Virtua Fighter

From Sega Retro


Virtua Fighter Title.png

Virtua Fighter
System(s): Sega Model 1, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn
Publisher: Sega
Sound driver:
Sega Saturn
SCSP/CD-DA (18 tracks)
Peripherals supported:
Sega 32X
Six Button Control Pad
Genre: Fighting, Action[1]

Number of players: 1-2
Release Date RRP Code
Arcade (Model 1)
¥900,000[2] ?
Arcade (Model 1)
$? ?
Arcade (Model 1)
£6,000[2] ?

Sega Saturn
¥8,8008,800 GS-9001
Sega Saturn
PACK-INpack 81005
Sega Saturn
Sega Saturn
Sega Saturn
PACK-INpack 193016
Sega 32X
¥7,8007,800 GM-4013
Sega 32X
$69.9969.99[6] 84701
Sega 32X
Sega 32X

Virtua Fighter (バーチャファイター) is a fighting game developed by Sega AM2 and published by Sega for Sega Model 1 arcade hardware in 1993. It is the first game in the Virtua Fighter series. It is often cited as being the first fully 3D fighting game released to the general public, and is a basis for almost all subsequent games in the genre.

It was an influential game in the development of 3D polygon graphics, popularizing it among a wider audience (along with Virtua Racing), demonstrating 3D human character models effectively, with realistic movement and physics, creating the basic template for 3D fighting games (such as Tekken, Soul and Dead or Alive), and playing a key role in the development of early fifth-generation consoles (the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation). It was followed by a 1994 sequel, Virtua Fighter 2.


While much of the first Virtua Fighter's story would be retroactively filled in by newer games and merchandise, the basic premise of the first game is that martial artist Akira Yuki, specialising in the forgotten art form of "Hakkyoku-ken" enters the World Fighting Tournament, in an attempt to be recognised as the greatest fighter in the world.


Virtua Fighter is a versus fighting game, pitting two of nine characters against each other in a three-dimensional arena to fight until one is "knocked out". Unlike other games in the genre at the time (such as Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat), Virtua Fighter relies only on a control stick and three buttons,  BL  ("Defense" (guard/block)), P ("Punch") and K ("Kick"). Simple button combinations will trigger special attacks, and the large number of moves leads to a relatively complex fighting game.

Movements in Virtua Fighter are seen as more realistic than many of its popular 2D rivals from the likes of Capcom or SNK (although in this original game at least, characters still have the ability to jump the height of an average human). Virtua Fighter opts for a slower-pace with fighting styles modeled on those seen in the real world, alongside a "ring out" system, where fights can be lost if a player either walks or is knocked out of the ring.

While fights take place in a 3D arena, players can only manipulate their characters in two dimensions. Movement on the third dimension is dictated by the movesets of opposing characters, however regardless of orientation on the ring, fighters will always face each other head-on and the control scheme will never change.

Unique to Virtua Fighter upon release was the concept of characters receiving "damage". If hit with a barrage of attacks, loose items of clothing (for example, Pai's hat or Kage's mask) will fall off and lie on the arena floor until the match is over. This feature makes no difference to gameplay, but would become a staple in many of Sega's fighting games going forward.


Virtua Fighter contains eight characters each employing a different fighting style. A ninth character, Dural, is not readily available to players.

As well as detailing their careers and hobbies, Virtua Fighter also lists the character's blood type, which in Japanese culture can determine one's personality.

Virtua Fighter claims to feature over 700 moves, many of which were left undocumented for players to find.

Note: Move lists assume the player is standing, facing right. If facing left, Left and Right should be reversed.
VirtuaFighter Akira Portrait.png Akira Yuki
Akira is a 25-year-old kung-fu teacher with blood type O. Akira is largely considered the "star" of Virtua Fighter, featuring predominantly on cover art.

Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

VirtuaFighter Pai Portrait.png Pai Chan
Pai is an 18-year-old "action star" whose hobbies include dancing. She has blood type O.

Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

VirtuaFighter Lau Portrait.png Lau Chan
Lau, father of Pai, is a 53-year-old Chinese cook. He has blood type B and enjoys Chinese poetry.

During development, Lau was known as both "Lee" and "Tao". Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

VirtuaFighter Wolf Portrait.png Wolf Hawkfield
Wolf is a 27-year-old Canadian wrestler who enjoys karaoke. He has blood type O.


Running Clothesline Right Right P
Dashing Shoulder Left Right P
Knee Right K
Uppercut Down Right P
Backfall  BL  P
Body Slam Right P
Crucifix Piledriver Down Right Down Right P K
Twirl & Hurl Left Down Right P
Double Arm Suplex Left Down P K  BL 
German Suplex  BL  P
Single Punch + Roundhouse P K
Running Punches Right Right P P P
Knee + Uppercut Right Down Right K P


VirtuaFighter Jeffry Portrait.png Jeffry Mcwild
Jeffry is a 36-year-old fisherman from Australia who enjoys reggae music. He has blood type A.

Curiously, Jeffry's prototype name was Dural, a name re-assigned to the final character of the game. He was also briefly known as "Willy". Template:MoveListStart

Knee Right K
Uppercut Down Right P
Dashing Uppercut Right Right P
Toe Kick Down K P
Power Slam Right P
Body Press Left P
Crucifix Piledriver Down Right Down Right P K
Backbreaker  BL  P
Knee + Running Uppercuts Right Right Right K P P
Running Punches P P P
Punch + Roundhouse P K


VirtuaFighter Kage Portrait.png Kagemaru
Kagemaru (or just Kage) is a 21-year-old ninja who plays mahjong for a hobby. He has blood type B.

Kage was originally known as Yagyu during development. Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

VirtuaFighter Sarah Portrait.png Sarah Bryant
Sarah is a 20-year-old female college student from the United States. She enjoys sky diving and has blood type AB.

In earlier versions of the game, Sarah's name was spelt without the "h" (i.e. "Sara"). Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

VirtuaFighter Jacky Portrait.png Jacky Bryant
Jacky, older brother of Sarah is a 22-year-old male from the United States. He is a Indy car racer by trade and of blood type A.

Originally Jacky's name was spelt with an "ie" (Jackie). This was changed for the final version. Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd

Dural is the last fighter, being an amalgamation of all the other Virtua Fighter fighters.

Template:MoveListStart Template:MoveListEnd



Model 1 version

3D graphics in games were very primitive. You could only make models from triangles, which didn't even have textures. ... There wasn't the opportunity to make graphics that were really beautiful, and because of that I decided to spend all my efforts to make character movements correct and realistic. Yes, Street Fighter had nice sprites, but we had the advantage of very smooth movements

Yu Suzuki[10]

In 1992 Sega released the three-dimensional fighter, Dark Edge, which attempts to create 3D gameplay by manipulating sprites with the Sega System 32 arcade board. Dark Edge was, however, riddled with hardware limitations and failed to excite the gaming public - the next milestone in the genre had to use polygons.

Sega were not the first to come to this conclusion - Distinctive Software's niche home computer 4D Sports Boxing, released in 1991/1992, was another attempt at a three-dimensional combat game, but was strictly a boxing game, only used 3D polygons for the fighters (who barely resembled humans) rather than the environments, and lacked much of the freedoms enjoyed by Virtua Fighter's gameplay. Similarly to situation surrounding Virtua Racing, no single game on the market was offering to render a respectible number of polygons in real time while keeping a solid frame rate.

A "20% complete" build of what was known as Virtua Fighters was shown at the Amusement Machine Show 1993 in August[11] alongside Star Wars Arcade (then known as Virtua Star Wars). Only two characters out of the planned eight were on show[12] - Lau Chan, and the inevitably scrapped character Siba. While Virtua Fighters raised eyebrows, its early state meant it was not the star of the show - this accolade likely goes to Namco's Ridge Racer, a texture-mapped 3D racing game.

Akira Yuki is a particularly notable character in Virtua Fighter as he was a last-minute addition to the game (so much so that early cabinets do not feature him in the artwork at all). He replaced Siba (also known as "Majido"), a Middle-Eastern fighter who was axed from the game altogether for unknown reasons. Siba would eventually become an unlockable character in Fighters Megamix.

Suzuki stated that the game program was written with 50,000 lines of code.[13]

Another scrapped character, "Jeff" also exists within the game's code. Jeff sports a military cap and camouflage attire, and uses an incomplete set of Jacky's moves. Seiichi Ishii, instrumental in Virtua Fighter's design, would go on to help create the first two Tekken games by Namco, in which an extremely similar character (albeit as a robot), "Prototype Jack" (P.Jack) appears.

Saturn version

The Saturn version of Virtua Fighter was written almost entirely from the ground up alongside the hardware[14]. AM2 took a different approach to the arcade game, focusing on the quality of the animations over graphics, to the point where in early builds, characters could have as little as 100 polygons[15]. AM2 would then raise the polygon count as high as possible before the frame rate dropped to unacceptable levels.

One of these low polygon, low resolution, "30-40% complete" builds was shown at the '94 Tokyo Toy Show[14] in June 1994, where despite being playable, only two punches and two kicks could be performed[16]. Sega later clarified that this build represented less than two weeks of work[17]. A "45% complete" build was shown a few months later, now with an upped resolution to 640x224 (versus the 320x224 seen previously)[18] and more features.

Yu Suzuki had originally planned for 1,000 polygons for each scene in Virtua Fighter, but this milestone was met in the Tokyo Toy Show build[17]. This newer build was running with 1,300 polygons (550 per character and 220 for the ground), with hints that 2,000 may be possible in the final product[17]. The Saturn version was never set to hit the arcade's number of polygons overall, instead using texture mapping to reduce the number needed for facial expressions and floor textures[17].

32X version

The 32X version was meant to debut alongside the cancelled Sega Neptune project[19].


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Up until that time, fighting games (such as Capcom's Street Fighter series) were designed and rendered on sprite-based 2D graphics hardware—both the character animation and background scenery were composed of 2D sprites and tilemaps, which when using multiple layers produced a parallax scrolling effect as the screen moved to follow the characters. Virtua Fighter dispensed with the 2D graphics, replacing them with flat-shaded triangles rendered in real-time, using the Sega Model 1's 3D rendering hardware, allowing for effects and technologies that were impossible in sprite-based fighters, such as characters that could move left and right rather than just backwards and forwards, and a dynamic camera that could zoom, pan, and swoop dramatically around the arena. The game had a more realistic take on the genre, attempting to represent actual martial arts disciplines, making it more of a fighting simulation.[20]

Virtua Fighter's graphics, however, eventually became obsolete due to rapid advances in polygon technology that allowed for rounder, more detailed, textured, higher-polygon-count character models, as seen in Virtua Fighter 2. Nevertheless, Virtua Fighter forever revolutionized the fighting game genre, introducing a more realistic style of gameplay to the genre with its move to 3D.[21]


Virtua Fighter was a phenomenal success for Sega, particularly in Japan which was already consumed by arcade game fighting culture. After a slow start, it became one of Japan's highest-grossing arcade games of all time.[22] Its success has guaranteed future entries in the franchise ever since, and is amongst Sega AM2's most recognisable products.

Virtua Fighter was followed by Virtua Fighter 2 in 1994, which sports significantly improved visuals and two new characters. AM2's Seiichi Ishii would also leave following his work on this game to create Tekken for Namco, seen as an important competitor to Virtua Fighter during the 1990s.

Likewise, programmer Francois Yves Bertrand (credited as F.Y. Bertrand) was headhunted by Atari Corporation and put to work on the Atari Jaguar 3D fighting game, Fight for Life, cited as being a killer app for the system designed to rival the PlayStation and Saturn consoles (though mismanagement at the company led to an unfinished build being released).

Virtua Fighter was adapted into a comic book, published by Marvel Comics. It was released in May 1995, to coincide with the Sega Saturn's North American launch.[23]


As a milestone for both Sega and the fighting game genre as a whole, Virtua Fighter was widely tipped for release on the Sega Saturn console. A port was developed in conjunction with the hardware and was released in Japan as a launch title (before becoming the pack-in game for the subsequent North American and European launches of the console).

Views on the Saturn version are generally mixed, as while its existence led to Sega's console out-selling the PlayStation during its first few months of sale in Japan, it quickly became apparent that the port had been rushed to market with severe graphical and technical issues. Although the disc comes paired with higher quality arranged music inspired by the arcade soundtrack, polygon counts are significantly lower, five-second load times interrupt fights and the screen resolution is reduced over the arcade game.

On the Saturn, Virtua Fighter has issues rendering 3D content, with flickering polygons overlapping in odd ways (some of which occasionally disappear entirely), and animation issues, including an infamous bug where certain characters' feet to point in the wrong direction during their winning poses. The jerky camera of the arcade version is also carried over from the arcade game, and in some situations can behave worse than its arcade counterpart. Similar technical issues would be witnessed in Daytona USA, also created in parallel with the hardware.

By the time of the Western release in mid-1995, Virtua Fighter compared unfavourably to other early Saturn/PlayStation fighting games, such as Battle Arena Toshinden. In response, Sega released Virtua Fighter Remix shortly before the Winter launch of Virtua Fighter 2, which addresses some of the concerns and textures the 3D models. Virtua Fighter Remix quickly became the de facto version of Virtua Fighter, being the new console pack-in and the basis for Virtua Fighter PC.

A version of Virtua Fighter was also released for the Sega 32X, which in Japan debuted after the Saturn version (but before the Saturn version in other territories). Originally planned to be a Sega Neptune launch title, it suffers from even lower polygon counts than the Saturn version and various other cutbacks, but is otherwise relatively faithful to the original, subsequently being cited as one of the better games for the system. While the 32X renders fewer polygons at any one time, they are generally more "stable", with clipping and flickering being mostly absent from port (although some animation issues still remain). It is also the only 32X game with support for 16:9 widescreen displays.

Both home versions of the game added a "Round-Robin" tournament mode.

Ports for mobile phones also exist.

Production credits

Arcade version

In-game credits

Saturn version

In-game credits (JP)
VirtuaF1 Saturn JP SSOpening.pdf

US manual
Virtuafighter sat us manual.pdf

32X version

In-game credits
US manual
Virtuafighter 32x us manual.pdf

Track list

Saturn version

1. [data track]  
2. AM2 Logo (00:09) 
3. Stage Clear (You Won) (00:08) 
4. Stage Failed (You Lost) (00:07) 
5. Continue? - Game Over (00:18) 
6. Player Select (05:04) 
7. Jacky Bryant (05:10) 
8. Jeffry Mcwild (05:05) 
9. Sarah Bryant (05:09) 
10. Kage-Maru (05:06) 
11. Pai Chan (05:07) 
12. Wolf Hawkfield (04:55) 
13. Lau Chan (05:11) 
14. Akira Yuki (05:12) 
15. Dural (05:04) 
16. Name Entry (00:50) 
17. Rating - Average (00:09) 
18. Rating - Poor (00:09) 
19. Rating - Excellent (00:12) 
Running time: 53:05

Magazine articles

Main article: Virtua Fighter/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Main article: Virtua Fighter/Promotional material.

Photo gallery

Physical scans

Model 1 version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
83 №147, p100-101[27]
Based on
1 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Based on
0 reviews

Virtua Fighter

Model 1, US
VirtuaFighter Model1 US Manual.pdf
Model 1, JP

Saturn version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
56 №3, p126-129[28]
93 №39, p130-132[29]
94 №158, p12-19[30]
№160, p27[31]
№165, p32[32]
95 №165, p32[32]
90 №17, p72-75[33]
80 №21, p78/79
82 №46, p25
90 №311, p37
95 Sega Saturn Tsūshin, p6
95 №68, p31[34]
93 №73, p48[35]
95 №25, p34-37
96 №73
93 №15, p71
90 №45, p74[36]
100 №1, p142/143[37]
97 №29, p38-41
96 №28, p16-21[38]
95 №35, p88[39]
80 №4, p88[40]
95 №55, p54/55[41]
97 №63, p14/15
95 №41, p36/37
95 №49, p50
90 №, p9[42]
96 №3, p78-81[43]
88 №1, p76-79[44]
Sega Saturn
Based on
34 reviews
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Alaab Alcomputtar (SA)
Alaab Alcomputtar (SA)
CD Consoles (FR)
Consoles + (FR)
Computer & Video Games (UK) NTSC-J
Computer & Video Games (UK) PAL
Computer + Video Giochi (IT)
Digitiser (UK)
Edge (UK)
Electronic Entertainment (US) NTSC-U
Electronic Games (1992-1995) (US) NTSC-U
Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
Excalibur (CZ)
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
GameFan (US) NTSC-U
Game Players (US) NTSC-U
GamePro (US) NTSC-J
GamePro (US) NTSC-U
GamesMaster (UK) NTSC-J
Games World: The Magazine (UK) PAL
Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
Joypad (FR)
LeveL (CZ)
Maximum (UK)
Mega (UK) NTSC-J
Mega Fun (DE) PAL
Magazina Igrushek (RU)
Mean Machines Sega (UK) NTSC-J
Mean Machines Sega (UK) PAL
Next Generation (US) NTSC-J
Player One (FR)
Power Unlimited (NL)
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Saturn+ (UK) PAL
Score (CZ)
Sega Magazin (DE)
Sega Magazine (UK) PAL
Sega Power (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Pro (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Pro (UK) PAL
Sega Megazone (AU)
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Strana Igr (RU)
Super Juegos (ES)
Todo Sega (ES)
Ultimate Future Games (UK) NTSC-J
Ultimate Future Games (UK) PAL
Última Generación (ES)
Video Games (DE) NTSC-J
VideoGames (US) NTSC-U
Sega Saturn
Based on
52 reviews

Virtua Fighter

Saturn, US
Virtuafighter sat us backcover.jpgVirtuafighter sat us frontcover.jpg
Virtuafighter sat us manual.pdf
Saturn, US (Not For Resale)


Virtuafighter sat us manual.pdf
Saturn, EU
VirtuaFighter saturn eu cover.jpg
VirtuaFighter saturn eu cd.jpg
Saturn, JP
Virtuafighter sat jp backcover.jpgVirtuafighter sat jp frontcover.jpg
VirtuaFighter Saturn JP Spinecard.jpg
VirtuaFighter saturn JP cd.jpg
Saturn, BR
VF Saturn BR Cover Front.jpg
Saturn, Asia
VirtuaFighter Sat Asia Box Back.jpgVirtuaFighter Sat Asia Box.jpg
VirtuaFighter Sat Asia Spinecard.jpg
Saturn, PT

32X version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
80 №47, p136
95 №168, p36-39[7]
76 №75, p36[83]
75 №358, p30
85 Vol 3, №10, p17
93 №35, p62/63
92 №18, p59
93 №37, p70/71[84]
92 №57, p122/123[85]
95 №22, p84/85
96 №73, p52/53
91 №51, p56/57
94 №56, p26
Sega 32X
Based on
16 reviews
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
Consoles + (FR)
Computer & Video Games (UK)
Electronic Gaming Monthly (US) NTSC-U
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Fun Generation (DE)
Fusion (US) NTSC-U
GameFan (US) NTSC-U
Game Players (US) NTSC-U
GamePro (US) NTSC-U
GamePro (UK)
Gamers (DE)
Game Informer (US) NTSC-U
Hobby Consolas (ES) PAL
Mega Force (FR) PAL
Mega Fun (DE) PAL
Mean Machines Sega (UK) PAL
Next Generation (US) NTSC-U
Player One (FR)
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Magazine (UK) PAL
Sega News (CZ)
Sega Power (UK) PAL
Sega Pro (UK) PAL
Sega Pro (UK) PAL
Super Juegos (ES)
Todo Sega (ES)
Top Consoles (FR)
Tricks (RU)
VideoGames (US) NTSC-U
Sega 32X
Based on
31 reviews

Virtua Fighter

32X, US
VF 32X US Box Back.jpgVF 32X US Box Front.jpg
Virtua Fighter 32X US Cart.jpg
Virtuafighter 32x us manual.pdf
32X, EU
VF 32X EU Box Back.jpgNospine.pngVF 32X EU Box Front.jpg
Virtua Fighter 32X EU Cart.jpg
VirtuaFighter 32X EU Manual.pdf
32X, JP
VF 32X JP Box Back.jpgVirtuaFighter MD JP BoxSpine.jpgVF 32X JP Box Front.jpg
VirtuaFighter MD JP CartTop.jpg
VirtuaFighter MD JP Cart.jpg
Virtuafighter 32x jp manual.pdf
32X, BR
VF 32X BR Box.jpg
Virtuafighter 32x br cart.jpg
Virtuafighter 32x br manual.pdf

Technical information

ROM dump status

System Hash Size Build Date Source Comments
Sega 32X
CRC32 25aea73c
MD5 adcf6c6150d1bc3d073d3754b22ebc69
SHA-1 24b3063284a914c76d8d1f681e3ed6323b0d7d0b
4MB Cartridge (EU)
Sega 32X
CRC32 b5de9626
MD5 901e97c9f731fbdf1f1ead0fbf58249a
SHA-1 f35754f4bfe3a53722d7a799f88face0fd13c424
4MB Cartridge (JP/US)
Sega Saturn
571,731,216 CD-ROM (EU) MK81005-50 V1.000
Sega Saturn
572,046,384 1994-10-05 CD-ROM (JP) GS-9001 V1.000
Sega Saturn
572,011,104 CD-ROM (US) 81005 V1.000

External links


  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 File:MeanMachinesSega22UK.pdf, page 93
  3. File:MeanMachinesSega19UK.pdf, page 51
  4. Press release: 1995-05-19: Sega Saturn launch takes consumers and retailers by storm
  5. Press release: 1995-09-19: Sega Genesis 32X price comes down to $99
  6. 6.0 6.1 File:GamePlayers US 0811.pdf, page 68 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:GamePlayers US 0811.pdf_p68" defined multiple times with different content
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 File:CVG UK 168.pdf, page 36 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:CVG UK 168.pdf_p36" defined multiple times with different content
  8. File:HobbyConsolas ES 052.pdf, page 73
  10. Yu Suzuki Interview
  11. File:CVG UK 144.pdf, page 12
  12. File:CVG UK 144.pdf, page 18
  13. File:GameOn US 06.pdf, page 11
  14. 14.0 14.1 File:Edge UK 011.pdf, page 29
  15. File:Edge UK 011.pdf, page 28
  16. File:Edge UK 011.pdf, page 7
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 File:Edge UK 014.pdf, page 47
  18. File:Edge UK 014.pdf, page 46
  19. File:SegaMagazine UK 15.pdf, page 12
  21. htt (Wayback Machine: 2001-11-20 06:12)
  22. File:UltimateFutureGames UK 02.pdf, page 28
  23. File:GameOn US 06.pdf, page 12
  24. File:VirtuaF1_Saturn_JP_SSOpening.pdf
  25. File:Virtuafighter sat us manual.pdf
  26. File:Virtuafighter_32x_us_manual.pdf, page 31
  27. File:CVG UK 147.pdf, page 100
  28. 28.0 28.1 File:CDConsoles FR 03.pdf, page 126 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:CDConsoles FR 03.pdf_p126" defined multiple times with different content
  29. 29.0 29.1 File:ConsolesPlus FR 039.pdf, page 130 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:ConsolesPlus FR 039.pdf_p130" defined multiple times with different content
  30. 30.0 30.1 File:CVG UK 158.pdf, page 12 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:CVG UK 158.pdf_p12" defined multiple times with different content
  31. File:CVG UK 160.pdf, page 27
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 File:CVG UK 165.pdf, page 32 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:CVG UK 165.pdf_p32" defined multiple times with different content
  33. 33.0 33.1 File:Edge UK 017.pdf, page 72 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:Edge UK 017.pdf_p72" defined multiple times with different content
  34. 34.0 34.1 File:GamePro US 068.pdf, page 33 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:GamePro US 068.pdf_p33" defined multiple times with different content
  35. 35.0 35.1 File:GamePro US 073.pdf, page 50 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:GamePro US 073.pdf_p50" defined multiple times with different content
  36. 36.0 36.1 File:Joypad FR 045.pdf, page 74 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:Joypad FR 045.pdf_p74" defined multiple times with different content
  37. 37.0 37.1 File:MAXIMUM UK 01.pdf, page 142 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:MAXIMUM UK 01.pdf_p142" defined multiple times with different content
  38. 38.0 38.1 File:MeanMachinesSega28UK.pdf, page 16 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:MeanMachinesSega28UK.pdf_p16" defined multiple times with different content
  39. 39.0 39.1 File:MeanMachinesSega35UK.pdf, page 88 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:MeanMachinesSega35UK.pdf_p88" defined multiple times with different content
  40. 40.0 40.1 File:NextGeneration US 04.pdf, page 90 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:NextGeneration US 04.pdf_p90" defined multiple times with different content
  41. 41.0 41.1 File:PlayerOne FR 055.pdf, page 56 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:PlayerOne FR 055.pdf_p56" defined multiple times with different content
  42. 42.0 42.1 Saturn no Game wa Sekai Ichi~i~i~i!: Satamaga Dokusha Race Zen Kiroku, SoftBank Publishing, page 11 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:SnGwSISDRZK Book JP.pdf_p11" defined multiple times with different content
  43. File:UltimateFutureGames UK 03.pdf, page 74
  44. File:UltimaGeneracion ES 01.pdf, page 79
  45. Alaab Alcomputtar, "" (SA; 1995-08-xx), page 21
  46. Alaab Alcomputtar, "" (SA; 1995-08-xx), page 74
  47. Computer + Video Giochi, "Gennaio 1995" (IT; 199x-xx-xx), page 30
  48. Digitiser (UK) (1995-07-10)
  49. Electronic Entertainment, "September 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 80
  50. Electronic Games (1992-1995), "July 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 64
  51. Electronic Gaming Monthly, "July 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 38
  52. Excalibur, "" (CZ; 1995-06-29), page 1
  53. Famitsu, "1994-12-02" (JP; 1994-11-18), page 1
  54. GameFan, "Volume 3, Issue 7: July 1995" (US; 1995-xx-xx), page 13
  55. Game Players, "Vol. 8 No. 8 August 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 34
  56. GamesMaster (UK) "Series 4, episode 11" (1994-11-29, 24:00) (+8:08)
  57. Games World: The Magazine, "September 1995" (UK; 1995-0x-xx), page 71
  58. Game Informer, "July 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 55
  59. LeveL, "Květen 1995" (CZ; 1995-05-01), page 18
  60. MAN!AC, "01/95" (DE; 1994-12-07), page 9
  61. MAN!AC, "08/95" (DE; 1995-07-12), page 46
  62. Mega, "February 1995" (UK; 1995-01-xx), page 38
  63. Mega Fun, "08/95" (DE; 1995-07-19), page 77
  64. Magazina Igrushek, "3/1995" (RU; 1995-xx-xx), page 56
  65. Power Unlimited, "Jaagang 3, Jul/Aug 1995" (NL; 1995-06-28), page 36
  66. Saturn Fan, "1995 February" (JP; 1995-01-07), page 32
  67. Saturn+, "Christmas 1995" (UK; 1995-12-14), page 56
  68. Score, "Červen 1995" (CZ; 1995-06-01), page 26
  69. Sega Magazin, "August 1995" (DE; 1995-07-12), page 62
  70. Sega Magazine, "August 1995" (UK; 1995-07-13), page 56
  71. Sega Power, "February 1995" (UK; 1994-12-15), page 14
  72. Sega Pro, "February 1995" (UK; 1994-12-29), page 36
  73. Sega Pro, "September 1995" (UK; 1995-08-10), page 50
  74. Sega Megazone, "August 1995" (AU; 1995-0x-xx), page 18
  75. Strana Igr, "" (RU; 1996-xx-xx), page 93
  76. Super Juegos, "Agosto 1995" (ES; 1995-0x-xx), page 96
  77. Todo Sega, "Agosto 1995" (ES; 1995-0x-xx), page 32
  78. Ultimate Future Games, "February 1995" (UK; 1995-01-01), page 78
  79. Ultimate Future Games, "September 1995" (UK; 1995-08-01), page 72
  80. Última Generación, "Marzo 1995" (ES; 1995-0x-xx), page 76
  81. Video Games, "8/95" (DE; 1995-07-26), page 62
  82. VideoGames, "June 1995" (US; 1995-0x-xx), page 74
  83. 83.0 83.1 File:EGM US 075.pdf, page 36 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:EGM US 075.pdf_p36" defined multiple times with different content
  84. 84.0 84.1 File:MeanMachinesSega37UK.pdf, page 70 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:MeanMachinesSega37UK.pdf_p70" defined multiple times with different content
  85. 85.0 85.1 File:PlayerOne FR 057.pdf, page 122 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":File:PlayerOne FR 057.pdf_p122" defined multiple times with different content
  86. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 257
  87. Consoles +, "Octobre 1995" (FR; 1995-xx-xx), page 136
  88. Famitsu, "1995-10-27" (JP; 1995-10-13), page 1
  89. Fun Generation, "06/95" (DE; 1995-0x-xx), page 72
  90. Fusion, "Volume 1, Number 5: December 1995" (US; 1995-1x-xx), page 120
  91. GameFan, "Volume 3, Issue 10: October 1995" (US; 1995-xx-xx), page 17
  92. GamePro, "November 1995" (US; 1995-xx-xx), page 68
  93. GamePro, "December 1995" (UK; 1995-10-28), page 29
  94. Gamers, "November 1995" (DE; 1995-10-11), page 34
  95. Game Informer, "October 1995" (US; 1995-xx-xx), page 37
  96. Hobby Consolas, "Octubre 1995" (ES; 1995-xx-xx), page 82
  97. MAN!AC, "12/95" (DE; 1995-11-08), page 59
  98. Mega Force, "Octobre 1995" (FR; 1995-xx-xx), page 86
  99. Mega Fun, "11/95" (DE; 1995-10-18), page 74
  100. Next Generation, "November 1995" (US; 1995-10-24), page 179
  101. Saturn Fan, "1995 12-22" (JP; 1995-12-08), page 86
  102. Sega Magazine, "October 1995" (UK; 1995-09-12), page 84
  103. Sega News, "Prosinec 1996" (CZ; 1996-1x-xx), page 29
  104. Sega Power, "December 1995" (UK; 1995-10-19), page 52
  105. Sega Pro, "November 1995" (UK; 1995-10-05), page 56
  106. Sega Pro, "April 1996" (UK; 1996-02-28), page 26
  107. Super Juegos, "Octubre 1995" (ES; 1995-xx-xx), page 72
  108. Todo Sega, "Octubre 1995" (ES; 1995-xx-xx), page 44
  109. Top Consoles, "Octobre 1995" (FR; 1995-xx-xx), page 97
  110. Tricks, "Vypusk 8" (RU; 1996-xx-xx), page 28
  111. VideoGames, "October 1995" (US; 1995-09-19), page 84

Virtua Fighter

Virtua Fighter Title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Credits | Hidden content | Development | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Promotional material | Merchandise | Region coding | Technical information

Books: Virtua Fighter Maniax (1994) | V Jump Books Game Series: Sega Saturn Virtua Fighter (1994) | Virtua Fighter Maniax Replays (1994) | Virtua Fighter Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 1 for Novice (1994) | Virtua Fighter Strategy Guide (1995) | Virtua Fighter Ougi no Sho (1995) | Virtua Fighter Maniax for Windows (1995) | Virtua Fighter Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 2 for Expert (1995) | Virtua Fighter (1995)
Music: Virtua Fighter: Akira/Kage (1994) | Virtua Fighter: Saikyou no Senshi (1994) | Sega Saturn Virtua Fighter Maximum Mania (1994) | Virtua Fighter "Sega Saturn" Image by B-univ Neo Rising (1994) | Virtua Fighter & Virtua Fighter 2 Music Tracks (1996) | Virtua Fighter (2023)
Videos: Virtua Fighter CGMV (1994)

Sega 32X
Prototypes: 1995-05-30 | 06-15 | 06-30 | 07-17 | 07-21 | 07-24 | 07-25 | 07-26

Virtua Fighter series
Virtua Fighter (Remix | PC) (1993-1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 (Mega Drive | Sega Ages 2500 Series) (1994-1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 (3tb | 3tb Online) (1996-1997) | Virtua Fighter 4 (Evolution | Final Tuned) (2001-2004) | Virtua Fighter 5 (R | Final Showdown | Ultimate Showdown) (2006-2021)
Virtua Fighter Kids (1996) | Virtua Fighter Animation (1997) | Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary (2003) | Virtua Quest (2004)
Fighters Megamix ( | Dead or Alive 5 (5+ | Ultimate | Last Round) (2012-2015)
Portrait series
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series: (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | The Final) (1995-1996) | GG Portrait: Yuuki Akira (1996) | GG Portrait: Pai Chan (1996)
Virtua Fighter (LCD) (1995) | Electronic Virtua Fighter (199x) | Virtua Fighter (R-Zone) (199x) | Virtua Fighter 3 Win-PC-Collection (1996) | Virtua Fighter (2007) | CR Virtua Fighter (2008) | Virtua Fighter Mobile (2008) | Pachinko CR Virtua Fighter Revolution (2012) | Virtua Fighter Cool Champ (2012) | Virtua Fighter Fever Combo (2014) | Virtua Fighter Pachislot (2014) | Virtua Fighter Battle Genesis (2019)
Virtua Fighter 2 vs. Tekken 2 (199x)
Demo discs
Java Tea Original Virtua Fighter Kids (1996)
Virtua Fighter: Saikyou no Senshi (1994) | Sega Saturn Virtua Fighter Maximum Mania (1994) | Virtua Fighter "Sega Saturn" Image by B-univ Neo Rising (1994) | Virtua Fighter 2 Dancing Shadows (1995) | Virtua Fighter Soundtrack Vol. 1: Shinshou Hassei (1995) | Virtua Fighter Soundtrack Vol. 2: Ryuuko Kaikou (1996) | Ai ga Tarinaize (1996) | Virtua Fighter Soundtrack Vol. 3: Koubou Banjou (1996) | Virtua Fighter Complete Vocal Collection (1996) | Virtua Fighter Kids Sound Tracks (1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 Sound Tracks (1996) | Fighters Megamix Sound Tracks (1997) | Virtua Fighter 3 On The Vocal (1997) | Kimi ga Inai Yoru (1997) | Virtua Fighter 4 Official Soundtrack (2002) | Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Original Sound Tracks (2002) | Yuuki (2004) | Virtua Fighter 5 Original Sound Track (2011) | Virtua Fighter 5 R Official Sound (2012) | Virtua Fighter 5 Official Sound (2012) | Virtua Fighter Best Tracks + One (2015) | Virtua Fighter esports Premium Music Collection (2021) | Virtua Fighter (2023) | Virtua Fighter 3tb Online Premium Music Collection (2023)
Virtua Fighter Maniax (1994) | V Jump Books Game Series: Sega Saturn Virtua Fighter (1994) | Virtua Fighter Maniax Replays (1994) | Virtua Fighter Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 1 for Novice (1994) | Virtua Fighter Ougi no Sho (1995) | Virtua Fighter Maniax for Windows (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Act.1 (1995) | Virtua Fighter Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 2 for Expert (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Maniax Replays (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Act.2 (1995) | Virtua Fighter Remix Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Complete (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Maniax (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 1 for Novice (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Act.3 (1995) | Arcade Game Hisshou Hou Special: Virtua Fighter Kids (1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 Command Game Guide (1996) | Virtua Fighter Legend of Sarah (1996) | Virtua Fighter 2 Perfect Guide (1996) | Virtua Fighter 2 Fighter's Bible (1996) | Virtua Fighter 2 Game Guide Book (1996) | Virtua Fighter Graphics "Model 2" (1996) | Tokyo Virtua Monogatari (1996) | Virtua Fighter 2 Sega Saturn Fighting Manual Vol. 2 for Expert (1996) | Virtua Fighter Kids Fan Book (1996) | Virtua Fighter Honoo no Maki: Pai Chan Bukyou Gaiden (1996) | Virtua Fighter Ryuu no Maki: Touken Kairou (1996) | Virtua Fighter Kids Sega Saturn Fighting Manual (1996) | Virtua Fighter Kids Kyuukyoku Hon (1996) | Virtua Fighter Relax (1996) | Virtua Fighter: Arashi no Maki (1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 Act. 0.5 (1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 Act.1 (1996) | Virtua Fighter 3 Act.2 (1996) | Fighters Megamix Fighting Master's Guide (1997) | Fighters Megamix Official Guide (1997) | Virtua Fighter 2: Ten Stories (1997) | Fighters Mega Books (1997) | Fighters Megamix Comic Anthology (1997) | Virtua Fighter 3 Official Playing Guide (1998) | Virtua Fighter 3tb Kanzen Kouryaku Dokuhon (1998) | Virtua Fighter 3tb Perfect Guide (1998) | Virtua Fighter 4 Perfect Guide (2001) | Virtua Fighter 4 Yoku Wakaru Haoh Yousei Dojo (2002) | Virtua Fighter 4 Kanzen Kouryaku Guide PS2 Ban (2002) | PS2 Ban Virtua Fighter 4 Perfect Guide (2002) | Virtua Fighter 4 The Complete (2002) | Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Perfect Guide (2002) | Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution: Yokuwakaru Hisshou Senjutsu Shinan (2003) | PS2 Ban Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Complete Guide (2003) | Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary: Memory of Decade (2003) | Virtua Fighter 2 Technical Archive (2004) | Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Master Guide (2004) | Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation: Judgement Six no Yabou Kouryaku Navigation (2004) | Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Orange Book: Junkies' Last Stand (2004) | Virtua Fighter 5 Technical Book (2006) | Virtua Fighter 5 White Book: Keep It Real (2006) | Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book: Keep It Moral (2007) | Virtua Fighter 5 for PlayStation 3 Complete Guide (2007) | Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Masters Guide (2010) | Virtua Fighter no Neppa (2018)
TV and Film
Virtua Fighter CGMV (1994) | CGMV Virtua Fighter 2 (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Eternal Battle (1995) | Virtua Fighter (1995) | Virtua Fighter Special Training Pack (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Wheel of Fortune (1995) | Virtua Fighter 2 Wheel of Fortune The Best Bout (1996) | Sega Official Video Library Vol. 2: Virtua Fighter Kids (199x) | Virtua Fighter 3 (Columbia video series) (1996) | CGMV Special Virtua Fighter 3: Shippuu no Shou "System" (1996) | CGMV Special Virtua Fighter 3: Geki no Shou "Battle" (1996)