Publication codes
From Sega Retro
Magazines, United Kingdom | |
Publication | Code |
360 (UK) | 360 |
360 Gamer (UK) | 360gamer |
ACE (UK) | ace |
Amiga Action (UK) | amigaaction |
Amiga Computing (UK) | amigacomputing |
Amiga Force (UK) | amigaforce |
Amiga Format (UK) | amigaformat |
Amiga Mania (UK)Scenedicate (UK) | amigamania |
Amiga Power (UK) | amigapower |
Amiga User International (UK) | aui |
Amstrad Action (UK) | amstradaction |
Amstrad Computer User (UK) | acu |
Arcade (UK) | arcade |
Bad Influence! (UK) | badinfluence |
Big K (UK) | bigk |
commodorecomputing | |
Commodore Force (UK) | commodoreforce |
Commodore Format (UK) | commodoreformat |
Commodore User (UK) | cuser |
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK) | cgtc |
The Complete Guide to Megadrive (UK) | cgtm |
The Complete Guide to Sega (UK) | cgts |
Computer & Video Games (UK) | cvg |
Computer Gamer (UK) | computergamer |
Console XS (UK) | consolexs |
Crash (UK) | crash |
CU Amiga (UK) | cuamiga |
Cube (UK) | cube |
DC-UK (UK) | dcuk |
DC-Tips (UK) | dctips |
Dreamcast Magazine (UK) | dmuk |
Dreamcast Monthly (UK) | dcmonthly |
Dreamcast Solutions (UK) | dcsolutions |
Edge (UK) | edge |
Mean Machines: The Essential Sega Guide (UK) | esg |
GamePro (UK) | gameprouk |
Games Domain Offline (UK) | gdo |
The Games Machine (UK) | gamesmachineuk |
GamesMaster (UK) | gamesmaster |
Games World: The Magazine (UK) | gamesworld |
GamesTM (UK) | gamestm |
Games-X (UK) | gamesx |
Game Zone (UK) | gz |
GBX (UK) | gbx |
G-Force (UK) | gforce |
Home Computing Weekly (UK) | homecomputing |
Maximum (UK) | maximum |
Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) | mdag |
Mega (UK) | mega |
Mega Action (UK) | megaaction |
Mega Machines (UK) | megamachines |
Mega Play (US) | megaplay |
Mega Power (UK) | megapower |
MegaTech (UK) | megatech |
Mean Machines (UK) | mm |
Mean Machines Sega (UK) | mms |
Mr. Dreamcast (UK) | mrdc |
New Computer Express (UK) | nce |
Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) | nomuk |
NGamer (UK) | ngamer |
NGC Magazine (UK) | ngc |
N-Revolution (UK) | nrev |
Official Dreamcast Magazine (UK) | odmuk |
The Official Football Manager Magazine (UK) | ofmm |
The Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) | onmuk |
The Official PlayStation Magazine (UK) | opmuk |
Official Xbox Magazine (UK) | oxmuk |
The One (UK) | one |
The One for ST Games (UK) | onest |
PC Gamer (UK) | pcgameruk |
play | |
Play Gamer (UK) | playgamer |
PlayStation World (UK) | psw |
Popular Computing Weekly (UK) | pcw |
psm | |
psm3 | |
Raze (UK) | raze |
Retro Gamer (UK) | retrogamer |
S: The Sega Magazine (UK) | s |
Saturn+ (UK) | saturnplus |
Saturn Power (UK) | saturnpower |
Sega Force (UK) | sfuk |
Sega Force Mega (UK) | sfm |
Sega Magazine (UK) | segamaguk |
Sega Master Force (UK) | smf |
Sega Power (UK) | segapower |
Sega Pro (UK) | segapro |
Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) | ssm |
Sega XS (UK) | segaxs |
Sega Zone (UK) | segazuk |
Sinclair User (UK) | suser |
Sonic the Comic (UK) | stc |
ST Action (UK) | staction |
ST Amiga Format (UK) | stamigaformat |
ST Format (UK) | stformat |
Total Advance (UK) | totaladvance |
Total Control (UK) | totalcontrol |
Total PlayStation (UK) | totalps |
Total Saturn (UK) | ts |
TV Gamer (UK) | tvgamer |
Ultimate Future Games (UK) | ufg |
Video Gamer (UK) | videogameruk |
X360 (UK) | x360 |
Xbox Gamer (UK) | xboxgamer |
Xbox World (UK) | xboxworld |
X-Gen (UK) | xgen |
Your Commodore (UK) | yc |
Your Sinclair (UK) | ysinclair |
Zero (UK) | zero |
Zzap!64 (UK) | zzap64 |
Magazines, France | |
Publication | Code |
Amstar (FR) | amstar |
Amstrad Cent Pour Cent (FR) | acpc |
Arcades (FR) | arcades |
CD Consoles (FR) | cdconsoles |
Consoles Max (FR) | consolesmax |
Consoles Micro (FR) | consolesmicro |
Consoles News (FR) | consolesnews |
Consoles + (FR) | consolesplus |
Cubezone (FR) | cubezone |
Dreamcast: Le Magazine Officiel (FR) | dlmo |
Dreamzone (FR) | dreamzone |
Game Dream (FR) | gamedream |
GameOn (FR) | gameonfr |
Game Play 128 (FR) | gameplay128 |
GamePlay RPG (FR) | gameplayrpg |
Génération 4 (FR) | gen4 |
Hardcore Gamers (FR) | hcg |
Jeux et Stratégie (FR) | jes |
Joypad (FR) | joypad |
Joystick (FR) | joystick |
Mega Force (FR) | megaforce |
Micro Kid's Multimédia (FR) | microkids |
Micro News (FR) | micronews |
Next Games (FR) | nextgames |
Nintendo: Le Magazine Officiel (FR) | nlmo |
PC Jeux (FR) | pcjeux |
PC Team (FR) | pcteam |
Playbox (FR) | playbox |
Player One (FR) | playerone |
Playmag (FR) | playmag |
PSM2 (FR) | psm2fr |
Sonic Mag: B.D. & Jeux-Video! (FR) | sonicmag |
Supersonic (FR) | supersonic |
Tilt (FR) | tilt |
Top Consoles (FR) | topconsoles |
Ultra Player (FR) | ultraplayer |
Video Gamer (FR) | videogamer |
xlmo |
Magazines, Germany | |
Publication | Code |
4Players (DE) | 4players |
64'er (DE) | 64er |
Amiga Joker (DE) | amigajoker |
Aktueller Software Markt (DE) | asm |
big.N (DE) | bign |
CD Player (DE) | cdplayer |
Dreamcast: Das Offizielle Magazin (DE) | dmde |
Dreamcast Kult (DE) | dckult |
Dreamcast Lösungen (DE) | dl |
Dreamcast Magic (DE) | dcmagic |
Fun Generation (DE) | fungeneration |
gameexpress | |
GamePro (DE) | gameprode |
Gamers (DE) | gamersde |
GameStar (DE) | gamestar |
Games World Magazin (DE) | gwde |
Happy Computer (DE) | happycomputer |
MAN!AC (DE) | maniac |
Megablast (DE) | megablast |
Mega Fun (DE) | megafun |
N Games (DE) | ngames |
neXt Level (DE) | nextlevel |
N-Zone (DE) | nzone |
Das Offizielle Xbox-Magazin (DE) | doxm |
PC Games (DE) | pcgames |
Play (DE) | playde |
Play Time (DE) | playtime |
Power Play (DE) | pp |
Sega Magazin (DE) | segamagazin |
Sega Pro (DE) | segaprode |
TeleMatch (DE) | telematch |
Video Games (DE) | videogames |
Magazines, Spain | |
Publication | Code |
Club Nintendo (ES) | cnes |
DC Magazine (ES) | dcmagazine |
Dreamplanet (ES) | dreamplanet |
Electronic Gaming Monthly España (ES) | egmes |
HiTech (ES) | hitech |
Hobby Consolas (ES) | hobbyconsolas |
Mega Force (ES) | megaforcees |
Mega Sega (ES) | megasega |
Micromanía (ES) | micromania |
Nintendo Acción (ES) | nintendoaccion |
Nintendo World (ES) | nwes |
OK Consolas (ES) | okconsolas |
Revista Oficial Dreamcast (ES) | rod |
rox | |
Super Juegos (ES) | superjuegos |
Todo Sega (ES) | todosega |
Top Juegos (ES) | topjuegos |
Última Generación (ES) | ultimageneracion |
Magazines, Italy | |
Publication | Code |
Computer + Video Giochi (IT) | cvgit |
Console Mania (IT) | consolemania |
Dreamcast Magazine (IT) | dmit |
Dreamcast Arena (IT) | dcarena |
Dreamcast Galaxy (IT) | dcgalaxy |
Game Power (IT) | gamepower |
Gamereactor (UK) | gamereactor |
Game Republic (IT) | gamerepublic |
GamesMaster (IT) | gamesmasterit |
The Games Machine (IT) | gamesmachineit |
Guida Video Giochi (IT) | gvg |
HC (IT)Home Computer (IT) | hc |
K (IT) | k |
Mega Console (IT) | megaconsole |
Sonic Videogame & Fumetti (IT) | svgaf |
videogiochi | |
Zeta (IT) | zeta |
Zzap! (IT) | zzapit |
Magazines, Japan | |
Publication | Code |
Arcadia (JP) | arcadia |
Beep (JP) | beep |
Beep! MegaDrive (JP) | bemega |
Beep! MegaDrive (readers) (JP) | bemega_r |
Dreamcast Fan (JP) | dcfan |
Dreamcast Press (JP) | dcpress |
Dengeki Dreamcast (JP) | dengekidc |
Dengeki G's Magazine (JP) | dengekigs |
Dengeki Mega Drive (JP) | dengekimd |
Dengeki PlayStation (JP) | dengekips |
Dengeki Sega EX (JP) | dengekisegaex |
Dengeki Sega Saturn (JP) | dengekiss |
Dreamcast Magazine (JP) | dmjp |
Dreamcast Magazine (readers) (JP) | dmjp_r |
Dorimaga (JP) | dori |
Famitsu (JP) | famitsu |
Weekly Famitsu (readers) (JP) | famitsu_r |
Famitsu Saturn (JP) | famitsusaturn |
Famitsu DC (JP) | famitsudc |
Famitsu Xbox 360 (JP) | famitsux360 |
gameboy | |
Game Side (JP) | gameside |
Gamest (JP) | gamest |
Great Saturn Z (JP) | gsz |
Harmony (JP) | harmony |
High Score (JP) | highscore |
Famicom Hisshoubon (JP) | hippon |
Hippon Super (JP) | hippons |
Hyper Saturn (JP) | hypersaturn |
Marukatsu Mega Drive (JP) | mmd |
Mega Drive Fan (JP) | mdfan |
Nintendo Dream (JP) | nd |
Power Gamer (JP) | powergamer |
Saturn Fan (JP) | saturnfan |
Saturn Super (JP) | saturnsuper |
Saturn V (JP) | saturnv |
Sega Jack (JP) | segajack |
Sega Magazine (JP) | segamagjp |
Sega Players Enjoy Club (JP) | spec |
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) | ssmjp |
Sega Saturn Magazine (readers) (JP) | ssmjp_r |
Tech Saturn (JP) | techsaturn |
Used Games (JP) | usedgames |
weeklytv | |
Yūgē (JP) | yuge |
Magazines, South Korea | |
Publication | Code |
Game Champ (KR) | gamechamp |
Game Line (KR) | gameline |
Game Magazine (KR) | gamemag |
Game News (KR) | gamenews |
Game Times (KR) | gametimes |
Game World (KR) | gameworld |
Super Game (KR) | supergamekr |
Magazines, Netherlands | |
Publication | Code |
Hoog Spel (NL) | hoogspel |
Power Unlimited (NL) | pu |
Software Gids (NL) | softwaregids |
Magazines, Australia | |
Publication | Code |
The Australian Commodore Review (AU) | acar |
Australian GamePro (AU) | agp |
Cash Box International (AU) | cbi |
Edge (AU) | edgeau |
Gamestar (AU) | gamestarau |
GamesTM (AU) | gamestmau |
Hyper (AU) | hyper |
Leisure Line (AU) | leisureline |
Megazone (AU) | mz |
ngau01 | |
ngau07 | |
Official Australian Xbox Magazine (AU) | oaxm |
PSW (AU) | pswau |
Sega Zone (AU) | segazoneau |
Sega Megazone (AU) | smz |
Magazines, Denmkark | |
Publication | Code |
Gamereactor |
Magazines, Sweden | |
Publication | Code |
Datormagazin (SE) | datormagazin |
Power Play (SE) | ppse |
Sega Force (SE) | sfsw |
Super Play (SE) | superplayse |
svenska |
Magazines, Poland | |
Publication | Code |
Play (PL) | playpl |
PlayStation 2 Oficjalny Polski Magazyn (PL) | ps2opm |
PSM2 (PL) | psm2pl |
PSX Extreme (PL) | psxextreme |
Secret Service (PL) | secretservice |
Magazines, Argentina | |
Publication | Code |
Action Games (AR) | actiongames |
Next Level (AR) | nextlevelar |
Next Level Extra (AR) | nextlevelextra |
Magazines, Austria | |
Publication | Code |
GamingXP |
Magazines, Brazil | |
Publication | Code |
Ação Games (BR) | ag |
Electronic Gaming Monthly Brasil (BR) | egmbr |
Gamers (BR) | gamers |
gsd | |
Game-X (BR) | gx |
Old! Gamer (BR) | oldgamer |
players | |
ProGames (BR) | progames |
Supergame (BR) | supergame |
SuperGamePower (BR) | sgp |
Video Game (BR) | vg |
Magazines, Czech Republic | |
Publication | Code |
Excalibur (CZ) | excalibur |
Score (CZ) | score |
seganews | |
LeveL (CZ) | level |
Magazines, Finland | |
Publication | Code |
kp | |
MikroBitti (FI) | mb |
Pelimestari (FI) | pelimestari |
Pelit (FI) | pelit |
Super Power (FI) | superpowerfi |
Magazines, Greece | |
Publication | Code |
GamePro (GR) | gameprogr |
gamer | |
games | |
Pixel (GR) | pixel |
Sega Power (GR) | segapowergr |
Magazines, New Zealand | |
Publication | Code |
Computer Input (NZ)Computer Input (NZ) | computerinput |
Sega Computer (NZ) | sc |
Magazines, Portugual | |
Publication | Code |
Bestial! (PT) | bestial |
BGamer (PT) | bgamer |
Clube Sega (PT) | clubesega |
Mega Force (PT) | megaforcept |
Mega Score (PT) | megascore |
Multi Consolas (PT) | multiconsolas |
Player (PT) | playerpt |
Magazines, Taiwan | |
Publication | Code |
Diànshì Yóulè Bàodǎo (TW) | dyb |
Diànshì Yóulè Zázhì (TW) | dyz |
Dianji Dreamcast (TW) | ddctw |
Dianji Sega Saturn (TW) | dsstw |
Diànjí Wáng (TW) | dianjiwang |
Diànwán e Shìdài (TW) | des |
Famitsu PS2 Taiwan (TW) | famitsups2tw |
Fēi Xùn Diànwán Zhōukān (TW) | fxdz |
Game Fans (TW) | gamefans |
Gōnglüè Kuàibào (TW) | gk |
Jífēng Kuàibào (TW) | jk |
Super Gamer (TW) | supergamertw |
Weekly Famitsu (TW) | famitsutw |
Magazines, Denmark | |
Publication | Code |
Games Preview (DK) | gamespreview |
Sega Magazinet (DK) | segamagazinet |
Magazines, Hong Kong | |
Publication | Code |
Dream Wave (HK) | dreamwave |
Magazines, Russia | |
Publication | Code |
Velikiy Drakon (RU) | vd |
Video-Ace Dendy (RU) | vad |
Magazines, Hungary | |
Publication | Code |
576 KByte (HU) | 576kb |
Online, United Kingdom | |
Publication | Code |
Eurogamer | |
Games Domain | |
GamesRadar | |
NowGamer | |
PlayStation Universe | |
Thunderbolt |
Online, France | |
Publication | Code |
Jeuxvideo |
Online, Germany | |
Publication | Code |
4Players | |
Gamereactor |
Online, Spain | |
Publication | Code |
3DJuegos | |
Eurogamer | |
MeriStation | |
Vandal |
Online, Italy | |
Publication | Code |
Eurogamer | |
Games Collection |
Online, United States | |
Publication | Code |
1UP | |
All Game Guide | |
Cheat Code Central | |
CNET GameCenter | |
Daily Radar | |
Destructoid | |
GAF | |
GameCrate | |
GameShark | |
Game Revolution | |
GameSpot | |
GameSpy | |
GameTrailers | |
Gaming Maxx | |
Gaming Nexus | |
Gaming Target | |
Hardcore Gamer | |
IGN | |
Just Adventure | |
Joystiq | |
Nintendojo | |
Nintendo World Report | |
PlayStation LifeStyle | |
RPGamer | |
RPGFan | |
Sega-16 | |
Thunderbolt | |
UGO | |
USgamer |
Online, Japan | |
Publication | Code | |
Online, Belgium | |
Publication | Code |
Arcade Belgium |
Online, Brazil | |
GameHall |
Online, Canada | |
Publication | Code |
Extreme Gamer |
Online, New Zealand | |
Publication | Code |
Gameplanet | |
Thunderbolt |
Online, Portugual | |
Publication | Code |
Eurogamer |
Miscellaneous, United Kingdom | |
Publication | Code |
Coming Soon Magazine | |
Digitiser | |
GamesMaster (TV) | |
The Telegraph |
Miscellaneous, France | |
Publication | Code |
Télévisator 2 |
Miscellaneous, Germany | |
Publication | Code |
Error in "where" parameter: the string "#" cannot be used within #cargo_query.
Play Time TV † |
Miscellaneous, United States | |
Publication | Code |
All Game Guide | |
Arcade Express | |
A.V. Club | |
Cincinnati Enquirer | |
Coming Soon Magazine | |
Computer Gamer | |
Core Magazine | |
Digital Press | |
Electric Playground | |
Gamezilla! Online Magazine | |
Machinima | |
TechTV |
Miscellaneous, Brazil | |
GameHall |
Miscellaneous, Sweden | |
Publication | Code |
Norrköpings Tidningar |
Hivebrain what do you think
|- | |D+PAD Magazine
|- | |Defunct Games
|- | |Insomnia
|- | |SegaFan
|- | |VicioJuegos
|- | |The Video Game Critic
don't know what these are/were
|- | |Mad Gamers
|- | |PC Gamer
<- which one?