with Up. If there is a ledge near him, he grabs it automatically when jumping. If the ledge is below him, he can hang off of it with HOLD ADown when facing away from it (and drops off it when the player releases A or pulls himself back up with Up). He can hop over a gap or an object in front of him (such as a tripwire or mine) with HOLD AUp. When running, he can leap with Up or roll along the ground with Down. He can roll while crouched with Down-left or Down-right. He can control elevators with HOLD AUp and HOLD ADown.

    Conrad also carries a pistol with unlimited ammunition. He draws his gun (or puts it away) with C and fires it with A (or pistol whips enemies in melee range). He cannot run or jump while holding his pistol, and he stays crouched when the player presses Down until he stands up with Up and rolls with Left or Right. Conrad finds and collects numerous items over the course of his journey. He picks up objects with A. The player can open the item inventory by pausing the game with  START  to select an item. After selecting an item, Conrad can use it or give it to someone with B. For items that are used by placing them (such as Stones or the Teleport Receiver), he throws the item with B when standing or drops it in place with B when crouching.

    Conrad has a force shield that absorbs four shots before needing recharging, acting as his health. He has a period of momentary invulnerability after being hit. If he takes damage when he has no more shield points remaining, he dies. Shield points can be restored at energy generators found in levels. Some hazards, such as disintegrators or electric floors, can kill him instantly (but he can run or jump over electric floors). The game ends if he dies, but the player can continue from the beginning of the level or the last save point. The player can see the number of shield points remaining by selecting the shield item in the inventory. Conrad can also find a portable force field with unlimited use, which can act as a temporary barrier to block enemies' shots. Conrad exhibits realistic human running speed and jumping ability, as well as realistic weakness (for example, he dies if he falls from too great a height).

    There are three difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, and Expert). The game uses passwords for continuing (with different passwords for each difficulty level).


    Sometimes an icon appears when Conrad is standing in a particular spot, which indicates an action that can be performed there if the player presses A (or presses B if the action involves using an item).

    Flashback, Actions.png
    Pick up an item and place it in the inventory. The inventory can be opened with  START .
    Flashback, Actions.png
    Talk to a person.
    Flashback, Actions.png
    Inspect an object or read a map.
    Flashback, Actions.png
    Presses a button to perform an action such as opening a door, calling an elevator, or saving at a checkpoint.
    Flashback, Actions.png
    Restores Conrad's shield points or cartridge.
    Flashback, Actions.png
    Inserts an appropriate item, such as a key card or a cartridge, or gives an item to someone.


    Flashback, Items.png
    A protective shield that protects Conrad from multiple hits of damage. It is always active and does not need to be selected to use it, though the number of remaining shield points can be viewed by selecting it in the inventory.
    Flashback, Items.png
    A firearm, which can be used to kill enemies. It has unlimited ammunition. Conrad draws his gun (or puts it away) with C and fires it with A. It is not necessary to select it from the inventory to use it.
    Flashback, Items.png
    A form of currency. Some NPCs provide Conrad with items in exchange for credits.
    Flashback, Items.png
    The Holocube contains a holographic message recorded by Conrad to his future self. Found in the Planet Titan level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Magnetic Cartridge
    The cartridge can be filled at an Energy Generator and deposited in a Cartridge Lock to create a bridge. Found in the Planet Titan level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Stones can be used to activate objects such as tripwires. It can be picked up again after it is placed.
    Flashback, Items.png
    An injured man requests Conrad to bring him a Teleporter to teleport to safety. He leaves an ID Card behind. Found in the Planet Titan level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Key Card
    Some switches can only be activated using a Key Card.
    Flashback, Items.png
    ID Card
    An identity card that can be used as a key.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Force Field
    A barrier that flashes for a moment and shields Conrad from projectiles. Given to Conrad by Ian in the New Washington level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Used to repair a switch that calls a lift. Found in the New Washington level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    A subway map for New Washington. Given to Conrad by an NPC in the New Washington level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Work Permit
    Used at the Job Center terminals to accept a mission. Missions award credits when completed. Given to Conrad by an NPC in the New Washington level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Must be retrieved by Conrad to complete his first mission in New Washington.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Replicant Photo
    A photo of a replicant who must be assassinated by Conrad in one of his New Washington missions.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Terminal Card
    Used to fix the generator in one of Conrad's New Washington missions.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Shows the time remaining before the generator explodes in one of Conrad's New Washington missions.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Purchased by Conrad for 1,500 credits in New Washington to travel to the Cyber Tower.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Teleport Receiver
    The Teleport Receiver can be placed or thrown anywhere. Conrad can then use the Teleport Remote Control to teleport himself to the position of the Teleport Receiver. It can be picked up again after it is placed. Found in the Secret Base of "Paradise" level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Teleport Remote Control
    After placing the Teleport Receiver, Conrad can teleport himself to its position using the Teleport Remote Control. Found in the Secret Base of "Paradise" level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Mechanical Mouse
    A robotic mouse that moves back and forth along the ground once placed (with Down+B). It can be used to set off tripwires. It can be picked up again after it is placed. Found in the first Planet of Morphs level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Exploding Mouse
    Like the Mechanical Mouse, it moves along the ground autonomously, but it explodes when it is touched. It cannot be picked up again after it is placed. Found in the second Planet of Morphs level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    The Diary contains information on the alien homeworld's defenses. Found in the first Planet of Morphs level.
    Flashback, Items.png
    Atomic Charge
    Used by Conrad to blow up the alien homeworld in the final level. Found in the first Planet of Morphs level.


    Flashback, Objects.png
    Activating a switch does various things including opening doors. Some switches are activated with A, but others require selecting a Key Card item from the inventory and using it with B.
    Flashback, Objects.png
    Energy Generator
    The player can recharge the Shield or Magnetic Cartridge items by selecting them from the inventory and using them on the Energy Generator with B.
    Flashback, Objects.png
    Walking past a tripwire does various things, similar to activating a switch, such as opening a door or summoning a lift. They can be hopped over with HOLD AUp or avoided with the Teleport Receiver.
    Flashback, Objects.png
    Save Point
    Saving the game at a Save Point creates a checkpoint where the player restarts if Conrad dies. Despite the terminology, the game does not use a battery backup.


    Flashback MD PlanetTitan.png

    Planet Titan
    Conrad awakens in the artificial jungle of Planet Titan with no memory of the events that brought him there. He finds a Holocube containing a message recorded by his past self, telling him to meet his friend Ian in New Washington. Conrad helps a wounded man teleport away and finds an old man who sells him an anti-gravity belt that he uses to take him to New Washington.

    Flashback, Stage 2.png

    New Washington
    Conrad meets Ian in New Washington, who uses a regenerator to restore his memories. Afterward, Conrad is determined to return to Earth. Ian tells him that the only way he can afford a ticket to Earth is to win one in Death Tower, a game show in which contestants fight to the death, and false papers are required for a pass. To pay for the forged papers, Conrad takes a series of risky jobs in the city. There are five missions: to retrieve and deliver a parcel, to escort a VIP through a hazardous restricted area, to hunt and kill a fugitive replicant, to replace a damaged circuit in a malfunctioning computer terminal before the generator explodes, and to eliminate a gang of dangerous mutants. This is the longest and largest level in the game.

    The different areas of New Washington are named after the continents: Africa, Europa, Asia, and Africa. They are connected by a subway system. Conrad boards a subway car with A when standing next to it.

    Flashback, Stage 3.png

    Death Tower
    Conrad competes in the Death Tower, a life-or-death game show where contestants battle replicants and avoid traps to try to win a ticket to Earth. He starts on the eighth floor and must fight his way to the first floor. This is a fast-paced, action-oriented level that departs from the slower, methodical gameplay of the rest of the game.

    Flashback, Stage 4.png

    Conrad reaches Earth. The Morphs have discovered his true identity and try to kill him. He takes a taxi to the Paradise Club, which conceals the Morphs' hideout. He spies on three Morphs through a ceiling vent. They discuss their plan to conquer Earth within hours. Conrad falls through the vent and is taken to a prison cell.

    Flashback, Stage 5.png

    The Secret Base of "Paradise"
    Conrad is captured, disarmed, and imprisoned by the Morphs, who intend to interrogate him later. He manages to escape and picks up a discarded alien gun. Exploring the facility, he discovers a teleporter, and uses it to transport himself to the Morphs' home planet.

    Flashback, Stage 6.png

    The Planet of Morphs 1
    On the alien homeworld, Conrad finds a human prisoner named Phillip Howard Clark. As he opens his prison, a Morph appears and executes Phillip. Dying, Phillip gives Conrad an Atomic Charge. Phillip's diary reveals he had planned to destroy the "Master Brain" that controls the aliens, located at the planet's core, but the "Auxiliary Brain" must be destroyed to open up the communication pathways to the Master Brain.

    Flashback, Stage 7.png

    The Planet of Morphs 2
    Conrad destroys the Auxiliary Brain and finds the Master Brain's pathway. As he arrives at a certain spot, he hears Phillip's voice, telling him that the atomic charge should be placed on a loose platform. After he does so, he throws a switch, awakening the brain to cause a tremor, which drops the charge towards the core. Conrad escapes to the hangar and takes a Morph's spacecraft out of the planet's atmosphere before it detonates. As he cannot navigate home, due to the Morphs' galaxy not being on any human star charts, he instead puts himself in suspended animation while his ship drifts into space.



    Reportedly, a European Mega-CD version was rejected by Sega, with the release being considered unviable for launch so long after the Mega Drive version[11].


    The game was followed by a 3D sequel, Fade to Black, a PC and PlayStation exclusive which was also intended for release on the Sega Saturn but cancelled. JoshProd ported both Flashback and Fade to Black: Flashback 2 to the Dreamcast in 2017 and 2018 respectively.

    Plans for a third game in the series called Flashback Legends was due for the Game Boy Advance, but was cancelled. Leaked prototypes show a significant amount of graphical and story changes that barely resemble the world built up in the previous titles.[12]

    A remake of the game developed by VectorCell was released in 2013.


    The Sega versions of the game changes the color of Conrad's shirt from red to white, presumably due to a more limited on-screen color palette.

    Music only plays during specific cues in the Mega Drive version, but the Mega-CD version has a full, CD-quality soundtrack that plays during the entirety of each level. The Mega-CD version also uses voice acting for NPC dialogue and replaces the in-game cinematic cutscenes with prerendered full-motion video. It has different passwords. It is otherwise the same game.

    Production credits

    Mega Drive version

    The FlashBack Team is...
    • Programmers: Benoist Aron, Philippe Chastel, Paul Cuisset, Frederic Savoir
    • Graphic Artists: Patrick Daher, Thierry Levastre, Denis Mercier, Thierry Perreau, Christian Robert, Fabrice Visserot
    • Hardware Engineer: Thierry Gaerthner
    • Story: Paul Cuisset
    • Level Design: Paul Cuisset, Patrick Daher, Denis Mercier, Frederic Savoir, Fabrice Visserot
    • Music: Jean Baudlot, Fabrice Visserot
    • Sound fx: Benoist Aron, Philippe Chastel, Paul Cuisset, Fabrice Visserot
    • Actors: Benoist Aron, Patrick Daher, Thierry Levastre, Denis Mercier, Thierry Perreau, Christian Robert, Fabrice Visserot
    • Video directors: Patrick Daher, Thierry Perreau, Fabrice Visserot
    • Video Co-directors: Thierry Levastre, Denis Mercier, Christian Robert
    • Video sfx: Paul Cuisset, Thierry Perreau, Fabrice Visserot
    • Testers: Phil Bradley, Patricia Cuisset, Simon Hadlington, Daniel Llewellyn, Jean-Pierre Luck, Martin Smith
    • Many thanks to...: Lori Christensen, Patricia Cuisset, Anne-Marie Joassim, Jean-Pierre Luck, Marc Minier
    • Special Credits to...: Cross Products for the SNASM development system., Sega of America for GEMS sound tool.
    • Directed by: Paul Cuisset
    • Produced by: Delphine Software / US Gold
    (c) MCMXCIII
    In-game credits
    Flashback MD credits.pdf

    Mega-CD version

    Flashback SEGA-CD Team:
    • Programmer: Benoist ARON
    • 3-D Graphics: Denis MERCIER
    • Additional 3-D Graphics: Thierry PERREAU
    • Musics composed by: Fabrice VISSEROT, Jean BAUDLOT, Marc MINIER, Patrick SIGWALT
    • Musics recorded & mixed by: Marc MINIER, Patrick SIGWALT
    • Additional Engineering: François COUSIN
    • In-Game Musics: Pierre-André ATHANE, Pascal PERINO
    • Photo Director: Alain RAMOND
    • Voices recorded & mixed by: Yves BOURVON
    • Voices: Randall PRICE, Bruce BENINGTON-PORTER, Joe MAY, Cary GUY, Lori CHRISTENSEN, Olivier TOUSSAINT, Manone THUMIAH, Anne-Marie JOASSIM
    • Testers: Dan LLEWELLYN, Jason SHELDON, Richard HOLDSWORTH, Brian SCHORR, Thomas MARX, Mike SCHMITT
    • Art Director: Denis MERCIER
    • Project Manager: Benoist ARON
    • Directed by: Paul CUISSET
    • Music digitally recorded and mixed at: DELPHINE Studios, PARIS.
    Flashback GENESIS Team:
    • Programmers: Benoist Aron, Philippe CHASTEL, Paul CUISSET, Frederic SAVOIR
    • Graphic Artists: Patrick DAHER, Thierry LEVASTRE, Denis MERCIER, Thierry PERREAU, Christian ROBERT, Fabrice VISSEROT
    • Hardware Engineer: Thierry GAERTHNER
    • Story: Paul CUISSET
    • Level Design: Paul CUISSET, Patrick DAHER, Denis MERCIER, Frederic SAVOIR, Fabrice VISSEROT
    • Testers: Phil BRADLEY, Patricia CUISSET, Simon HADLINGTON, Daniel LLEWELLYN, Jean-Pierre LUCK, Martin SMITH

    In-game credits
    Flashback MCD credits.pdf

    US manual
    Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: 1854605 Done '/usr/bin/gs' '-sDEVICE=jpeg' '-sOutputFile=-' '-dFirstPage=1' '-dLastPage=1' '-dSAFER' '-r150' '-dBATCH' '-dNOPAUSE' '-q' '/home/sonicret/domains/segaretro.org/public_html/images/a/a5/Flashback_mcd_us_manual.pdf' 1854606 Segmentation fault | '/usr/bin/convert' '-depth' '8' '-quality' '95' '-resize' '2197' '-' '/home/sonicret/domains/segaretro.org/public_html/images/temp/transform_962310ed4a99.jpg'

    Magazine articles

    Main article: Flashback/Magazine articles.

    Promotional material

    Main article: Flashback/Promotional material.

    Physical scans

    Mega Drive version

    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    93 [16]
    93 [17]
    Sega Mega Drive
    Based on
    2 reviews
    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
    Alaab Alcomputtar (SA)
    Aktueller Software Markt (DE)
    Beep! MegaDrive (JP) NTSC-J
    Consoles + (FR)
    Cool Gamer (RU)
    Computer & Video Games (UK)
    Digitiser (UK) PAL
    Electronic Games (1992-1995) (US) NTSC-U
    Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
    Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1 (RU)
    Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 6 (RU)
    Mean Machines: The Essential Sega Guide (UK)
    Game Power (IT) PAL
    GamePro (US) NTSC-U
    GamesMaster (UK)
    Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
    Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
    Hippon Super (JP) NTSC-J
    Joypad (FR)
    Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) PAL
    Mega (UK) PAL
    Mega Action (UK) PAL
    Megablast (DE)
    Mega Force (FR)
    Mega Fun (DE) NTSC-U
    MegaTech (UK) PAL
    Mean Machines Sega (UK) NTSC-U
    Player One (FR)
    Power Up! (UK)
    Sega Magazin (DE)
    Sega Power (UK) NTSC-U
    Sega Pro (UK) PAL
    Sega Zone (UK) PAL
    Sega Force (SE)
    Sega Force (UK) PAL
    Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
    Supergame (BR)
    Supergame (BR)
    Supersonic (FR)
    Tricks 16 bit (RU)
    User (GR) PAL
    Sega Mega Drive
    Based on
    42 reviews


    Mega Drive, JP
    Flashback md jp cover.jpg
    Flashback MD JP CartTop.jpg
    Flashback md jp cart.jpg
    Mega Drive, US
    Flashback MD US Box.jpg
    Flashback MD US Cart.jpg
    Flashback MD US Manual.pdf
    Flashback MD US pcb.jpg
    Mega Drive, EU
    Flashback MD EU Box.jpg
    Flashback MD EU Cart.jpg
    Flashback MD EU pcb.jpg
    Mega Drive, FR

    Flashback MD FR Manual.pdf
    Mega Drive, FR (Blister pack)
    Flashback MD FR blister back.jpgFlashback MD FR blister front.jpg
    Mega Drive, PT
    Flashback MD PT cover.jpg
    Mega Drive, SE (Rental)
    Flashback MD SE rental cover.jpg
    Mega Drive, AU

    Mega Drive, BR
    Flashback md br cover.jpg
    Flashback MD BR Cart.jpg
    Flashback md br manual.pdf

    Mega-CD version

    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    {{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
    Based on
    0 review
    Sega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
    GamePro (US) NTSC-U
    Next Generation (US) NTSC-U
    Sega Mega-CD
    Based on
    3 reviews


    Mega-CD, US
    Flashback MCD US Box Back.jpgFlashback MCD US Box Front.jpg
    Flashback mcd us disc.jpg
    Flashback mcd us manual.pdf

    Technical information

    ROM dump status

    System Hash Size Build Date Source Comments
    Sega Mega Drive
    CRC32 23a9616d
    MD5 111e1694facbe6879640ccf83040cd20
    SHA-1 bce40031f6adab48670c8a2d73e42f3a3dcba97c
    1.5MB 1993-01-20[62] Cartridge (US)
    Sega Mega Drive
    CRC32 33cd2b65
    MD5 55977f8786715847ba2061708e49beeb
    SHA-1 225b405274d39541e07488fdd33de8f854624bf1
    1.5MB 1993-01 Cartridge (US)
    Sega Mega Drive
    CRC32 6f311c83
    MD5 cef0031bd4612df7d4eac6bd71f7648d
    SHA-1 31372b2c056eacb747de0a706de3899d224f2c92
    1.5MB 1993-01-20[62] Cartridge (EU)
    Sega Mega Drive
    CRC32 b790e3b4
    MD5 9a445d5b0d1cd873ce743743b8faec31
    SHA-1 5082180974a125b5f9c01c96410c0fdbfb707d2b
    1.5MB 1993-01-20[62] Cartridge (JP)
    Sega Mega Drive
    CRC32 82095cb6
    MD5 048c86fc053b8e3231d1644d744206b4
    SHA-1 3c0b25e090d0c1167714e1a7346a289ffb808b49
    2MB 1992-09-18 EPROM cartridge Page


    NEC Retro has more information related to Flashback
    1. File:Flashback md jp cover.jpg
    2. 2.0 2.1 https://sega.jp/history/hard/megadrive/software_l.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-07-02 23:21)
    3. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "February 1993" (US; 199x-xx-xx), page 69
    4. VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, "March 1993" (US; 1993-0x-xx), page 32
    5. 5.0 5.1 Mega, "January 1994" (UK; 1993-12-16), page 26
    6. 6.0 6.1 Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-04-29), page 15
    7. Computer & Video Games, "November 1994" (UK; 1994-10-15), page 71
    8. Mega, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-20), page 53
    9. 9.0 9.1 Sega Magazin, "September/Oktober 1993" (DE; 1993-09-01), page 66
    10. Game Players, "Vol. 7 No. 10 October 1994" (US; 1994-xx-xx), page 12
    11. Mega Power, "November 1994" (UK; 1994-10-20), page 6
    12. The Cutting Room Floor: Flashback Legend
    13. File:Flashback MD credits.pdf
    14. File:Flashback MCD credits.pdf
    15. File:Flashback mcd us manual.pdf, page 30
    16. GamesMaster, "July 1993" (UK; 1993-06-17), page 78
    17. Sega Force Mega, "August 1993" (UK; 1993-06-24), page 89
    18. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 82
    19. Alaab Alcomputtar, "" (SA; 1995-08-xx), page 72
    20. Aktueller Software Markt, "September 1993" (DE; 1993-08-09), page 139
    21. Beep! MegaDrive, "January 1994" (JP; 1993-12-08), page 26
    22. Consoles +, "Mars 1993" (FR; 1993-0x-xx), page 56
    23. Cool Gamer, "9" (RU; 2002-10-13), page 86
    24. Computer & Video Games, "May 1993" (UK; 1993-04-15), page 34
    25. Digitiser (UK) (1993-05-21)
    26. Electronic Games (1992-1995), "March 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 63
    27. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "May 1993" (US; 1993-xx-xx), page 24
    28. Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1, "" (RU; 1999-xx-xx), page 41
    29. Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 6, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 24
    30. Mean Machines: The Essential Sega Guide, "" (UK; 1993-11-18), page 46
    31. Game Power, "Luigio/Agosto 1993" (IT; 1993-0x-xx), page 41
    32. GamePro, "February 1993" (US; 1993-xx-xx), page 38
    33. GamesMaster (UK) "Series 2, episode 9" (1992-11-26, 24:00) (+6:48)
    34. Game Informer, "March/April 1993" (US; 1993-0x-xx), page 6
    35. Game Informer, "May 1998" (US; 1998-0x-xx), page 66
    36. Hippon Super, "January 1994" (JP; 1993-12-03), page 40
    37. Joypad, "Mars 1993" (FR; 1993-0x-xx), page 72
    38. Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-04-29), page 14
    39. Mega, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-20), page 52
    40. Mega Action, "July 1993" (UK; 1993-06-17), page 22
    41. Megablast, "4/93" (DE; 1993-09-29), page 40
    42. Mega Force, "Mars 1993" (FR; 1993-0x-xx), page 94
    43. Mega Fun, "06/93" (DE; 1993-05-19), page 26
    44. MegaTech, "May 1993" (UK; 1993-04-23), page 56
    45. Mean Machines Sega, "April 1993" (UK; 1993-03-26), page 18
    46. Player One, "Mars/Avril 1993" (FR; 1993-03-10), page 64
    47. Power Up!, "Saturday, June 05, 1993" (UK; 1993-06-05), page 1
    48. Sega Power, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-06), page 32
    49. Sega Pro, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-13), page 42
    50. Sega Zone, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-xx), page 36
    51. Sega Force, "4/93" (SE; 1993-07-08), page 6
    52. Sega Force, "June 1993" (UK; 1993-05-06), page 32
    53. Sega Saturn Magazine, "September 1995" (JP; 1995-08-08), page 85
    54. Supergame, "Abril 1993" (BR; 1993-04-xx), page 6
    55. Supergame, "Maio 1993" (BR; 1993-05-xx), page 20
    56. Supersonic, "Mars 1993" (FR; 1993-xx-xx), page 10
    57. Tricks 16 bit, "Tricks Sega Gold 800 igr" (RU; 1998-03-20), page 14
    58. User, "Septémvrios 1993" (GR; 1993-0x-xx), page 26
    59. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "December 1994" (US; 1994-xx-xx), page 46
    60. GamePro, "January 1995" (US; 199x-xx-xx), page 68
    61. Next Generation, "April 1995" (US; 1995-03-21), page 95
    62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Flashback/Hidden content#Build date


    Flashback Title.png

    Main page | Comparisons | Maps | Passwords | Hidden content | Bugs | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Promotional material | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

    Sega Mega-CD
    Demos: Flashback (1995)

    Sega Mega Drive
    Prototypes: 1992-09-18

    Flashback games for Sega systems
    Sega Mega Drive
    Flashback (1993)
    Sega Mega-CD
    Flashback (1994) | Morphs: Flashback 2 (unreleased)
    Sega Saturn
    Fade to Black (unreleased)
    Sega Dreamcast
    Flashback (2017) | Fade to Black (2018)