From Sega Retro

Manufacturer: Zoga
Distributor: Simba's Video Games, Game Systems
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Mega Drive
(Mega Drive Extreme)
Sega Mega Drive
Sega Mega Drive
(Sega Favorite)
Sega Mega Drive

The ZW-16XB known as Mega Drive Extreme and Sega Favorite is an unlicensed clone console manufactured by Dongguan Dewei Electronic Co., Ltd. It is very similar to the ZW-16DC, though the console is now contained within a shell similar to that of the Xbox.

The console ships with six button controllers similar to that of the Sony PlayStation, but with turbo switches and an awkward layout of buttons on the right hand side of the controller.


Physical scans

Mega Drive, AS

Mega Drive, RU (Mega Drive Extreme)
MegaDriveExtreme MD RU Box Front alt.png
Mega Drive, RU (VG-1608)
MegaDriveExtreme MD RU Box Front.png
Mega Drive, RU (Sega Favorite)


  1. (Wayback Machine: 2005-08-28 03:21)
  2. (Wayback Machine: 2004-06-06 20:34)
CollapseUnlicensed Mega Drive clones
Clone consoles
Mega Drive | Mega Drive 2 | Genesis 3 | "Mini" models | "PlayStation" models | Keyboard models | Famiclone models | VCD/DVD players | Others

Mega Drive Mega Drive 2 Genesis 3 "Mini" "PlayStation" Keyboard VCD/DVD
AT-168 | FR-302 | High Quality | HK-986 | KW-500 | Mega-Ken | Pro 16 Bit | Super Drive Extreme Land Mega Drive 2 | Game Drive 2 | Liko BBG-688 | Mega Drive II (StarGame) | Mega Drive 4 | Mondial Drive II | New Star 2 | Star Drive 2 | Super Drive | Super Mega Driver | ZW-162J | ZW-165A Game Joy | Mega Drive Junior | Sponge | ZW-2000 16 Bit Compact MD HDMI | MD Compact | Minigen | Minigen HD BBG 168 | Kombat 16 | Sega Millenium | TV Pump | ZW-166A CyberShell | CyberSmart | EZcom | GS-200 | Magistr 16 | New Star FDC-2000 Game VCD | Premier
Unique designs
1990s AX-660 | AX-990 | BBG 188 | IQ-801 | KW-501 | KW-502 | KW-503 | KW-504 | KW-505 | Megagame | Megavision | Modern Mate | New 16 Bit | Power Magicom | Super Alpha II | Super 16 Bit
2000s C-11 | Car Game | Dream X | Dual Action | e-time Game Play | GamBrothers | GN Twin | FC3 Plus | Kid Box | Neo-16 | Noritul FX-16 | Ranbo ABL AA1000 | RetroN 3 | Sega Driver | ZW-1688 | ZW-16DC | ZW-16P3 | ZW-16XB | ZW-163 | ZW-167 | ZW-169 | ZW-V21
2010s Fei Hao HD Retro Game | HD Game System | MegaRetroN HD | Mega Sg | PAP1000 | RetroN 5 | Super Retro Trio | Super Retro Trio Plus
2020s 2E Game Console 16 bit | MixHD | Nimbus Smart | Polymega | RetroN 3 HD | SG800
Cartridge-based 16 Bit Pocket MD | Advance Digitals | DVTech Discovery | ES-2016 | HG-806 | Mega Drive Portable | MDPortable | One Station | Pocket MD | PXP Slim Station | RetroGen | ZW-16M
Emulator-based !QU | Anbernic | Dinax Pixel Games | eMote | EXEQ | Favorite G18 | Game King A-330 | Game Station A-320 | JXD S7300B | Sameo | SD Portable
Clone console "families"
Data Frog | Dendy | Game-In | Game Box | Game Stick | Hamy | Magic Drive | Magistr Drive | Maniac Drive | Orbita OT-TYG | Retro Genesis | Super Drive | Super Console X | Titan | Mega Dream | SZGV | V-Com