X-Men vs. Street Fighter

From Sega Retro

For the unlicensed Sega Mega Drive game, see X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Mega Drive).


XmenVsStreetFighter title.png

X-Men vs. Street Fighter
System(s): Sega Saturn
Publisher: Capcom
Licensor: Marvel Characters
Original system(s): Capcom CPS-2
Sound driver: SCSP/CD-DA (40 tracks)
Peripherals supported: Extended RAM Cartridge (4MB only)
Genre: Fighting/Taisen Kakutou (対戦格闘)[1], Action[2]

Number of players: 1-2
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Saturn
¥5,8005,800 T-1227G
Sega Rating: All Ages
Sega Saturn
(RAM Pack)
A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="ssmjp" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1997-41" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-17c4.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="ssmjp" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1997-41" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-17c4.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Rating: All Ages
Non-Sega versions
A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

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X-Men vs. Street Fighter (エックスメンVS.ストリートファイター) is a versus fighting game developed by Capcom and was released for the Sega Saturn in 1997. It is the first fighting game crossover to be released by Capcom, combining characters from Marvel's X-Men comics with characters from Capcom's own Street Fighter series.

X-Men vs. Street Fighter debuted with the 4MB Extended RAM Cartridge in Japan and requires the cartridge to run. Likely as a result of this, the Saturn version of the game was only released in Japan, although for much of 1998, North American[4] and European releases were planned.


X-Men vs Street Fighter, Introduction.png


X-Men vs Street Fighter, Character Select.png

Character select

X-Men vs Street Fighter, Gameplay.png


X-Men vs Street Fighter, Apocalypse.png


X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a 2D fighting game featuring gameplay similar to the Street Fighter games, but it incorporates dual-character selection and tag team-based combat. Each player selects two characters to compete in a one-on-one battle, attempting to defeat the opposing team. Instead of the typical best-of-three round format, matches consist of a single round. Players control one character at a time, while the other awaits off-screen. The starting character can tag in the off-screen character at any time during the fight. Characters have separate vitality bars, and the dormant character slowly recovers the red portion of their vitality bar while the other character is fighting. If one character loses all of their vitality, then the tag partner automatically replaces them in play. The match continues until both characters on either team are defeated. If the timer runs out before either team is knocked out, then the player with the most combined remaining health is declared the winner.

The game borrows numerous gameplay conventions from Capcom's previous Marvel-licensed ventures, X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes, such as the Super Jump, the ability to jump higher than normal, and Aerial Rave, the ability to perform combos on the opponent while in the air. X-Men vs. Street Fighter also includes a meter system similar to the two aforementioned games called the Hyper Combo gauge. As characters perform moves and receive damage, the Hyper Combo gauges gradually fill. Players can expend their meter to perform various special techniques, such as the Hyper Combo, a special move that unleashes high amounts of damage; Crossover Combination, where both characters use their Hyper Combos simultaneously; and Crossover Counter, which transforms a defensive block into an offensive counterattack by tagging in the off-screen character.

In Arcade Mode, the player fights several computer-controlled teams before competing in a final battle against the boss character, Apocalypse, an antagonist from the X-Men series. In Versus Mode, two players can fight against each other.

Characters move with Left and Right and dash with Left Left and Right Right (or X+Y+Z or L). They jump upward with Up and jump behind and ahead with Up-left and Up-right. Characters can Super Jump high into the air with Down Up (or A+B+C or R). They crouch with Down. Punches are done with X (light), Y (medium), and Z (strong) and kicks are done with A (light), B (medium), and C (strong). Light attacks are faster and hard attacks deal more damage. Special moves for each character are done by pairing specific directional combinations with an attack button. Blocking is done by holding the D-Pad away from the opponent, which can also be done in the air.

Throws and grabs are done by holding the D-Pad toward an opponent and pressing a medium or hard punch or kick button. Characters can perform throws in the air as well. Throws cannot be blocked, but characters can land safely out of a throw by pressing the same motion as a throw, which greatly reduces the damage taken. It is also possible to roll on the ground after falling from a throw or other attack by pressing Right Down-right Down Down-left Left or Left Down-left Down Down-right Right.

At any time during the match, the current character can tag their partner into the match by pressing the strong punch and strong kick buttons simultaneously (Z+C by default).

Characters share a Hyper Combo gauge with three levels. When the gauge is at level 1 or higher, a character can perform a Hyper Combo with a special button combination (typically a directional motion with two adjacent punch or kick buttons). These moves do high damage if they successfully connect with an opponent (and often do additional damage if the player presses the attack buttons rapidly while they are being performed). This costs one level of the gauge. If the gauge is at level 2 or higher and neither team member has been defeated, the player can perform a Crossover Combination, where both characters perform a Hyper Combo simultaneously, by pressing Down Down-right Right, then a punch and a kick button of the same strength simultaneously. This costs two levels of the gauge. Finally, players can perform a special counterattacking technique called a Crossover Counter after blocking an opponent's attack with Left Down-left Down P (or Right Down-right Down P if facing left), which summons the other team member to jump in and attack the opponent. This costs one level of the gauge.

After selecting a character, the player can choose between Manual or Automatic blocking and then Normal or Turbo game speed. Turbo speed is only available when using manual blocking.



Magneto, Juggernaut, Storm, Wolverine, and Cyclops return from X-Men: Children of the Atom, with Magneto and Juggernaut playable (without the use of cheat codes) for the first time.

Sabretooth, Gambit, and Rogue are new.

200px Magneto
Magneto is a mutant with the ability to generate and control magnetic fields.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Electromagnetic Disruptor Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Magneto fires an energy beam across the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
Hyper Gravitation Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Magneto sends out energy balls that do a light amount of damage but pull his opponent toward him.
Magnetic Force Field Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K Magneto surrounds himself in a magnetic force field momentarily. If he is attacked while the force field is out, his opponent is knocked away. This only affects direct attacks and not projectiles.
Magnetic Blast Up Up-right Right P in midair Magneto fires energy waves downward at a diagonal angle.
Levitation Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Magneto levitates for 5 seconds or until he is hit. He can move in any direction using the D-Pad. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Magnetic Shockwave Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Magneto summons a shockwave of energy pillars that move across the screen.
Magnetic Tempest Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Magneto fires a volley of magnetic shards all around the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
200px Juggernaut
Juggernaut is a massive human with superhuman strength and durability.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Earthquake Right Down-right Down P Juggernaut hits the ground, which sends a wave forward.
Juggernaut Punch Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Juggernaut dashes forward and punches the ground in front of his opponent, knocking them back.
Juggernaut Body Press Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K in midair Juggernaut jumps off the side of the screen and falls with a body splash.
Nail Slam Down Down-left Left K (close) Juggernaut grabs his opponent and bashes them three times with his head like hammering a nail into the ground, then follows up with an uppercut.
Cyttorak Power-Up Right Down Down-right + two adjacent P simultaneously Juggernaut glows orange, increasing the damage of his attacks for a duration.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Punch  LP   LP  Juggernaut punches and follows up with another quick punch.
Double Fist Right+ HP  Juggernaut punches in front of him with both fists.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Headcrush Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Juggernaut charges at his opponent head first.
200px Sabretooth
Sabretooth is a mutant with razor-sharp fangs and claws.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Berserker Claw Down Down-right Right P Sabretooth charges forward and slashes his claw, ending up on the other side of his opponent.
Wild Fang Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Sabretooth leaps across the screen, grabbing and throwing his opponent if he lands on them.
Armed Birdie Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Sabretooth summons Birdie, who appears and fires her rifle.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Rebound D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Sabretooth can jump off the edges of the screen.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Berserker Claw X Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Sabretooth charges and slashes his opponent multiple times.
Weapon X Dash Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Sabretooth leaps across the screen, performing a barrage of attacks if he lands on them.
Heavy Armed Birdie Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Sabretooth summons Birdie, who appears and fires repeated blasts from her rifle.
200px Storm
Storm is one of the leaders of the X-Men. She is a powerful mutant who possesses the ability to control the weather and atmosphere.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Typhoon Down Down-right Right P Storm summons a trio of cyclone that move quickly along the ground.
Double Typhoon Down Down-right Right P Storm summons two cyclones that appear under her opponent and toss them high into the air if they do not move out of them quickly.
Lightning Attack Any direction +  MP  and  LK  Storm flies in any direction while empowering her hand with lightning.
Levitation Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Magneto levitates for 5 seconds or until he is hit. He can move in any direction using the D-Pad. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Float Up-left, Up, or Up-right in midair Storm can slow her descent while in the air.
Lighting Ball Up+ MP ,  MP , or Down+ MP  in midair Storm throws a lightning ball, which can be angled upward or downward.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Lightning Storm Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Storm shoots bolts of lightning all around her.
Hail Storm Down Down-left Left + two adjacent P simultaneously Storm flies to the corner of the screen and summons a hail storm to batter her opponent.
200px Gambit
Gambit can charge playing cards and other objects with kinetic energy to use as explosive projectiles. He is also adept at hand-to-hand combat and fights with a staff. He is married to Rogue.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Kinetic Cards Down Down-right Right P Gambit throws a hand of kinetically charged playing cards across the screen.
Trick Card Right Down-right Down P Gambit throws a hand of kinetically charged playing cards diagonally above him.
Cajun Slash Right Down Down-right P Gambit advances forward while swiping his staff with each step.
Cajun Escape Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+P Gambit leaps to the edge of the screen. He can jump from one side to the other with Left and Right or dive with a downward slash with P.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Royal Flush Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Gambit throws two hands of kinetically charged cards, hitting multiple times.
200px Rogue
Rogue has the ability to absorb the life force and superpowers of anyone through physical touch. She is married to Gambit.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Repeating Punch Down Down-right Right P Rogue dashes forward with a flurry of punches, finishing with an uppercut. This move can be performed in midair.
Rising Repeating Punch Right Down Down-right P Rogue flies into the air while delivering a series of punches.
Power Dive Punch Right Down Down-right K Rogue floats high into the air, then dives downward with a punch. The stronger versions jump higher into the air.
Power Drain Down Down-left Left K Rogue dashes forward and grabs her opponent, giving them a kiss that damages them and absorbs one of their abilities. This move can be performed in midair.
Absorbed Power Down Down-right Right K Rogue uses the power that she absorbed from her opponent with the Power Drain or Goodnight Sugar ability. She does not absorb any additional ability from another Rogue. Wolverine and Juggernaut give the same move.
Character Special move
Magneto Hyper Gravitation
Juggernaut Earthquake
Sabretooth Berserker Barrage
Storm Typhoon
Gambit Kinetic Card
Wolverine Berserker Barrage
Cyclops Optic Blast
Dhalsim Yoga Flame
Vega Psycho Shot
Chun-Li Kikouken
Zangief Spinning Piledriver
Cammy Cannon Drill
Nash Sonic Boom
Ryu Hadouken
Ken Shouryuuken
Gouki Zankuu Hadouken and Shun Goku Satsu
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Air Dash Right Right in midair Rogue dashes forward in midair.
Dive Kick Down+ HK  in midair Rogue drops with a diving kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Goodnight Sugar Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Rogue dashes forward and pummels her opponent into the air with a barrage of punches, ending with a kiss that absorbs one of their abilities.
200px Wolverine
Wolverine is a mutant with animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Berserker Barrage Down Down-right Right P Wolverine charges forward while slashing his claws.
Tornado Claw Right Down Down-right P Wolverine jumps into the air while rotating and slashing his claws. Pressing P repeatedly does additional hits.
Drill Claw Any direction +  MP  and  LK  Wolverine flies in any direction while spinning and holding a claw out.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Rebound D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Wolverine can jump off the edges of the screen.
Head Stomp Down+ MK  in midair Wolverine holds a straight leg in a head stomp.
Double Claw  MP   MP  Wolverine combos a second slash with his alternate hand.
Sliding Claw Down-right+ HP  Wolverine slides along the ground with his claws first.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Berserker Barrage X Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Wolverine charges forward with a barrage of slashes.
Weapon X Right Down Down-right + two adjacent P simultaneously Wolverine dashes forward and performs a series of slashes and kicks, ending with an X-shaped double slash.
200px Cyclops
Cyclops is the first member and leader of the X-Men. He can emit destructive beams of energy from his eyes, which he controls with a visor made of ruby quartz.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Optic Blast Down Down-right Right P Cyclops shoots a laser blast from his eyes that covers the entire width of the screen. When used with  LP , Cyclops fires the blast straight ahead while crouching. When used with  MP , Cyclops fires the blast straight ahead while standing. When used with  HP , Cyclops fires the blast at a diagonal upward angle while standing. He can also perform the move in midair, which is always fired straight ahead.
Optic Sweep Right Down-right Down P Cyclops shoots a laser blast at the ground, sweeping his opponent.
Gene Splice Right Down Down-right P Cyclops performs a rising uppercut. Pressing P repeatedly does additional hits.
Cyclone Kick Down Down-left Left K Cyclops leaps forward, doing a spinning kick followed by a low kick.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair Cyclops jumps again in midair. It works after a jump and also when falling or spinning.
Double Punch  LP   LP  Cyclops punches and follows up with another quick punch.
Double Kick  LK   LK  Cyclops kicks and follows up with another quick kick.
Spin Kick  HK   HK  Cyclops kicks and follows up with a jumping spin kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Mega Optic Blast Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Cyclops shoots a tall optic blast that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Control Beam Right Down-right Down + two adjacent P simultaneously Cyclops fires a wide optic blast that can be directed with Up or Down. This move can be performed in midair.

Street Fighter

Vega, Chun-Li, Nash, Ryu, Ken, and Gouki return from Street Fighter Zero. Dhalsim and Zangief return from Street Fighter Zero 2.

Though she had previously appeared in Super Street Fighter II and Super Street Fighter II X, Cammy premieres a new sprite depicting her as a Shadaloo agent. This sprite would later be used in Street Fighter Zero 2' and Street Fighter Zero 3.

200px Dhalsim
A Yoga master with the ability to stretch his limbs and conjure fire.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Yoga Fire Down Down-right Right P Dhalsim spits out a fireball that scorches whoever it touches.
Yoga Flame Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Dhalsim breathes a large mass of flame in front of him.
Yoga Blast Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Dhalsim breathes a large mass of flame at a diagonal angle in front of him.
Yoga Teleport Forward Right Down Down-right + all three P or K simultaneously Dhalsim disappears and reappears an the entire screen ahead with P or half the screen ahead with K.
Yoga Teleport Backward Left Down Down-left + all three P or K simultaneously Dhalsim disappears and reappears an entire screen back with P or half the screen back with K.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Yoga Spear Down+ HP  or K in midair Dhalsim spins downward like a drill. The angle depends on the button used, with  HP  being the closest to 0° and  HK  being the closest to 270°.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Yoga Inferno Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Dhalsim belches a chain of fireballs in front of him, which can be directed with Up and Down.
Yoga Strike Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Dhalsim jumps in front of him and tries to grab his opponent (if airborne) to slam them into the ground.
200px Vega (M. Bison)
An evil dictator and leader of the Shadaloo crime syndicate. He possesses a negative, psychotic energy called "Psycho Power."
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Psycho Shot Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Vega throws a fireball across the screen. When used with  LP , the fireball arcs upward. When used with  MP , the fireball travels straight ahead. When used with  HP , the fireball arcs downward.
Psycho Field Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Vega throws a slow-moving fireball that explodes into a large burst after traveling across the screen.
Double Knee Press Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K Vega leaps forward while kicking.
Head Stomp Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Vega flies into the air and stomps his opponent's head. After bouncing off his opponent's head, he can dive down again with a Psycho Fist by pressing P.
Skull Diver Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+P Vega flies into the air toward his opponent. This move can be followed by P to dive his opponent with a Psycho Fist.
Air Warp Right Down Down-right P Vega teleports into the air. When used with  LP , he reappears behind his previous position. When used with  MP , he reappears in front of his previous position. When used with  HP , he reappears on the other side of the screen from his previous position.
Ground Warp Right Down Down-right P Vega teleports onto the ground. When used with  LP , he reappears behind his previous position. When used with  MP , he reappears in front of his previous position. When used with  HP , he reappears on the other side of the screen from his previous position.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Psycho Crusher Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Vega spirals toward his opponent while infused with psycho energy.
Knee Press Nightmare Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Two other Vegas appear, and all three perform Double Knee Press maneuvers.
200px Chun-Li
An expert martial artist known for her high agility and strong kicks.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hyakuretsu Kyaku KKKKK Chun-Li unleashes a flurry of rapid kicks.
Tenshoukyaku Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Chun-Li jumps high into the air while spinning her legs around in kicks.
Kikouken Left Down-left Down Down-right Right+P Chun-Li shoots an energy ball across the screen.
Sen'en Shuu Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Chun-Li does a handstand and then kicks downward with a straight leg.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Jump D-Pad in the opposite direction when jumping onto the edge of the screen Chun-Li can jump off the edges of the screen.
Air Dash Right Right in midair Rogue dashes forward in midair.
Triple Jump Up in midair Chun-Li can jump a second and third time in midair.
Short Kick Up+ LK  in midair Chun-Li kicks a short distance in front of her.
Front Kick Right+ HK  in midair Chun-Li kicks a long distance in front of her.
Yosokyaku Down+ MK  in midair Chun-Li holds a straight leg in a head stomp.
Kaku Kyaku Raku Down-right+ HK  Chun-Li backflips high into the air, coming down with a kick.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Kikoushou Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Chun-Li produces a large fireball all around her.
Senretsu Kyaku Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Chun-Li moves forward quickly while performing a series of Hyakuretsu Kyaku kicks. She has a brief period of invulnerability at the beginning of the move (allowing her to pass through projectiles).
Hazan Tenshoukyaku Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Chun-Li performs a more powerful version of her Tenshoukyaku.
200px Zangief
A massive Soviet wrestler who specializes in devastating grappling moves.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Double Lariat All three P or K simultaneously Zangief spins around with his arms outstretched, knocking anyone who wanders into him. He spins around once with K and twice with P. He can move with Left and Right while spinning.
Spinning Pile Driver D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then P Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps high into the air, then drives them head first into the ground while spinning. This move can be performed in midair.
Flying Power Bomb Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (far away) Zangief grabs his opponent, jumps, and and slams them into the ground.
Atomic Suplex Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K (close) Zangief grabs his opponent and performs a series of rolling suplexes.
Banishing Fist Right Down Down-right P Zangief takes a step forward and does a low back hand slap. This move can neutralize projectiles.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Flying Body Attack Down+ HP  in midair Zangief falls down with a diving splash.
Double Knee Drop Down+ MK  in midair Zangief falls with his knees forward.
Headbutt Up+ MP  in midair Zangief performs a headbutt in midair.
Long Punch Right+ HP  in midair Zangief flattens his body and punches in the air.
Elbow Dive Down+ MP  in midair Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Elbow Drop Right+ MP  Zangief drops to the ground with his elbow out.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Final Atomic Buster D-Pad in a 360° rotation twice, then two adjacent P simultaneously Zangief performs two Atomic Suplexes followed by a Spinning Piledriver.
200px Cammy
A Shadaloo agent known as Agent Killer Bee, who is the leader of the Dolls.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Cannon Drill Down Down-right Right K Cammy spirals forward feet first like a drill. This move can be performed in midair.
Cannon Spike Right Down Down-right K Cammy leaps into the air with a front kick.
Axle Spin Knuckle Down Down-right Right P Cammy hops forward and does an elbow smash and a punch. This move passes through projectiles.
Cannon Revenge Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K Cammy glows and taunts her opponent. If her opponent attacks her while she is glowing, she counters with a Cannon Spike.
Cannon Strike Down Down-left Left K in midair Cammy dives with a downward kick.
Hooligan Combination Down Down-left Left P Cammy curls into a ball and hurls herself at her opponent. If no button is pressed, she ends with a sweep when she lands. When Cammy is near the opponent's neck or waist, the player can perform a takedown by pressing K while holding a direction toward the opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Double Jump Up in midair Cammy jumps again in midair. It works after a jump and also when falling or spinning.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Spin Drive Smasher Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Cammy performs a Cannon Drill followed by a Cannon Spike.
Killer Bee Strike Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Cammy attacks her opponent with a series of flying kicks. This move can be performed in midair.
200px Nash (Charlie)
A military officer with a strong sense of justice.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Sonic Boom Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Nash fires a circular energy wave across the screen by swinging his arm.
Somersault Shell Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+K Nash somersaults upward while performing two kicks.
Moonsault Slash Up Up-right Right K Nash drops down with a Somersault Shell.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Jump Sobat Left+ MK  or Right+ MK  Nash hops toward his opponent with a turning kick.
Step Kick Left+ HK  or Right+ HK  Nash takes a step forward and kicks.
Spin Back Knuckle Right+ HP  Nash rotates around and swings his fist like a club.
Knee Kick Down+ LK  in midair Nash falls with a knee drop.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Sonic Break Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Nash fires a barrage of Sonic Booms.
Crossfire Blitz Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Nash dashes forward while performing a series of fast kicks.
Somersault Justice Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Nash moves forward and then up while performing a series of Somersault Shells.
200px Ryu
An experienced martial artist unwaveringly focused on his training. He has mastered the Hadouken.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Ryu shoots a large fireball across the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Ryu rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking his opponent high into the air.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Ryu jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Sakotsu Wari Right+ MP  Ryu pulls his fist back and strikes forward and down, potentially hitting twice.
Senpuu Kyaku Right+ MK  Ryu leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Split Kick Up+ MK  in midair Ryu kicks into the air.
Straight Kick Up+ HK  in midair Ryu kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shinkuu Hadoken Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Ryu fires a tall beam of energy that covers a large area and hits multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left + two adjacent K simultaneously Ryu performs a version of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku that draws his opponent in and potentially hits multiple times.
200px Ken
A martial artist who is the best friend and rival of Ryu. He has mastered the Shouryuuken.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Ken shoots a small fireball across the screen. This move can be performed in midair.
Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Ken rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking his opponent high into the air. When performed with  HP , Ken has a flaming fist.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Ken jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Inazuma Kakato Wari Right+ MK  Ken kicks high into the air, then brings his leg down like an axe chop, hitting up to two times.
Split Kick Up+ MK  in midair Ken kicks into the air.
Straight Kick Up+ HK  in midair Ken kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Shouryuu Reppa Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Ken performs a series of low Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
Shinryuuken Down Down-right Right + two adjacent K simultaneously Ken performs a powerful spinning Shouryuuken that ascends upward.
200px Gouki (Akuma)
An emotionless and powerful warrior who has fights with the dark energy of Satsui no Hadou. He is a secret character who can be selected simply by pressing Up at the top of the character select screen.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Gou Hadouken Down Down-right Right P Gouki focuses energy through his palms and fires a surging punch across the screen.
Zankuu Hadouken Down Down-right Right P in midair Gouki shoots a single-handed Hadouken at a diagonal angle downward in midair.
Shakunetsu Hadouken Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Gouki shoots a flaming variant of the Hadouken.
Gou Shouryuuken Right Down Down-right P Gouki rises off the ground while punching upwards, knocking his opponent high into the air.
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku Down Down-left Left K Gouki jumps into the air and spins around an axis with his leg extended. This move can be performed in midair.
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku Down Down-right Right K in midair Gouki dive kicks diagonally downward.
Ashura Senkuu Forward Right Down Down-right + all three P or K simultaneously Gouki glides forward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Ashura Senkuu Backward Left Down Down-left + all three P or K simultaneously Gouki glides backward. He is invulnerable in this state. He moves across the entire screen with P or half the screen with K.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Zugai Hasatsu Right+ MP  Gouki performs an open-handed chop, potentially hitting twice.
Senpuu Kyaku Right+ MK  Gouki leaps forward, doing a single spinning kick similar to a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.
Split Kick Up+ MK  in midair Gouki kicks into the air.
Straight Kick Up+ HK  in midair Gouki kicks straight ahead.
Move list (Hyper Combos)
Name Command Description
Messatsu Gou Hadou Down Down-left Left + two adjacent P simultaneously Gouki fires a tall beam of energy that covers a large area and hits multiple times.
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Down Down-right Right + two adjacent P simultaneously Gouki performs a series of low Shouryuukens while moving across the screen, culminating in a high Shouryuuken.
Tenma Gou Zankuu Down Down-left Left + two adjacent P simultaneously in midair Gouki fires multiple Zankuu Hadoukens at his opponent.
Shun Goku Satsu  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  Gouki glides to his opponent, then performs a series of attacks that cannot be seen as the screen flashes white.


X-Men vs Street Fighter, Characters, Apocalypse.png Apocalypse
An ancient and immortal mutant with the ability to control the molecules of his body to alter his form at will. He appears as the final boss.



The Saturn version of this game was extremely close to getting a European release, being given a price of £49.99 and being packaged with a 4MB Extended RAM Cartridge. It was meant to arrive in March, but Capcom and Sega pulled the plug at the last minute.


X-Men vs. Street Fighter proved to be a success for Capcom, and would lead to numerous other crossovers, starting with Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.


The Sega Saturn port of X-Men vs. Street Fighter was the first and to this day most accurate home conversion of the game, with a rival PlayStation release arriving a year later. Unlike X-Men: Children of the Atom, where the differences are relatively minor, the PlayStation of version of X-Men vs. Street Fighter strips out major features such as tag-team battles, changing the one-round two-on-two battles to a more conventional best-two-of-three-round setup.

Most notably, the PlayStation version makes significant graphical cutbacks across all elements of the game. Many frames of character and background animation were removed, with characters such as Magneto having almost entirely different (and more rigid) idle poses to compensate for the limited hardware. Even when animation is not a feature, the PlayStation often uses less detailed assets, and runs with a lower screen resolution at all times.

The Saturn conversion is able to achieve closer parity with the arcade version through its use of the 4MB Extended RAM Cartridge, which is required for the game to run. A side effect of this approach also means that loading times are shorter than on the PlayStation (though still longer than in the arcades, where there is no disc to access), with fights on Saturn hardware taking about one second to load versus the PlayStation's ten seconds.[5]

The 4MB Extended RAM Cartridge also means the X-Men characters have more frames of animation than their counterparts in the Saturn version of X-Men: Children of the Atom.

Production credits

  • Planner: Atsushi Tomita
  • Assistant: Takayoshi Terada, Moriyoshi Teruya
  • Programmer: AOI, Motsu, GIU, Eternal Sailor, Tora&Yume&?&Hide
  • Character Design: Akiman
  • Title Design: Shoei
  • Object Design: Minobe Hiroaki!, Rie Satou, Masanori.Kondo, Kanako♥Takami, Miwaringo♥, Y.Yamamoto, Tateishi Masayo, Toshihiro Suzuki, Sagata, Satoru Yamashita, INO, R.Naoi, Kako, Narancha, Shin, Ikusan, Kurose, G.Kamina, K.Kikutani, T.Ohsumi
  • Scroll Design: Iwai, Taka, Kisabon, MAY, Hisashi Sawada, Inoyan, Shinnosuke♥, Yoichi Tanoue, Hooly (Fukahori), Naobei, Yoko Fukumoto, Ziggy, Konomi, Isukesan120%, Manga-Chop
  • Music Compose&Arrange: Yuki Iwai, Yuko Kadota
  • Sound&Voice Design: Hiroaki "X68K" Kondo, Moe.T
  • Voice Actor: Norman Spencer, Cathal Dodd, Catherine Disher, Lenore Zann, Tony Daniels, Don Francks, Rick Bennett, Lorne Kennedy, Katashi Ishizuka, Tetsuya Iwanaga, Yuko Miyamura, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Susan Hart, Yoshiharu Yamada, Wataru Takagi, Tomomichi Nishimura
  • Producer: Tetsuya Iijima
  • General Producer: Noritaka Funamizu (POO)
  • Special thanks to: Sakomizu, Adviser Akitomo, Takuya Shiraiwa, Matt Taylor, Erik Suzuki, Kinu Nishimura, Jesus R. Bueno, Harumi Yamashita, Dana Moreshead, Alison Stroll, Rita Rokos, Darryl Williams, Mr.Kubozono, Mr.Hirao, Marcello Fortino, David Alex Stinson, Joseph Calamari, Satoshi Ise
Thank You For Playing
In-game credits
XMENvSF Saturn JP SSEnding.pdf

Magazine articles

Main article: X-Men vs. Street Fighter/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1997-41: "1997-41 (1997-11-28)" (1997-11-14)
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1997-42: "1997-42 (1997-12-05)" (1997-11-21)

Physical scans

Sega Retro Average 
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Consoles + (FR) NTSC-J
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Edge (UK) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="edge" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="54" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-17ec.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="famitsu" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="468" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-17f1.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Freak (IL)
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GamePro (US) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="gamepro" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="114" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-17fb.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Game Informer (US) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="gi" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="58" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1800.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Joypad (FR) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="joypad" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="71" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1805.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

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Mega Fun (DE) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="megafun" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1998-04" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-180f.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Next Generation (US) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="nextgeneration" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="39" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1814.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

neXt Level (DE) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="nextlevel" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1998-02" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1819.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="saturnfan" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1997-22" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-181e.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="saturnfan" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1998-02" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1823.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Saturn Power (UK) PAL
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="saturnpower" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="10" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1828.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Magazin (DE) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="segamagazin" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="52" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-182d.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) PAL
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="ssm" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="30" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1832.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="ssmjp" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="1997-42" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1837.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
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Query: SELECT `cargo__issuenames`.`name` AS `issuename`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date` AS `date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf` AS `pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name` AS `magname`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` AS `country` FROM `cargo__issuenames` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__magnames` ON ((`cargo__issuenames`.`code`=`cargo__magnames`.`code`)) WHERE `cargo__issuenames`.`code`="ssmjp" and `cargo__issuenames`.`num`="readers" ORDER BY `cargo__issuenames`.`name`,`cargo__issuenames`.`date`,`cargo__issuenames`.`pdf`,`cargo__magnames`.`name`,`cargo__magnames`.`country` LIMIT 1 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-183c.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

Sega Saturn
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19 reviews

X-Men vs. Street Fighter

Saturn, JP
XMVSF Saturn JP Box Back.jpgXMVSF Saturn JP Box Front.jpg
Saturn, JP (4MB RAM Pack)
XMVSF Saturn JP Box Back 4MB.jpgXMenvsSF Saturn JP Box Spine 4MBPack.jpgXMVSF Saturn JP Box Front 4MB.jpg
XMenvsSF Saturn JP Disc 4MBPack.jpg
X-menvsstreetfighter manual.pdf
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Jewel Case

Technical information

Main article: X-Men vs. Street Fighter/Technical information.


X-Men vs. Street Fighter

XmenVsStreetFighter title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Reception | Technical information | Bootlegs

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Query: SELECT `cargo__relationships`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__relationships` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__releases` ON ((`cargo__relationships`.`name`=`cargo__releases`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__relationships`.`relatedto`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" and `cargo__relationships`.`relationshiptype`="book" GROUP BY `cargo__releases`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1840.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__relationships`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__relationships` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__releases` ON ((`cargo__relationships`.`name`=`cargo__releases`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__relationships`.`relatedto`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" and `cargo__relationships`.`relationshiptype`="music" GROUP BY `cargo__releases`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1843.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__relationships`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__relationships` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__releases` ON ((`cargo__relationships`.`name`=`cargo__releases`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__relationships`.`relatedto`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" and `cargo__relationships`.`relationshiptype`="audiobook" GROUP BY `cargo__releases`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1846.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__relationships`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__relationships` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__releases` ON ((`cargo__relationships`.`name`=`cargo__releases`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__relationships`.`relatedto`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" and `cargo__relationships`.`relationshiptype`="video" GROUP BY `cargo__releases`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1849.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__relationships`.`name` AS `eventname`,`cargo__events`.`startdate` AS `startdate` FROM `cargo__relationships` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__events` ON ((`cargo__relationships`.`name`=`cargo__events`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__relationships`.`relatedto`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" and `cargo__relationships`.`relationshiptype`="event" GROUP BY `cargo__events`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__events`.`startdate` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-184c.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__demos`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__codeformat`.`code` AS `code`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__releases` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__demos` ON ((`cargo__releases`.`name`=`cargo__demos`.`name`)) LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__codeformat` ON ((`cargo__demos`.`format`=`cargo__codeformat`.`format`)) WHERE `cargo__demos`.`game`="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" GROUP BY `cargo__demos`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__demos`.`name`,`cargo__codeformat`.`code`,`cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1850.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__prototypes`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__codeformat`.`code` AS `code` FROM `cargo__prototypes` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__codeformat` ON ((`cargo__prototypes`.`format`=`cargo__codeformat`.`format`)) WHERE final="X-Men vs. Street Fighter" GROUP BY `cargo__prototypes`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__prototypes`.`name`,`cargo__codeformat`.`code` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1853.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost)

X-Men games for Sega systems
Sega Mega Drive
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (1993) | X-Men (1993) | Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (1994) | X-Men 2: Clone Wars (1995) | X-Women: The Sinister Virus (unreleased)
Sega Game Gear
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (1994) | X-Men (1994) | X-Men: GamesMaster's Legacy (1994) | X-Men: Mojo World (1996)
Sega Saturn
X-Men: Children of the Atom (1995) | X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1997)
Sega Master System
X-Men: Mojo World (1996)
Sega 32X
X-Men: Mind Games (Unreleased)
X-Men related media
A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__releases`.`name` AS `name`,`cargo__releases`.`date` AS `date` FROM `cargo__franchises` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__releases` ON ((`cargo__franchises`.`name`=`cargo__releases`.`name`)) WHERE `cargo__franchises`.`franchise`="X-Men (franchise)" and `cargo__releases`.`type`="3" GROUP BY `cargo__releases`.`name` ORDER BY `cargo__releases`.`date` LIMIT 5000 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-15e6a-523ad2-1857.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") (localhost) </di

Unlicensed X-Men games for Sega systems
Sega Mega Drive
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Mega Drive) (1998)

Street Fighter games for Sega systems
Sega Mega Drive
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (unreleased) | Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition (1993) | Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)
Sega Saturn
Street Fighter: The Movie (1995) | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (1996) | Street Fighter II Movie (1996) | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Dash) (1996) | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (1996) | Street Fighter Collection (1997) | X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1997) | Pocket Fighter (1998) | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1998) | Capcom Generation: Dai 5 Shuu Kakutouka-tachi (1998) | Street Fighter Zero 3 (1999)
Sega Master System
Street Fighter II' (1997)
Sega Dreamcast
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (1999) | Street Fighter III: Double Impact (1999) | Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (2000) | Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service (2000) | Street Fighter Zero 3 for Matching Service (2001) | Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service (2001)
Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (2001)
Sampler discs
Sega Saturn
Street Fighter Zero 2 Taikenban (199x) | Street Fighter Collection Taikenban (1997)
Sega Dreamcast
Street Fighter Zero 3 Tentou Taikenban (199x)
Unlicensed Street Fighter games for Sega systems
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Jang Pung II (1993)
Sega Mega Drive
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Mega Drive) (1998)

Capcom vs. games for Sega systems
Sega Saturn
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1997) | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1998)
Sega Dreamcast
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1999) | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) | Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (2000) | Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (2001) | Capcom vs. SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 (2001)
Related Games
Sega Saturn
X-Men: Children of the Atom (1995) | Marvel Super Heroes (1997)