History of Sega in Sub-Saharan Africa
From Sega Retro
History of Sega in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Playing in Africa was present mainly in well-urbanized areas that had access to electricity. In the 80's, arcades were popular and one of the more popular ones was Streets of Rage.At the end of the 1980s, consoles such as NES and Sega Master System started to appear, but only rich people had them and could rarely be found. Real interest in consoles began in the early 90s when Sega Mega Drive was released, which became the well-known and most popular Sega console in Africa. There was also Sega Game Gear but it did not gain popularity mainly due to the presence of the Game Boy console and other cheaper systems such as Brick Game.[1][2] Mega Drive add-ons appeared in a small amount. The next consoles, Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast, passed without much interest despite the release in Africa. Products were available from local distributors, which unfortunately can not be recognized. A problem in African distribution is the presence of consoles in various systems. Consoles and games on the Asian PAL and European PAL system were available on the market.
All games after Dreamcast are sold in the European standard under the care of Sega Europe.
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